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Results - Energy Innovation Needs Assessment. Sub-theme report on Biomass and bioenergy (2019)

Author(s) Subtheme Group
Abstract This report covers both the production of biomass feedstocks, as well as the conversion of these feedstocks to different energy vectors. It focusses on how innovation could bring down costs and reduce barriers to deploying technologies within the biomass and bioenergy sub-theme. This work focusses on technologies at earlier stages of development rather than mature technologies with lower potential for further innovation
Download Energy Innovation Needs Assessment. Sub-theme report on Biomass and bioenergy (2019) document type
Year 2019
Status Current
Timescale No Data Supplied
Geographic Coverage UK
Funder BEIS
Methods Desk research and stakeholder enagagement
Stakeholder Academic community, industry and government
Document Structure No Data Supplied
Rights OGL 3.0