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Reference Number SD0406
Title Environmental technologies project: pathways to promote the development and adoption of cleaner technologies
Status Completed
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources 12%;
Energy Efficiency(Residential and commercial) 12%;
Not Energy Related 76%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields SOCIAL SCIENCES (Politics and International Studies) 75%;
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) 25%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Environmental dimensions) 25%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Policy and regulation) 50%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Technology acceptance) 25%;
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Institute for European Environmental Politics
Award Type Standard
Funding Source DEFRA
Start Date 01 January 2004
End Date 31 December 2005
Duration 24 months
Total Grant Value £63,650
Industrial Sectors No relevance to Underpinning Sectors
Region London
Programme DEFRA Systems for Resource Recovery
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Institute for European Environmental Politics (100.000%)
Web Site
Objectives Main Goals of the project· To identify and define the barriers to the development, diffusion and use of cleaner integrated technologies by households and businesses in the transport, energy, industrial and agricultural sectors.· To identify the policies and mechanisms to be used to encourage and facilitate more efficient development, adoption and use of cleaner technologies; to ensure “win-win” opportunities are grasped; and to help green general techno logy.The steps ofthe project as a wholeThe project is split into 6 work packages each of which has its own defined goals.· Work Package 1: Background studies on clean technologies in the energy, industry, transport and agricultural sectors – defining the state of play of clean technologies, barriers, drivers and policy instruments. This will help define which technologies or technology clusters the analysis would look at.· Work Package 2: Case studies. Eight cas e studies of clean technologies(two per sector) will be explored in depth through a questionnaire and interviews – linked to a model of innovation behaviour. We aim to have 800 responses from across the EU25, with 100 per case study, and with a core focus on the countries where the team partners are based. This will obtain detailed and statistically robust insights into the barriers and drivers and the relative importance and interplay of different factors determining the positions o f firms.· Work Package 3: Policy Instruments. This element will develop policy instrument recommendations to address the barriers and enhance the drivers.· Work Package 4: Stakeholder/expert seminars. The aim of this package is to disseminate insights on the barriers and drivers for clean technologies and explore which policy instrument recommendations are most likely to be effective and practical.· Work Package 5: This will constitute a report on the findings and rec ommendations for policy instruments.· Work Package 6: This will culminate in an international workshop to disseminate the results to key stakeholders.The eight case studies being undertaken in Work Package 2 are:· Transport: Clean Vehicle Technologies;· Transport: Urban Chain Mobility;· Energy: End use of Energy in Buildings;· Energy: Renewable Energy Technologies;· Industrial: Industrial Fuel Cells;· Industrial: White non-GMO B iotechnology;· Agriculture: Biofuels; and · Agriculture: Biorefineries.IEEP’s Roles and focus of the DEFRA Co-financingIEEP is involved in all aspects of the project, though IEEP’s major roles are:· Leading the agricultural case study on biofuels. (WP2)· Contributing, where required by our partners, to the other seven case studies through the collation of interviews and questionnaires from the UK and to a lesser extent the Commission.& #183; Leading the work package on policy instruments (WP3).
Abstract The aim of this research project is to assess the issues driving and barriers slowing the development and uptake of cleaner technologies by businesses and households across the energy, agricultural, transport and industrial sectors of the economy – this will be based largely on eight technology-specific case studies. IEEP will lead on the biofuels case study but will be involved in all eight. The project will clarify what are the barriers impeding progress of cleaner technologies andwhatpolicy initiatives, and additional research tasks, are needed to address these barriers. The output of this policy targeted research will be of particular use to policy makers looking for new tools and insights into how to encourage innovation and use of cleaner technologies and hence help in the practical implementation of sustainable development. The project is specifically intended to facilitate the European Commission in its development of the European Environmental Technologies ActionPlan. The projects output will be widely disseminated to policy makers and stakeholders across the EU. This project proposes to explore the drivers, barriers and policy context for cleaner technologies in each of the sectors, complemented by an in-depth analysis of 8 technology-specific case studies.
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 19/12/11