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Results - CCS Roadmap: Supporting deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage in the UK (2012)

Author(s) DECC
Abstract Provides an overview of the challenges and benefits of CCS deployment in the United Kingdom.
Download CCS Roadmap: Supporting deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage in the UK (2012)
Year 2012
Status Archived
Timescale Current to 2020s
Geographic Coverage UK
Funder UK Government
Methods Desk study, Consultation, Facilitated workshop(s), Working groups/task force, Integrated process
Stakeholder Government - energy
Document Structure Trends and drivers - list: Climate change; potential for UK to be global leader; domestic job creation; export opportunities Enablers - list: Need for cost reduction; electricity market reform; R&D innovation; International collaboration Performance measures/targets - list: Short, medium and long term R&D needs for whole system, capture, industrial CCS, transport, Storage Mapping of RD&D activities? Yes Critical assessment of capabilities? No
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