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33 publications found


Offshore wind installation vessels - A comparative assessment for UK offshore rounds 1 and 2

subsection imagePaterson, J., D’Amico, F., Thies, P.R., Kurt, R.E. and Harrison, G. 2018


An Integrated Data Management Approach for Offshore Wind Turbine Failure Root Cause Analysis

subsection imageKoltsidopoulos Papatzimos, A., Dawood, T. and Thies, P.R. 2017

Application of an offshore wind farm layout optimization methodology at Middelgrunden wind farm

subsection imagePillai, A.C., Chick, J., Khorasanchi, M., Barbouchi, S. and Johanning, L. 2017

Dynamic mooring simulation with Code(-)Aster with application to a floating wind turbine

subsection imageAntonutti, R., Peyrard, C., Incecik, A., Ingram, D.M., Johanning. L. 2017

Hybrid, Multi-Megawatt HVDC Transformer Topology Comparison for Future Offshore Wind Farms

subsection imageSmailes, M., Ng, C., Mckeever, P., Shek, J., Theotokatos, G. and Abusara, M. 2017

Reliability prediction for offshore renewable energy: Data driven insights

subsection imageEwing, F.J., Thies, P.R., Waldron, B., Shek, J. and Wilkinson, M. 2017

Review and application of Rainflow residue processing techniques for accurate fatigue damage estimation

subsection imageMarsh, G., Wignall, C., Thies, P.R., Barltrop, V., Incecik, A., Venugopal, V. amd Johanning, L. 2017

Testing the robustness of optimal access vessel fleet selection for operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms

subsection imageSperstad, I.B.,Stålhane, M., Dinwoodie, I., Endrerude, O.-E. V., Martin, R. and Warner, E. 2017


Comparison of Offshore Wind Farm Layout Optimization Using a Genetic Algorithm and a Particle Swarm Optimizer

subsection imagePillai, A.C., Chick, J., Johanning, L., Khorasanchi, M. and Barbouchi, S. 2016

Sensitivity analysis of offshore wind farm operation and maintenance cost and availability

subsection imageMartin, R., Lazakis, I., Barbouch, S. and Johanning, L. 2016


Optimisation of Offshore Wind Farms Using a Genetic Algorithm

subsection imagePillai, A.C.,Chick, J., Johanning, L., Khorasanchi, M. and Pelissier, S. 2015 document type


Offshore wind farm electrical cable layout optimization

subsection imagePillai, A.C., Chick, J., Johanning, L., Khorasanchi, M. and de Laleu. V. 2014


Condition Monitoring: Final Report on an Holistic Approach to Wind Turbine Monitoring

subsection imageFutter, D.N., Chevalier, R., Gilbert, D., Muguelanez, E., Whittle, M. and Infield, D. 2013 document type

