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Results - Energy Innovation Needs Assessment. Sub-theme report on Building fabric (2019)

Author(s) Subtheme Group
Abstract The building fabric sub-theme report focusses on all UK buildings, both domestic and non-domestic. The report focusses on building fabric exclusively as: 1) current building fabric inefficiencies are significantly increasing the indirect contribution of the building stock to UK emissions and targeting them is essential for the UK to achieve environmental targets, and 2) they provide opportunity for wider system benefits and export opportunities to be unlocked by the UK.
Download Energy Innovation Needs Assessment. Sub-theme report on Building fabric (2019) document type
Year 2019
Status Current
Timescale 2020 - 2050
Geographic Coverage UK
Funder BEIS
Methods Desk research and stakeholder enagagement
Stakeholder Academic community, industry and government
Document Structure No Data Supplied
Rights OGL 3.0