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Results - Technology Roadmap: Solar Thermal Electricity (2014)

Author(s) IEA
Abstract Solar thermal electricity (STE) generated by concentrating solar power (CSP) plants is one of those technologies. It has witnessed robust growth in the last four years, although less than expected in the 2010 IEA technology roadmap. More importantly, the technology is diversifying, creating pathways that promise to increase deployment by reducing costs and opening new markets. Meanwhile, the rapid deployment and the decrease in costs of solar photovoltaics (PV), as well as other important changes in the energy landscape, notably greater uncertainty in regard to nuclear power and CCS, have led the IEA to reassess the role of both solar technologies in mitigating climate change.
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Year 2014
Status Archived
Timescale upto 2050
Geographic Coverage Worldwide
Funder IEA
Methods No Data Supplied
Stakeholder Academic researchers, industry, government
Document Structure No Data Supplied
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