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Deep Water - Executive Summary

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Offshore Wind has huge potential to reduce carbon emissions and create economic prosperity, as well as increasing energy security of supply. For this potential to be unlocked, significant challenges that need to be overcome:

  1. Electricity costs need to be competitive with current (2010) onshore wind costs by 2020 and with conventional generation by 2050. This is illustrated in the Offshore Wind roadmap in Appendix D,
  2. Increased yields: annual offshore farm availability to be increased to 97%-98% or better (currently 80% to 90%),
  3. Reduce technical uncertainties to allow farms to be financed in a manner, and at costs, equivalent to onshore wind today.
Deep Water was one of three ETI Offshore Wind projects looking at new turbine design concepts, which were commissioned in 2009 in support of the aims outlined above. The othertwo were Helm Wind and NOVA. The focusof all projects was on enabling technologies that would have a significant impact on offshore wind cost of energy from 2020 onwards.

This project was led by Blue H Technologies. The consortium also included BAE Systems, Romax, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Agricultural Science, EDF, PAFA Consulting Engineers and Sea & Land Power and Energy Ltd. It delivered an economic and technical feasibility study for a novel floating TLP 5MW offshore wind turbine having a hybrid concrete/steel floater and a concrete counter weight

  1. This project has provided the ETI with valuable data on TLP floating foundation design and cost to inform the ETI Offshore Wind programme’s future work (2010 to 2015):
  2. The Turbine and TLP are not afully integrated system. In the next phase (if taken forward), further work would need to be done on modelling the interactions between waves, TLP, the tower and the nacelle. Existing commercial software will need to be enhanced to meet this need.Currentcommercial software models support structures fixed to the seabed / ground.

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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Project Report




Offshore Wind

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Deep Water