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838 publications found

Journal Article

Financing grassroots innovation diffusion pathways: the case of UK community energy

subsectionCairns, I., Hannon, M., BraunholtzSpeight, T., McLachlan, C., Mander, S., Hardy, J., Sharming, M and Manderson, E 2023

Embedding broader values in the regulatory model: An analysis of Ofgem's consumer value proposition for the natural gas distribution sector

subsectionPoulter, H. and Bolton, R. 2023

Chapter Eleven - Cycling, climate change and air pollution external website

subsectionBrand, C., Dekker, H-J. and Behrendt, F. 2022

Predicted wind and solar energy expansion has minimal overlap with multiple conservation priorities across global regions external website

subsectionDunnett, S., Holland, R.A., Taylor, G. and Eigenbrod, F. 2022

Remaking the regulatory model? Taking stock of ten years of customer engagement in Britains energy networks

subsectionPoulter, H. and Bolton, R. 2022

Local decarbonisation opportunities and barriers: UK public procurement legislation.

subsectionSugar, K., Mose, T. M., Nolden, C., Davis, M., Eyre, N., Sanchez-Graells, A., & Van Der Horst, D 2022

Land-use change from food to energy: meta-analysis unravels effects of bioenergy on biodiversity and cultural ecosystem services

subsectionDonnison, C., Holland, R.A., Harris, Z.M., Eigenbrod, F. and Taylor, G. 2021

Modeling the uptake of plugin vehicles in a heterogeneous car market using a consumer segmentation approach

subsectionBrand, C., Cluzel, C. and Anable, J. 2017 document type

Beyond Dieselgate: Implications of unaccounted and future air pollutant emissions and energy use for cars in the United Kingdom

subsectionBrand. C. 2016 document type

Industrial energy use and carbon emissions reduction: a UK perspective

subsectionGriffin. P.W., Hammond. G.P. and Norman. J.B. 2016

Evaluating the impacts of new walking and cycling infrastructure on carbon dioxide emissions from motorized travel: A controlled longitudinal study

subsectionBrand, C., Goodman, A. and Ogilvie, D. 2014

Policy and regulation for smart grids in the United Kingdom

subsectionConnor, P.M., Baker, P.E., Xenias, D., Balta-Ozkan, N., Axon, C.J. and Cipcigan, L. 2014

Characterising the Evolution of Energy System Models Using Model Archaeology

subsectionDodds, E., Keppo, I., and Strachan, N. 2014

The co-location of offshore windfarms and decapod fisheries in the UK: Constraints and opportunities

subsectionHooper, T. and Austen, M. 2014

Modelling Socio-Environmental Sensitivities: How Public Responses to Low Carbon Energy Technologies Could Shape the UK Energy System external website

subsectionMoran Jay B., Howard. D., Hughes. N., Whitaker. J., and Anandarajah. G. 2014

Spatial mapping of building energy demand in Great Britain

subsectionTaylor, S.C., Firth, S.K., Wang, C., Allinson, D., Quddus, M. and Smith, P. 2014

Cost and potential of carbon abatement from the UK perennial energy crop market

subsectionAlexander, P., Moran, D., Rounsevell, M.D.A., Hillier, J. and Smith, P. 2013

Estimating UK perennial energy crop supply using farm-scale models with spatially disaggregated data

subsectionAlexander, P., Moran, D., Smith, P.,Hastings, A., Wang, S., Sunnenberg, G., Lovett, A., Tallis, M.J., Casella, E., Taylor, G., Finch, J. and Cisowska, I. 2013

The potential of offshore windfarms to act as marine protected areas A systematic review of current evidence

subsectionAshley, M.C., Mangi, S.C. and Rodwell, L.D. 2013

Consumption-based GHG emission accounting: a UK case study

subsectionBarrett, J., Peters, G., Wiedmann, T., Scott K., Lenzen, M., Roelich, K. and Le Qur, C. 2013

Why is renewable heat in the UK underperforming? A socio-technical perspective

subsectionBergman, N. 2013

Accelerating the transformation to a low carbon passenger transport system: The role of car purchase taxes, feebates, road taxes and scrappage incentives in the UK

subsectionBrand, C., Anable, J. and Tran, M. 2013

Associations of individual, household and environmental characteristics with carbon dioxide emissions from motorised passenger travel

subsectionBrand, C., Goodman, A., Rutter, H., Song, Y. and Ogilvie, D. 2013

Geographies of energy transition: Space, place and the low-carbon economy

subsectionBridge, G., Bouzarovski, S., Bradshaw, M. and Eyre, N. 2013

The dynamics of solar PV costs and prices as a challenge for technology forecasting

subsectionCandelise, C., Winskel, M. and Gross, R. 2013

A sequential Monte Carlo model of the combined GB gas and electricity network

subsectionChaudry, M., Wu, J. and Jenkins, N. 2013

Lights into flights: estimating direct and indirect rebound effects for UK households

subsectionChitnis, M. S. Sorrell, A. Druckman and T. Jackson 2013

Energy Saving in Energy Market Reform - The Feed-in Tariffs Option

subsectionEyre, N. 2013

The technical potential of Great Britain to produce ligno-cellulosic biomass for bioenergy in current and future climates

subsectionHastings, A., Tallis, M.J., Casella, E., Matthews, R.W., Henshall, P.A., Milner, S., Smith, P. and Taylor, G. 2013

Organisation and governance of urban energy systems: district heating and cooling in the UK

subsectionHawkey, D., Webb, J. and Winskel, M. 2013

Tidal barrages in the UK: Ecological and social impacts, potential mitigation, and tools to support barrage planning

subsectionHooper, T. and Austen, M. 2013

A system dynamics model of tellurium availability for CdTe PV

subsectionHouari, Y., Speirs, J., Candelise, C. and Gross R. 2013

The structure of uncertainty in future low carbon pathways

subsectionHughes N., R. Gross and N. Strachan 2013

A Middle-Out Approach for Improving Energy Performance in Buildings

subsectionJanda, K.B. and Parag, Y. 2013

Accelerating the development of marine energy: Exploring the prospects, benefits and challenges

subsectionJeffrey, H., Jay, B. and Winskel, M. 2013

The availability of land for perennial energy crops in Great Britain

subsectionLovett, A., Sunnenberg, G. and Dockerty, T. 2013

Lessons from energy efficiency policy and programmes in the UK 1973 to 2013

subsectionMallaburn, P. and Eyre, N. 2013

Un-burnable oil: An examination of oil resource utilisation in a decarbonised energy system

subsectionMcGlade, C. and Ekins, P. 2013

Methods of estimating shale gas resources - Comparison, evaluation and implications

subsectionMcGlade, C. Speirs, J. and Sorrell, S. 2013

Unconventional gas - A review of regional and global resource estimates

subsectionMcGlade, C., Speirs, J. and Sorrell, S. 2013

Carbon footprints of cities and other human settlements in the UK

subsectionMinx, J., Baiocchi, G., Wiedmann, T., Barrett, J., Creutzig, F., Feng, K., Forster, M., Pichler, P., Weisz, H. and Hubacek, K. 2013

Investment risk and return under renewable decarbonization of a power market

subsectionMunoz J.I. and Bunn D.W. 2013

Network approach for local and community governance of energy: The case of Oxfordshire

subsectionParag, Y., Hamilton, J., White, V. and Hogan, B. 2013

Landscapes of threat: Exploring discourses of stigma around large energy developments

subsectionParkhill,K., Butler,C. and Pidgeon,N.F. 2013

Energy consumption and economic analyses of a district heating network

subsectionPirouti, M., Bagdanavicius, A., Ekanayake, J., Wu, J. and Jenkins, N. 2013

The Green Deal and the Energy Company Obligation

subsectionRosenow, J. and Eyre, N. 2013

Overcoming the Upfront Investment Barrier - Comparing the German Co2 Building Rehabilitation Programme And the British Green Deal

subsectionRosenow, J., Eyre, N., Burger, V. and Rohde, C. 2013

Evaluating the Evaluations: evidence from energy efficiency programmes in Germany and the UK

subsectionRosenow, J. and Galvin R. 2013

The role of instrumental, hedonic and symbolic attributes in the intention to adopt electric vehicles

subsectionSchuitema, G., Anable, J., Kinnear,N., Stannard, J. and Skippon, S. 2013

A GIS based assessment of bioenergy potential in England within existing energy systems

subsectionThomas, A.R.C., Bond, A.J. and Hiscock, K.M. 2013

An expert elicitation of climate, energy and economic uncertainties

subsectionUsher, W. and Strachan, N. 2013

The potential for bioenergy crops to contribute to meeting GB heat and electricity demands

subsectionWang, S., Hastings, A., Wang, S., Sunnenberg, G., Tallis, M.J., Casella, E., Taylor, S., Alexander, P., Cisowska, I., Lovett, A., Taylor, G., Firth, S., Moran, D., Morison, J. and Smith, P. 2013

Resolving or managing uncertainties for carbon capture and storage: Lessons from historical analogues.

subsectionWatson, J., Kern, F. and Markusson, N. 2013

Policy-relevant applications of environmentally extended MRIO databases - Experiences from the UK

subsectionWiedmann, T. and Barrett, J. 2013

Historical daily gas and electrical energy flows through Great Britains transmission networks and the decarbonisation of domestic heat

subsectionWilson, I.A., Rennie, A., Ding, Y., Eames, P.C., Hall, P.J. and Kelly, N.J. 2013

Learning pathways for energy supply technologies: Bridging between innovation studies and learning rates

subsectionWinskel, M., Markusson, N., Jeffrey, H., Candelise, C., Dutton, G., Howarth, P., Jablonski, S., Kalyvas, C. and Ward, D. 2013

Dimensions and determinants of expert and public attitudes to sustainable transport policies and technologies

subsectionXenias, D. and Whitmarsh, L. 2013

Modelling transport energy demand: a socio-technical approach

subsectionAnable, J., Brand, C., Tran, M. and Eyre, N. 2012

Building Communities: Why We Need a New Interdisciplinary Approach to Reducing Energy Use in Tenanted Commercial Property

subsectionAxon, C. J., S. J. Bright, T. J. Dixon, et al 2012

Assessment of Community Energy Supply Systems Using Energy, Exergy and Exergoeconomic Analysis

subsectionBagdanavicius A., Jenkins N., Hammond G. P., 2012

Power requirements for ground source heat pumps in a residential area

subsectionBagdanavicius, A. and Jenkins, N. 2012

Exergy analysis and exergoeconomics. A study of combined cycle cogeneration plant NB This article is in Lithuanian

subsectionBagdanavicius A. and Martinaitis V. 2012

Link between climate change mitigation and resource efficiency: A UK case study

subsectionBarrett, J. and Scott, K. 2012

Mobilizing community energy

subsectionBomberg, E and N McEwen 2012

The UK transport carbon model: an integrated life cycle approach to explore low carbon futures

subsectionBrand, C., Tran, M. and Anable, J. 2012

Implications for CdTe and CIGS technologies production costs of indium and tellurium scarcity

subsectionCandelise, C., Winskel, M. and Gross, R. 2012

Modelling UK energy system response to natural gas supply infrastructure failures

subsectionChaudry, M., Skea, J., Wang, X. and Jenkins, N. 2012

Public perceptions of geoengineering: Emerging perspectives & the challenge of upstream public engagement

subsectionCorner, A., Parkhill, K. A. and Pidgeon, N. 2012

Uncertainty and attitudes towards climate change: biased assimilation but no polarisation

subsectionCorner, A. Whitmarsh, L. and Xenias, D 2012

Carbon footprints in a bipolar, climate-constrained world

subsectionCranston, G.R. and Hammond, G.P. 2012

Personal carbon trading: is now the right time?

subsectionFawcett, T 2012

A 2020 GB transmission network study using dispersed wind farm power output

subsectionGerber A., Qadrdan M., Chaudry M., Jenkins N and Ekanayake J. 2012

Impact review of past UK public industrial energy efficiency RD&D programmes

subsectionGriffin, P.W., G.P. Hammond, K.R. Ng and J.B. Norman 2012

Decomposition analysis of energy-related carbon emissions from UK manufacturing

subsectionHammond, G.P. and J.B. Norman, 2012

The cost of offshore wind: Understanding the past and projecting the future

subsectionHeptonstall, P; Gross, R; Greenacre, P; and Cockerill, T 2012

Marginal abatement cost curves: a call for caution

subsectionKesicki, F. and Ekins, P. 2012

A socio-technical framework for assessing the viability of carbon capture and storage technology

subsectionMarkusson, N., Kern, F., Arapostathis, S., Chalmers, H., Ghaleigh, N., Heptonstall, P., Pearson, P., Rossati, D., Russell, S. and Watson, J. 2012

A review of the uncertainties in estimates of global oil resources

subsectionMcGlade C 2012

Carbon Management, local governance and community engagement

subsectionPeters, M. Fudge, S. Hoffman, S. and High-Pippert, A 2012

The potential for community groups to promote sustainable living

subsectionPeters, M., Sinclair, P. and Fudge, S 2012

Climate risk perception and communication: addressing a critical moment?

subsectionPidgeon, N.F. 2012

Public Perceptions of Geoengineering - Knowledge, Risk and Acceptability

subsectionPidgeon, N., Corner, A., Parkhill, K.A., Spence, A., Butler, C. and Poortinga, W 2012

From nuclear to renewable: Energy system transformation and public attitudes

subsectionPidgeon, N. and Demski, C.C. 2012

Sensitivity of crop model predictions to meteorological and soil data

subsectionPogson M., Hastings A. and Smith P. 2012

Individual-Motivational Factors in the Acceptability of Demand-Side and Supply-Side Measures to Reduce Carbon Emissions

subsectionPoortinga, W. Spence, A. And Pidgeon, N 2012

Energy Savings Obligations in the UK A History of Change

subsectionRosenow, J 2012

What will CCS demonstrations demonstrate?

subsectionRussell, S., Markusson, N. and Scott, V. 2012

Research and evidence needs for decarbonisation in the built environment: a UK case study

subsectionSkea, J 2012

The role of gas infrastructure in promoting energy security

subsectionSkea, J, Chaudry ,M, and Wang, X 2012

Shaping the global oil peak: a review of the evidence on field sizes, reserve growth, decline rates and depletion rates

subsectionSorrell, S, Speirs, J, Bentley, R, Miller, R and Thompson, E 2012

Failure to achieve stringent carbon reduction targets in a second-best policy world

subsectionStrachan, N. and Usher, W. 2012

Development and evaluation of ForestGrowth-SRC a process-based model for short rotation coppice yield and spatial supply reveals poplar uses water more efficiently than willow

subsectionTallis, M.J., Casella, E., Henshall P.A., Aylott M.J., Randle T.J., Morison J.I.L. and Taylor G. 2012

A multi-criteria based review of models that predict environmental impacts of land use-change for perennial energy crops on water, carbon and nitrogen cycling

subsectionThomas, A.R.C., Bond, A.J. and Hiscock, K.M. 2012

Critical mid-term uncertainties in long-term decarbonisation pathways

subsectionUsher, W. and Strachan, N. 2012

Living with nuclear power: sense of place, proximity and risk perception in local host communities

subsectionVenables, D., Pidgeon, N.F., Henwood, K.L., Parkhill, K. and Simmons, P. 2012

An Optimization Model for Energy Crop Supply

subsectionWang S.F., Hastings A. and Smith P. 2012

Economic and greenhouse gas costs of Miscanthus supply chains in the United Kingdom

subsectionWang, S., Wang, S., Hastings, A., Pogson, M. and Smith, P. 2012

How useful is the Multi-Level Perspective for transport and sustainability research?

subsectionWhitmarsh, L 2012

What role for micro-generation in a shift to a low carbon domestic energy sector in the UK?

subsectionBergman, N. and N. Eyre 2011

Nuclear power after Japan: the social dimensions

subsectionButler, C. Parkhill, K. Pidgeon, N 2011

Materials availability for thin film (TF) PV technologies development: a real concern ?

subsectionCandelise, C., Speirs, J., and Gross, R 2011

Nuclear Power, climate change and energy security: Exploring British public attitudes

subsectionCorner, A., Spence, A., Poortinga, W., Demski, C., and Pidgeon, N. 2011

Missing carbon reductions ? Exploring rebound and backfire effects in UK households

subsectionDruckman, A. M.Chitnis, S.Sorrell and T. Jackson 2011

Towards a Low-Carbon Economy: Scenarios and Policies for the UK

subsectionEkins. P., Anandarajah G., Strachan. N. 2011

A Major Environmental Tax Reform for the UK: Results for the Economy, Employment and the Environment

subsectionEkins, P., Summerton, P., Thoung, C., and Lee, D. 2011

Behaviour change in the UK climate debate: an assessment of responsibility, agency and political dimensions external website

subsectionFudge S. and Peters M. 2011

Paradigms, policy and governance: the politics of energy regulation in the UK post-2000

subsectionFudge S., Peters M., Mulugetta Y. and Jackson T 2011

The hesitant emergence of low carbon technologies in the UK: the micro-CHP innovation system

subsectionHudson, Winskel and Allen 2011

Buildings don't use energy: people do

subsectionJanda, K. 2011

Buildings Don't Use Energy: People Do external website

subsectionJanda, K. B. 2011

The development and application of a temporal MARKAL energy system model using flexible time slicing

subsectionKannan, R. 2011

Bringing appraisal theory to environmental risk perception: A review of conceptual approaches and suggestions for future research

subsectionKeller, C., Bostrom, A., Kuttschreuter, M, Savadori, L., Spence, A. and White, M. 2011

Alternative Travel Futures: Guest editorial and introduction to special issue

subsectionPangbourne, K. and Anable, J. 2011

Personal Carbon Trading: A Radical Policy Option for Reducing Emissions from the Domestic Sector

subsectionParag, Y. and Strickland, D. 2011

The role of social and decision sciences in communicating uncertain climate risks

subsectionPidgeon, N. and Fischhoff, B 2011

Special Collection on Nanotechnologies Risk Perception and Communication

subsectionPidgeon, N.F., Harthorn, B. and Satterfield, T. 2011

Uncertain climate: An investigation into public scepticism about anthropogenic climate change

subsectionPoortinga, W., Spence, A., Whitmarsh, L., Capstick, S. and Pidgeon, N. 2011

Counting the cost of carbon in bioenergy systems: sources of variation and hidden pitfalls when comparing life cycle assessments

subsectionRowe R., Whitaker J., Freer-Smith P.H., Chapman J., Ryder S., Ludley K.E., Howard D.C. and Taylor G. 2011

Scientific Research about Climate Change Mitigation in Transport: A critical review

subsectionSchwanen, T., Banister, D. and Anable, J. 2011

Estimating bio-energy resource potentials to 2050: learning from experience

subsectionSlade, R.; Gross, R; and Bauen, B 2011

Perceptions of climate change and willingness to save energy related to flood experiences

subsectionSpence, A., Poortinga, W., Butler C. and Pidgeon, N 2011

The psychological distance of climate change

subsectionSpence, A., Poortinga, W. and Pidgeon, N 2011

Winds of change: How high wind penetrations will affect investment incentives in the GB electricity sector

subsectionSteggals, W; Gross, R; Heptonstall, P 2011

Business As Unusual: Existing Policies in Energy Model Baselines

subsectionStrachan, N. 2011

Scepticism and uncertainty about climate change: dimensions, determinants and change over time

subsectionWhitmarsh, L. 2011

Climate change or social change? Debate within, amongst, and beyond disciplines

subsectionWhitmarsh, L., ONeill, S. and Lorenzoni, I. 2011

Public Engagement with Carbon and Climate Change: To what extent is the public carbon capable?

subsectionR Whitmarsh, L., Seyfang, G. and ONeill, S 2011

A Greenhouse Footprint Analysis of UK Central Government (1990 to 2008)

subsectionWiedmann T. and Barrett, J. 2011

Application of Hybrid Life Cycle Approaches to Emerging Energy Technologies The Case of Wind Power in the UK

subsectionWiedmann TO, Suh S, Feng K, Lenzen M, Acquaye A, Scott K, Barrett JR. 2011

Policy Attribute Framing: A Comparison between Three Policy Instruments for Personal Emissions Reduction

subsectionYael, P, Capstick, S, and Poortinga, W 2011

Interactions and Implications of Renewable and Climate Change Policy on UK Energy Scenarios

subsectionAnandarajah G., and N. Strachan 2010

Estimating the supply of biomass from short-rotation coppice in England, given social, economic and environmental constraints to land availability

subsectionAylott M.J., Casella E., Farrall K. and Taylor G. 2010

Understanding Changes in the UKs CO2 Emissions: A Global Perspective

subsectionBaiocchi, G. and Minx, J.C. 2010

The impact of social factors on consumer behaviour and carbon dioxide emissions in the United Kingdom: A regression based on input-output and geo-demographic consumer segmentation data

subsectionBaiocchi, G., Minx, J.C. and Hubacek, K. 2010

Review of mathematical models of future oil supply: Historical overview and synthesizing critique

subsectionBrandt, A.R. 2010

North and south: regional footprints on the transition pathway towards a low carbon, global economy

subsectionCranston, G.R. and G.P. Hammond 2010

Ecological debt: exploring the factors that influence national environmental footprints

subsectionCranston, G.R., G.P. Hammond and R.C. Johnson 2010

Egalite, fraternite, sustainabilite: evaluating the significance of regional affluence and population growth on carbon emissions

subsectionCranston, G.R. and G.P. Hammond 2010

Eco-Innovation for Environmental Sustainability: Concepts, Progress and Policies

subsectionEkins, P. 2010

Unannounced Environmental Tax Reform in the UK: The Fuel Duty Escalator and Income Tax in the 1990s

subsectionEkins, P., Kleinman, H., Bell, S., Shaw, B. and Venn, A. 2010

Personal carbon trading: A policy ahead of its time?

subsectionFawcett, T. 2010

Risks, revenues and investment in electricity generation: Why policy needs to look beyond costs

subsectionGross, R.; Blyth, W.; Heptonstall, P. 2010

Methodological Review of UK and International Low Carbon Scenarios.

subsectionHughes N. and N. Strachan 2010

The role of bioenergy in the UK's energy future: formulation and modelling of long-term UK bioenergy scenarios

subsectionJablonski, S., Strachan, N., Brand, C. and Bauen, A. 2010

Uncertainty analysis for Multi-Region Input-Output Models a case study of the UKs carbon footprint

subsectionLenzen, M., Wood, R. and Wiedmann, T. 2010

'Capture ready' regulation of fossil fuel power plants - Betting the UK's carbon emissions on promises of future technology external website

subsectionMarkusson, N. and Haszeldine, S. 2010

Thoughts on Energy and Buildings Research in the UK: objectives, methods and funding mechanisms

subsectionOreszczyn, T. and Lowe, R.J. 2010

Impact of a large penetration of wind generation on the GB gas network

subsectionQadrdan, M., Chaudry, M., Jainzhong, W., Jenkins, N. and Ekanayake, J. 2010

Energy, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability: Five Propositions' Sustainability

subsectionSorrell, S. 2010

Hubberts Legacy: a review of curve-fitting methods to estimate ultimately recoverable resources

subsectionSorrell, S. and J. Speirs 2010

Global Oil Depletion: A review of the evidence

subsectionSorrell, S. Brandt, A., Speirs, J., Miller, R., Bentley, R. 2010

Oil Futures: a comparison of global supply forecasts

subsectionSorrell, S., Miller, R., Bentley, R. and Speirs, J. 2010

UK microgeneration. Part II: technology overviews.

subsectionStaffell, I., Baker, P., Barton, J.P., Bergman, N., Blanchard, R., Brandon N.P., Brett, D.J.L et al. 2010

Two Models for Benchmarking UK Domestic Energy Demand

subsectionSummerfield, A.J., Lowe, R.J. and Oreszczyn, T. 2010

Changes in energy demand from low-energy homes

subsectionSummerfield, A. J., Pathan, A. , Lowe, R. J. and Oreszczyn, T. 2010

A Carbon Footprint Time Series of the UK - Results from a Multi-Region Input-Output Model

subsectionWiedmann, T., Wood, R., Minx, J., Lenzen, M., Guan, D. and Harris, R. 2010

Integrated optimal power flow for electric power and heat in a MicroGrid

subsectionAwad, B., Chaudry, M., Jianzhong Wu, and Jenkins, N. 2009

A review of microgeneration in the united kingdom. part I: Policy and behavioural aspects

subsectionBergman, N, Hawkes, A.D, Brett, D.J.L, et al. 2009

An initial assessment of the potential environmental impact of CO2 escape from marine carbon capture and storage systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A

subsectionBlackford, J., Jones, N., Proctor, R., Holt, J., Widdicombe, S., Lowe, D., Rees, A. 2009

"Hockey Sticks" Made of Carbon - Unequal Distribution of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Personal Travel in the United Kingdom

subsectionBrand, C. 2009

Tidal energy potential in UK waters. Proceedings of the ICE

subsectionBurrows, R., Walkington, I.A., Yates, N.C., Hedges, T.S., Li, M., Zhou, J.G., Chen, D.Y., Wolf, J., Holt, J. and Proctor, R. 2009

The tidal range energy potential of the West Coast of the United Kingdom

subsectionBurrows, R. , Walkington, I.A., Yates, N.C., Hedges, T.S., Wolf, J. and Holt, J. 2009

How Can Accelerated Development of Bioenergy Contribute to the Future UK Energy Mix? Insights from MARKAL Modelling Exercise

subsectionClarke, D, Jablonski, S, Moran, B, Anandarajah, G. and Taylor, G. 2009

Is there an 'energy gap'?

subsectionCollins, C, Gross, R. and Heptonstall, P. 2009

The macroeconomic rebound effect from the implementation of energy efficiency policies at global level

subsectionDagoumas, A. and Barker, T. 2009

The impact of EU policies on energy use in and the evolution of the UK built environment

subsectionEkins, P. and Lees, E. 2009

Solubility trapping in formation water as Co2 sink in natural gas fields

subsectionGilfiiian, J.S, Sherwood-Lollar, B, Holland, G, Blagburn, D, Stevens, S, Schoell, M, Cassidy, M, Ding, Z, Zhou, Z, Lacrampe-Couloume, G. and Ballentine, C. 2009

The influence of thermodynamic ideas on ecological economics: an interdisciplinary critique

subsectionHammond, G.P. and Winnett, A.B. 2009

Techno-economic design evaluation for fuel cell micro-CHP. Part II: model application to consider degradation.

subsectionHawkes, A.D. Brett, D.J.L. and Brandon, N.P. 2009

Techno-economic design evaluations for fuel cell micro-CHP. Part I: model formation

subsectionHawkes, A.D. Brett, D.J.L. and Brandon, N.P. 2009

On policy instruments for support of micro combined heat and power

subsectionHawkes, A.D. and Leach, M.A. 2009

Fuel cells for micro-combined heat and power generation

subsectionHawkes, A.D, Staffell, I, Brett, D.J.L. and Brandon, N.P. 2009

Direction of travel

subsectionHeptonstall, P; Gross, R 2009

Uncertainties in Key Low Carbon Power Generation Technologies - Implication for UK Decarbonisation Targets

subsectionKannan, R. 2009

Modelling the UK residential energy sector under long-term decarbonisation scenarios: Comparison between energy systems and sectoral modelling approaches

subsectionKannan, R. and Strachan, N. 2009

Defects and conductivity in ceria-based oxides

subsectionKilner, J.A. 2009

Ionic conductors feel the strain

subsectionKilner, J.A. 2009

Performance of solid oxide electrolysis cells based on scandia stabilised zirconia

subsectionLaguna-Bercero, M.A, Skinner, S.J, Kilner, J.A. 2009

Analysis of errors in degree days for building energy analysis using Meteorolgical Office weather station data.

subsectionLayberry, R. 2009

Policy and strategy challenges for climate change and building stocks

subsectionLowe, R.J. 2009

Long-term performance of a mudrock seal in natural CO2 storage

subsectionLu, J.J, Wilkinson, M, Haszeldine, S. and Fallick, A 2009

Promoting physical activity and reducing climate change: opportunities to replace short car trips with active transportation

subsectionMaibach, E, Anable, J. and Steg, L. 2009

Input-output analysis and carbon footprinting: An overview of regional and corporate applications

subsectionMinx, J., Wiedmann, T., Wood, R., Peters, G., Lenzen, M., Owen, A., Scott, K., Barrett, J., Hubacek, K., Baiocchi, G., Paul, A., Dawkins, E., Briggs, J., Guan, D., Suh, S. and Ackermann, F. 2009

EU Renewable Energy Policy: Faith or Facts

subsectionMitchell, C., Jacobsson, S., Bergek, A., Finon, D., Lauber, V., Toke, D. and Verbruggen, A. 2009

Towards trust in regulation - moving to a public value regulation

subsectionMitchell, C. and Woodman, B. 2009

Consumersuppliergovernment triangular relations: Rethinking the UK policy path for carbon emissions reduction from the UK residential sector

subsectionParag, Y. and Darby, S. 2009

Identifying potential environmental impacts of large-scale deployment of dedicated bioenergy crops in the UK.

subsectionRowe, R.L., Street, N.R. and Taylor, G. 2009

Oxygen diffusion in Sr0.75Y0.25CoO2.625: A molecular dynamics study

subsectionRupasov, D, Chroneos, A, Parfitt, D, Kilner, J.A, Grimes, R.W, Istomin, S.Ya. and Antipov, E.V. 2009

Jevons revisited: the evidence for backfire from improved energy efficiency

subsectionSorrell, S. 2009

Empirical estimates of the direct rebound effect: a review

subsectionSorrell, S, Dimitropoulos J, and Sommerville, M. 2009

Predicted structure and stability of A4B3O12 -phase compositions

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Achieving the G8 50% Target: Modelling Induced and Accelerated Technological Change Using the Macro-econometric Model E3MG

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Structure and transport in rare-earth ferrates

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Intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells

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Anisotropic oxygen diffusion properties in epitaxial thin films of La2Ni04+delta

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Smarter choices: Assessing the potential to achieve traffic reduction using 'soft measures'

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Multi-time Period Combined Gas and Electricity Network Optimisation

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Atomistic computer simulation of oxygen ion conduction mechanisms La2NiO4

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Lighting power

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Enabling technologies for industrial energy demand management

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Engineering sustainability: energy efficiency, thermodynamic analysis and the industrial sector

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SIMS artifacts in the near surface depths profiling of oxygen conducting ceramics

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Transition metal complexes of Cubic (T8) Oligo-Silsequioxanes

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Risk Assessment of UK Electricity Supply in a Rapidly Evolving Energy Sector

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Yttrium-doped barium zirconates as ceramic conductors in the intermediate temperature range

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TEM and impedance spectroscopy of doped ceria electrolytes

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Zero point fluctuations in naphthalene and their effect on charge transport parameters

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The effect of morphology on electron field-effect mobility in disordered C60 thin-films

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Analysis of errors in degree days for building energy analysis using Meteorolgical Office weather stations data

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Degree days for building energy management - presentation of new data set.

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Fully Condensed Polyhedral Oligosilsesquioxanes (POSS): From Synthesis to Application

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Functional ceramic materials database: An online resource for materials research

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Policies and practices for a low-carbon society

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Intermittent renewable generation and the cost of maintaining power system reliability.

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The rebound effect: microeconomic definitions, limitations and extensions

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Low Carbon Society Modelling

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Policy implications from modelling long term senarios for low carbon societies

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Hybrid modelling of long-term carbon reduction scenarios for the UK

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The role of international drivers on UK scenarios of a low-carbon society

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The synthesis and sintering behaviour of BaZr0.9Y0.1O3 powders by spray pyrolysis

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Solid oxide proton conducting steam electrolysers

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Solid oxide proton conducting steam electrolysers

subsectionStuart, P.A., Unno, T., Kilner, J.A., Skinner, S.J. 2008

Mechanism of photocatalytic water splitting in TiO2. Recreation of water with photoholes, importance of charge carrier dynamics

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UKERC bioenergy-current activity

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Future atmospheric CO2 leads to delayed autumnal senescence

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Impedance studies of cathode/electrolyte behaviour in SOFC

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Accurate Gas-Phase Experimental Structures of Octa-Silsesquioxanes (Si8O12X8; X = H, Me)

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Regulatory Frameworks for Decentralised Energy

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Priorities, policies and (time)scales: the delivery of emissions reductions in the UK transport sector

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Yield and spatial supply of bioenergy poplar and willow short rotation coppice in the UK

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Development of a linear test rig for electrical power take off from waves

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The macroeconomic rebound effect and the UK economy

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Macroeconomic effects of efficiency policies for energy-intensive industries: the case of the UK climate change agreements, 2000-2010.

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Macroeconomic Effects of Efficiency Policies for Energy-intensive Industries: the Case of the UK Climate Change Agreement, 2000-2010.

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Carbon leakage from unilateral environmental tax reforms in Europe, 1995-2005.

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Macroeconomic Effects of Climate Policies for Road Transport: Efficiency Agreements Versus Fuel Taxation for the UK, 2000-2010

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Examining the carbon agenda via the 40% house scenario

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Electricity disclosure: the troubled birth of a new policy

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CO2 storage capacity estimation: issues and development of standards.

subsectionBradshaw, J, Bachu, B, Bonijoly, D, Burruss, R. Holloway, S, Christensen, N-P. and Mathiasen, O-M. 2007

Framework materials assembled from magnesium carboxylate building units

subsectionDavies, R.P, Less, R.J, Lickiss, P.D and White, A.J.P. 2007

Towards improved policy processes for promoting innovation in renewable electricity technologies in the UK.

subsectionFoxon, T.J. and Pearson, P. 2007

Renewables and the grid: understanding intermittency

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P., Leach, M., Anderson, D., Green, T. and Skea, J. 2007

Industrial Energy Analysis and Management: a European Perspective

subsectionGrubbstrom, RW, Hammond, GP, Probert, SD and Reis, AJPS 2007

Energy and sustainability in a complex world: reflections on the ideas of Howard T. Odum

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Industrial energy analysis, thermodynamics and sustainability

subsectionHammond, G.P 2007

Thermodynamic and related analysis of natural gas combined cycle power plants with and without carbon sequestration

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Bury it deep external website

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Carbon dioxide capture and geological storage

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Patterning of organic devices by interlayer lithography

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Optimisation of oxygen ion transport in materials for ceramic membrane devices

subsectionKilner, J.A. 2007

New Lessons for Technology Policy and Climate Change: Investment for Innovation

subsectionKohler, J., Barker, T., Pan, H., Angolucci, P., Ekins,P., Foxon, T., Anderson, D., Winne, S., Dewick, P., Miozzo, M. and Green, K. 2007

QTL for yield in bioenergy Populus. Identifying G x E interactions influencing growth at three contrasting sites

subsectionRae, A.M, Pinel, M.P.C, Bastien, C, Sabatti, M, Street, N.R, Tucker, J, Dixon, C, Marron, N, Dillen, S.Y. and Taylor, G 2007

Characterisation of combinatorial libraries of perovskite materials for SOFC cathode applications

subsectionRossiny J., Fearn S., Kilner, J.A., Zhang Y., Chen L., Yang S., Evans JR., Zhang T., Yates K. and Cohen LF 2007

Prediction of the functional properties of ceramic materials from compositions using artificial neural networks

subsectionScott, D.J, Coveney, P.V, Kilner, J.A, Rossiny, J.C.H. and Alford, N.M.N. 2007

Improving the evidence base for energy policy: the role of systematic reviews

subsectionSorrell, S. 2007

Setting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets Under Baseline Uncertainty: The Bush Climate Change Initiative.

subsectionStrachan, N. 2007

Impact on wind generation on operation and development of the future UK electricity systems.

subsectionStrbac, G, Shakoor, A, Blackb, M, Pudjiantoa, D. and Boppc, T. 2007

Layered perovskites as promising cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells

subsectionTarancon A, Skinner, S, Chater, R.J. and Kilner, J. 2007

Governing Technology by Intellectual Property Rights - a review of Intellectual Property Rights: Innovation, Governance and the Institutional Environment edited by Birgitte Andersen

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Marine energy innovation in the UK energy system: financial capital, social capital and interactive learning

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Electricity disclosure: the troubled birth of a new policy

subsectionBoardman, B. and Palmer, J. 2006

Oxygen permeation in bismuth-based materials. Part II: Characterisation of oxygen transfer in bismuth erbium oxide and bismuth calcium oxide ceramic

subsectionCapoen, E., Nowogrocki, G., Chater, RJ., Skinner, SJ., Kilner, JA., Malys, M., Boivin, JC., Mairesse, G., and Vannier, RN. 2006

Interdisciplinary perspectives on environmental appraisal and valuation techniques

subsectionHammond, G.P. and Winnett, A.B. 2006

A review of natural CO2 occurrences and their relevance to CO2 storage external website

subsectionHolloway, S, Pearce, J.M, Hards, V.L. and Ohsumi, T. 2006

Top-down and bottom-up estimates of CO2 storage capacity in the UK sector of the southern North Sea Basin

subsectionHolloway, S, Vincent, C.J, Bentham, K. and Kirk, L. 2006

UK involvement in advanced reactor systems research

subsectionHowarth, P.J.A. and Abram, T.J. 2006

Objectives and applications of a statistical environmental stratification of Europe

subsectionJongman, S, Bunce, R.H.G, Metzger, R.G.H, Mucher, M.J, Howard, D.C. and Mateus, V.L. 2006

Solid oxide fuel cells - a challenge for materials chemists ?

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Woody biomass production during second rotation of a bioenergy Populus plantation increases in a future high CO2 world.

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Plasticity of growth and sylleptic branchiness in two poplar families grown in three sites across Europe

subsectionMarron, N, Bastien, C, Sabatti, M., Taylor, G., and Ceulemans, R., 2006

Quota's versus Subsidies - Risk Reduction, Efficiency and Effectiveness - A Comparison of the Renewable Obligation and the German Feed-In Law

subsectionMitchell, C., Bauknecht, D. et al 2006

Energy Crops: current Status and Future Prospects

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Energy Crops: Current Status and Future Prospects

subsectionSims, REH, Hastings Schlamadinger, AB, Taylor, G. and Smith, P. 2006

Emissions from distributed vs. centralized generation: The importance of system performance

subsectionStrachan, N. and Farrell, A. 2006

The Genetics and Genomics of Drought Response in Populus

subsectionStreet Nr Skogstrom, O, Sjodin, A, Tucker, J, Rodriguez-Acosta, M, Nilsson, P, Jansson, S. and Taylor, G. 2006

Differential impedance analysis of single crystal and polycrystalline yttria stabilised zirconia.

subsectionVladikova, D, Kilner, J.A, Skinner, S.J, et al 2006

Evidence for the microwave effect during hybrid sintering

subsectionWang, J, Binner, J, Vaidhyanathan, B. et al 2006

Energy Policy and Institutional Context: Marine Energy Innovation Systems

subsectionWinskel, M, McLeod, A, Wallace, R. and Williams, R. 2006

Natural geochemical analogues for carbon dioxide storage and sequestration in deep geological porous reservoirs

subsectionHaszeldine, R.S., Quinn, O., England, G., Wilkinson, M., Shipton, Z.K., Evans, J.P., Heath, J., Crossey, L., Ballentine, C.J. and Graham, C.M. 2005


The Global Challenge Of Encouraging Sustainable Living, Opportunities, Barriers, Policy and Practice

subsectionFudge, S., Peters, M., Hoffman, S.M. and Wehrmeyer, W. 2013

New Challenges in energy Security - The UK in a Multipolar World

subsectionMitchell, C., Watson, J. and Whiting, J. 2013

Energy 2050: Making the Transition to a Secure Low Carbon Energy System

subsectionSkea J, Ekins P and Winskel M 2011

Carbon-energy taxation: lessons from Europe

subsectionAndersen, M.S. and Ekins, P. 2009

Carbon Markets An International Business Guide

subsectionBrohe, A., Eyre, N. and Howarth, N. 2009

Personal Travel and Climate Change - Exploring Climate Change Emissions from Personal Travel Activity of Individuals and Households

subsectionBrand, C 2008

Renewable Energy in Power Systems

subsectionFreris, L and Infield, D. 2008

Energy efficiency and Sustainable Consumption. The Rebound Effect

subsectionHerring, H and Sorrell, S. 2008

Modelling Long-Term Scenarios for Low Carbon Societies

subsectionStrachan N., T. Foxon, and J. Fujino 2008

Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change external website

subsectionBarker, T. et al 2007

The Political Economy of Sustainable Energy

subsectionMitchell, C 2007

Book Chapter

Sustainability, Climate Change, and Transition in Global Energy

subsectionBradshaw, M.J. 2013

Nuclear Power after 3/11: Looking Back and Thinking Ahead

subsectionButler, C., Parkhill, K. and Pidgeon, N. 2013

Decentralisation of governance in the low carbon transition

subsectionEyre, N. 2013

The national debate on behaviour change in the UK: some observations on responsibility, agency and political dimensions

subsectionFudge S. and Peters M. 2013

Building Expertise: Renovation as Professional Innovation

subsectionJanda, K.B. and Killip G. 2013

Uncertainty and Variability in MRIO Analysis

subsectionOwen, A. 2013

Energy efficiency policy in Germany and the UK

subsectionRosenow, J. 2013

Challenges to the Shale Gas Revolution

subsectionDutton, J. 2012

Public policy and public opinion on shale gas development

subsectionDutton, J 2012

Competitiveness: What do we know from the Modelling?

subsectionEkins, P. and Speck, S. 2012

Urban Energy Systems

subsectionEyre. N. and Curtis. D. 2012

Climate change

subsectionFawcett, T. 2012

Designing and Creating my Low Carbon Home

subsectionMitchell, C 2012

A low carbon transition: from technological options to exploring governance issues

subsectionStrachan N. and T. Foxon 2012

Public responses to climate change and low-carbon energy

subsectionWhitmarsh, L. & Upham, P 2012

Carbon Capture and Storage: A Disruptive Innovation for Innovation Theory

subsectionWinskel, M. 2012

Pathways to a low carbon economy

subsectionAnandarajah G., Ekins P., and Strachan. N 2011

The Role of Institutions, Governance and Planning for Mitigation and Adaptation by Cities

subsectionBulkeley, H., H. Schroeder, K. B. Janda, et al. 2011

System Innovation for Environmental Sustainability: Concepts, Policies and Political Economy

subsectionEkins, P. 2011

UK Energy Policy and Institutions

subsectionEkins, P., Skea, J. and Winskel, M. 2011

Putting it all together: Implications for policy and action

subsectionEkins, P., Winskel, M., and Skea. J. 2011

The way we live from now on: Lifestyle and energy consumption

subsectionEyre N., Anable J., Brand C., Layberry R., and Strachan, N. 2011

A Change of Scale? Prospects for Distributed Energy Resources

subsectionHawkes, A, Bergman, N, Jardine, C, Staffell,I, Brett, D, and Brandon, N 2011

Not Just Climate Change: Other Social and Environmental Perspectives

subsectionHoward, D, Jay, B, Whitaker, J, Talbot, J, Hughes,N and Winskel, M 2011

Energy Futures: The Challenges of Decarbonization and Security of Supply

subsectionSkea, J, Anandarajah, G, Chaudry, M, Shakoor, A, Strachan, N, Wang, X and Whitaker, J 2011

A resilient energy system

subsectionSkea, J., Chaudry, M., Ekins, P., Kannan, R., Shakoor, A. and Wang, X. 2011


subsectionSkea, J., Ekins. P., and Winskel, M. 2011

UK Energy in an Era of Globalization: Trends, Technologies and Environmental Impacts

subsectionSkea, J, Wang, X., and Winskel, M 2011

UK energy in an uncertain world

subsectionStrachan N. and J. Skea 2011

Social and psychological drivers of energy consumption behaviour and energy transitions

subsectionWhitmarsh, L. 2011

Accelerating the Development of Energy Supply Technologies: The Role of Research and Innovation

subsectionWinskel, M, Anandarajah, G, Skea, J and Jay, B 2011

Hydrogen system modelling

subsectionBalta-Ozkan, N. and Strachan, N. 2010

Environmental risks and performance assessment of carbon dioxide (COo2) leakage in marine ecosystems

subsectionBlackford, J., Widdicombe, S., Lowe, D., and Chen. B. 2010

Making Reform Happen in Environmental Policy’

subsectionEkins, P., and Salmons, R. 2010

Engaging people in saving energy on a large scale: lessons from the programmes of the Energy Saving Trust in the UK

subsectionEyre, N., Flanagan, B. and Double, K. 2010

Liberalised Energy Markets: an Obstacle to Renewables?

subsectionGross, R, Heptonstall, P 2010

Personal Carbon Budgets, Helping individuals to live in a carbon constrained world

subsectionParag, Y., and Strickland, D. 2010

Transport Policies and Climate Change

subsectionBanister, D and Anable, J. 2009

Carbon Taxes and Emissions Trading: Issues and Interactions

subsectionEkins, P. 2009

Conclusion: Europes Lessons from Carbon-Energy Taxation

subsectionEkins, P. 2009

The Rationale for and Economic Implications of Dematerialisation

subsectionEkins, P. 2009

Making it personal: per capita carbon allowances

subsectionFawcett, T, Meyer, N.I. and Hvelplund, F. 2009

The UK Energy Research Centre Review of the Costs and Impacts of Intermittency

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P., Anderson, D., Green, T., Leach, M. and Skea, J. 2009

The Structure and Use of the UK MARKAL Model

subsectionKannan, R, Ekins, P and Strachan, N. 2009

Advanced inorganic materials for solid oxide fuel cells

subsectionSkinner, S.J. and Laguna-Bercero, M. 2009

Improving energy efficiency: hidden costs and unintended consequences

subsectionSorrell, S., 2009

The rebound effect definition and estimation

subsectionSorrell, S. 2009

Carbon Uptake, Transport and Storage by Oceans and the Consequences of Change

subsectionTurley C., Blackford, J., Hardman-Mountford, N, Litt, E., Llewellyn, C., Lowe, D., Miller, P., Nightingale, P., Rees, A., Smyth, T., Tilstone, G. and Widdicombe S. 2009

Organic donor-acceptor heterojunction solar cells

subsectionBenson-Smith, J and Nelson, J. 2008

Innovation in Energy Systems: Learning from Economic, Institutional and Management Approaches

subsectionFoxon, T 2008

Mitigation from a Cross-sectoral perspective

subsectionBarker, T. and Bashmakov, I. 2007

Nuclear or Not? Does Nuclear Power have a Place in a Sustainable Energy Future?

subsectionMitchell, C., and Woodman, B. 2007

Mapping the UK Political Landscape

subsectionSkea, J 2007

A Regional Integrated Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage: East Midlands, Yorkshire and Humberside Case Study

subsectionGough, C, Bentham, M, Shackley, S. and Holloway, S. 2006

Underground storage of Carbon Dioxide

subsectionHolloway, S, Bentham, M, Kirk, K. and Angel, M. 2006

Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage

subsectionHolloway, S, Karimjee, A, Akai, M, Pipatti, R. and Rypdal, K. 2006

Environmental Implications

subsectionOsborn, D, Fowler, D.F. and Cox, P. 2006

A Regional Integrated Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage: Northwest of England Case Study

subsectionShackley, S, Kirk, K, McLachlan, C, Gough, C. and Holloway, S. 2006

Wave Energy

subsectionThorpe, T. and Wallace, A.R. 2006

Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change by Inducing Technological Progress: Scenarios Using a Large-scale econometric model

subsectionBarker, T., Pan, H., Köhler, J., Warren, R., and Winne, S. 2005

Underground Geological Storage

subsectionBenson, S.L, Cook, P.J, Anderson, J, Bachu, S, Nimir, B, Basu, B, Bradshaw, J, Deguchi, G, Gale, J, von Goerne, G, Heidug, W, Holloway, S, Kamal, R, Keith, D, Lloyd, P, Rocha, P, Senior, W, Thomson, T, Torp, T, Wildenborg, A, Wilson, M, Zarleng, F 2005

Conference Paper

The scalar politics of energy restructuring in Eastern and Central Europe

subsectionBouzarovski, S 2012

Energy security and the EU: The contradictory materialities of multi-level hydrocarbon governance

subsectionBouzarovski, S 2012

Unpacking energy security

subsectionBouzarovski, S 2012

Producing territorial dissensus: The new geographies of energy security

subsectionBouzarovski, S 2012 document type

Global Gas Debate

subsectionBradshaw, M 2012

The Sakhalin Oil and Gas Projects: Lessons for Arctic Development

subsectionBradshaw, M 2012

Workshop on the Geopolitics of Energy Security

subsectionBradshaw, M 2012 document type

A Supply Chain Approach to Gas Security

subsectionBradshaw, M 2012 document type

The Territorialities of Liquified Natural Gas

subsectionBridge G 2012

TIAM-UCL - Achieving 2DC by 2100

subsectionDessens, O., Anandarajah, G., Daly, H 2012 document type

Development of the UK TIMES model: learning the lessons of the past

subsectionDodds, P 2012 document type

The Geopolitical & Security Implications of Global Unconventional Gas Development for Scotland and the UK

subsectionDutton J 2012

EU gas infrastructure and decarbonisation: the path to 2050

subsectionDutton, J 2012

Challenges to Sustaining the Shale Gas Revolution

subsectionDutton J 2012 document type

The geopolitical and security implications of shale gas development

subsectionDutton, J. 2012 document type

Energy, Carbon and Climate Change

subsectionStrachan N 2012

The UK Energy Innovation System: A review and a commentary

subsectionWinskel. M., Radcliffe.J., Skea. J., and Wang. X. 2012 document type

Presentation on Energy Efficiency and Buildings. Chevening Fellowship Programme on The Economics of Energy, Birmingham 1st March 2010

subsectionEyre, N. 2010

Decomposing Changes in the Energy Demand of UK Manufacturing

subsectionHammond, G.P. and Norman, J.B. 2010

Integrated Optimal Power Flow for Electric Power and Heat in a Microgrid

subsectionAwad, B., Chaudry, M., Wu, J, and Jenkins, N. 2009

Personal Carbon Budgets

subsectionEyre, N. 2009

The impact of lifestyle and social change on the UK energy system in 2050

subsectionEyre, N. 2009

UKERC Energy 2050: Key Messages

subsectionEyre, N. 2009

The impact of lifestyle and social change on the UK energy system

subsectionEyre, N. 2009

Energy Company Obligations to Save Energy in Italy, the UK and France: What have we learnt? external website

subsectionEyre, N., Pavan, M. and Bodineau, L. 2009

Cities and Climate Change: The role of institutions, governance and urban planning.

subsectionJanda, K. 2009

Buildings Don't Use Energy: People Do

subsectionJanda, K. B 2009

Building Expertise and Understanding: Climate-Responsive Responsibilities for Professionals and Users

subsectionK. Janda 2009

Exploring the social dimensions of energy use: a review of recent research initiatives external website

subsectionJanda, K. B 2009

The Social Organization of Energy Research: A Review of Recent Initiatives

subsectionK. Janda 2009 document type

Developing a Transmission Access Regime to Deliver the UK's Renewable Targets

subsectionBaker, P. 2008

Evaluating the Capacity Value of Wind Generation in Systems with Hydro Generation external website

subsectionCastro, M., Shakoor, A., Pudjianto, D., and Strbac, G. 2008

Sustainable Development of the Gas and Electricity Infrastructure in the UK

subsectionChaudry, M., Jenkins, N., and Strbac, G. 2008

Energy-capital substitution and the rebound effect external website

subsectionSorrell, S. 2008

State-of-the-art of Design and Operation of Power Systems with Large Amounts of Wind Power (Summary of International Energy Agency Wind collaboration) (pp 489-499 in Volume 1)

subsectionHolttinen, H., Strbac, G., Shakoor, A., et al. 2007

Can energy efficiency policies deliver carbon reductions? Evidence from macro-economic modelling.

subsectionBarker, T.S. and Foxon, T.J. 2006

Overview of UK Energy and Carbon Scenarios

subsectionHughes, N. 2006

Incorporating Behavioural Responses within a Technology Optimisation Energy Model external website

subsectionKannan, R. and Strachan, N. 2006

Quantifying Risk of Interruptions and Evaluating Generation System Adequacy with Wind Generation

subsectionShakoor, A., Strbac,S., and Allan, R., 2006

Modelling Long-Term Carbon Abatement Scenarios with UK MARKAL external website

subsectionStrachan, N. and Kannan, R. 2006

UKERC Research Report

Where Next for SMEs and Net Zero?

subsectionHampton, S., Eadson, W., Blundel, R. and Sugar, K. 2024 document type

Mapping the Landscape of Public Attitudes Towards Low-Carbon Heating Technologies

subsectionSmith, W., Pidgeon, N., Demski, C. and Becker, S. 2024 document type

Decarbonising Home Heating: An Evidence Review of Domestic Heat Pump Installed Costs

subsectionHeptonstall. P, and Winskel. M 2023 document type

Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Green Energy Mull

subsectionCairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hardy, J., McLachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E., Sharmina, M. 2020 document type

Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Brighton and Hove Energy Services

subsectionCairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hardy, J., McLachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E. and Sharmina, M. 2020 document type

Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Edinburgh Community Solar Cooperative

subsectionCairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hardy, J., McLachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E. and Sharmina, M. 2020 document type

Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Gwent Energy CIC

subsectionCairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, Tim., Hardy, J., Mclachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E., Sharmina, M. 2020 document type

IVUGER Report: Domestic Air Conditioning in 2050

subsectionCrawley, J., Ogunrin, S., Taneja, S., Vorushlyo, I. and Wang, X. 2020 document type

Biomass, afforestation and energy demand reduction: trade-offs in the route to decarbonisation

subsectionCronin, J., Pye, S., Price, J. and Butnar, I. 2020 document type

Fostering successful policy engagements: recommendations for schemes aimed at PhD and Early Career Researchers. An Energy-PIECES report

subsectionHaf, S., Hirmer, S.A., Khalid, R., Roddis, P., Stabler, L., Warren, G., Foulds, C. ,Robison, R. and Rohse, M. 2020 document type

How Local Authorities can encourage citizen participation in energy transitions. An Energy-PIECES report.

subsectionHaf, S. and Robison, R. 2020 document type

Policy options for enhancing Productive Uses of Energy in low-resource settings in the Global South. An Energy-PIECES report

subsectionHirmer, S.A. and Robison, R. 2020 document type

The social dimensions of moving away from gas cookers and hobs: Challenges and opportunities in transition to low-carbon cooking. An Energy-PIECES report

subsectionKhalid, R. and Foulds, C. 2020 document type

Exploring Social Value in the Contest of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects: A Case Study of Hinkley Point C. An Energy-PIECES report

subsectionRoddis, P. and Robison, R. 2020 document type

Governing the UKs transition to decarbonised heating: Lessons from a systematic review of past and ongoing heat transitions. An Energy-PIECES report

subsectionStabler, L. and Foulds, C. 2020 document type

Zero-In on NI-Heat: Pathways to Heat Decarbonisation in Northern Ireland

subsectionVorushylo, I., Ogunrin, S., Ghosh, R., Brandoni, C. and Hewitt, N.J. 2020 document type

Better domestic energy advice in England? A narrative literature review. An Energy-PIECES report

subsectionWarren, G. and Foulds, C. 2020 document type

Visions for the future of community energy in the UK - realising the potential

subsectionBraunholtz-Speight, T., McLachlan, C., Mander, S., Cairns, I., Hannon, M., Hardy, J., Manderson, E. and Sharmina, M 2019 document type

Whole Systems Networking Fund: progressing new voices and gender balance in the energy research portfolio - Programme report

subsectionBurns, W., Longuere, K-S. and Watson, J. 2019 document type

Accelerating innovation towards net zero emissions

subsectionKazaglis, A., Tam, A., Eis, J., Watson, J., Hughes, N., Gross, R. and Hanna, R. 2019 document type

Disrupting the UK energy system: causes, impacts and policy implications

subsectionKetsopoulou, I., Taylor, P., Watson, J., Winskel, M., Kattirtzi, M., Lowes, R., Woodman, B., Poulter, H., Brand, C., Killip, G., Anable, J., Owen, A., Hanna, R., Gross, R. and Lockwood, M. 2019 document type

Power Shift: How to build Gender Balance in the Energy Research Portfolio

subsectionSmith, J., Britton, J. and Cieszewska, B. 2019 document type

The Solar Commission - A bright future: opportunities for UK innovation in solar energy

subsectionWalker, A., Coonick, A., Greenham, N., Vinnicombe, K., Walls, M., Stojkovoska, B., Lucas, R., Klassen, A., Robertson, N., Dale, P., Agha, I., Warren, P., Tan, K.T., Bedford, S., Jones, L., Dobson, R., Thirkill, A., Burns, W. and Stoker, D. 2019 document type

Future UK Gas Security: A Position Paper

subsectionBradshaw, M. 2018 document type

Fairness in Retail Energy Markets? Evidence from the UK

subsectionDeller, D., Waddams, C., Errington, E., Fletcher, A., Hargreaves, T., Harker, M., Longhurst, N., Reader, D. and Turner, G. 2018 document type

Review of UK Energy System Demonstrators

subsectionFlett, G., Kelly, N. and McGhee, R. 2018 document type

What’s in a bill? How UK household electricity prices compare to other countries

subsectionHeptonstall, P. and Gross, R. 2018 document type

The Security of UK Energy Futures

subsectionWatson, J., Ketsopoulou, I., Dodds, P., Chaudry, M., Tindemans, S., Woolf, M. and Strbac, G. 2018 document type

Staying Connected Key Elements for UKEU27 Energy Cooperation After Brexit

subsectionFroggatt, A., Wright, G. and Lockwood, M 2017 document type

The costs and impacts of intermittency 2016 update. A systematic review of the evidence on the costs and impacts of intermittent electricity generation technologies

subsectionHeptonstall, P., Gross, R. and Steiner, F. 2017 document type

Mapping energy participation: A systematic review of diverse practices of participation in UK energy transitions, 2010-2015

subsectionPallett, H., Chilvers, J. and Hargreaves, T. 2017 document type

Local Authority Engagement in UK Energy Systems:Highlights from Early Findings

subsectionTingey, M., Webb, J., and Hawkey, D. 2017 document type

What We Know about Local Authority Engagement in UK Energy Systems - Ambitions, Activities, Business Structures & Ways Forward

subsectionWebb, J., Tingey, M. and Hawkey, D. 2017 document type

A Review and Synthesis of the Outcomes from Low Carbon Networks Fund Projects

subsectionFrame, D., Bell, K. and McArthur, S. 2016 document type

Best practice in heat decarbonisation policy: A review of the international experience of policies to promote the uptake of low-carbon heat supply - Project Scoping note

subsectionHanna, R., Gross, R., Parrish, B. and Speirs, J. 2016 document type

The future role of natural gas in the UK

subsectionMcGlade. C., Pye. S., Watson. J., Bradshaw. M., Ekins. P. 2016 document type

Low carbon jobs: The evidence for net job creation from policy support for energy efficiency and renewable energy

subsectionBlyth, W., Gross, R., Speirs, J., Sorrell, S., Nicholls, J., Dorgan, A. and Hughes, N. 2014 document type

The UK's Global Gas Challenge

subsectionBradshaw, M., Bridge. G., Bouzarovski, S., Watson, J. and Dutton, J. 2014 document type

The Future Role of Thermal Energy Storage in the UK Energy System: An Assessment of the Technical Feasibility and Factors Influencing Adoption - Research Report

subsectionEames, P., Loveday, D., Haines, V. and Romanos, P. 2014 document type

UK Energy in a Global Context - Synthesis Report

subsectionEkins, P. and Watson, J. (eds.) 2014 document type

A Bridge to a Low-Carbon Future? Modelling the Long-Term Global Potential of Natural Gas

subsectionMcGlade, C., Bradshaw, M., Anandarajah, G., Watson, J. and Ekins, P. 2014 document type

Scenarios for the Development of Smart Grids in the UK - Synthesis Report

subsectionOzkan, N., Watson, T., Connor, P., Axon, C., Whitmarsh, L., Davidson, R., Spence, A., Baker, P. and Xenias, D. 2014 document type

Public Attitudes to Nuclear Power and Climate Change in Britain Two Years after the Fukushima Accident - Synthesis Report

subsectionPoortinga, W., Pidgeon, N.F., Capstick, S. and Aoyagi, M. 2014 document type

Materials availability for low-carbon technologies: An assessment of the evidence

subsectionSpeirs, J., Gross, R., Contestabile, M., Candelise, C., Houari, Y. and Gross, B. 2014 document type

UK Energy Strategy Under Uncertainties - Synthesis Report

subsectionWatson, J., Gross, R., Ketsopoulou, I. and Winskel, M. 2014 document type

The UK energy system in 2050: Comparing Low-Carbon, Resilient Scenarios

subsectionEkins, P., Keppo, I., Skea, J., Strachan, N., Usher, W. and Anandarajah, G. 2013 document type

Presenting the Future: An assessment of future costs estimation methodologies in the electricity generation sector

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P., Greenacre, P., Candelise, C., Jones, F. and Castillo Castillo, A. 2013 document type

Transforming the UK Energy System: Public Values, Attitudes and Acceptability external website

subsectionParkhill, K., Demski, C., Butler, C., Spence, A. and Pidgeon, N. 2013

Energy Materials Availability Handbook

subsectionSpeirs, J., Gross, B., Gross, R. and Houari, Y. 2013 document type

Understanding Homeowners Renovation Decisions: Findings of the VERD Project

subsectionWilson, C. and Chrysochoidis, G. 2013 document type

Climate change and energy security: Assessing the impact of information and its delivery on attitudes and behaviour

subsectionHapper, C., Philo, G. and Froggatt, A. 2012 document type

A review of regional and global estimates of unconventional gas resources - A report to the Energy Security Unit of the Joint Research Centre of the European commission

subsectionMcGlade, C., Speirs, J. and Sorrell, S. 2012 document type

Carbon Capture and Storage Realising the potential ? (Research Report)

subsectionWatson, J., Kern, F., Gross, M., Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Jones, F., Haszeldine, S., Ascui, F., Chalmers, H., Ghaleigh, N., Gibbins, J., Markusson, N., Marsden, W., Rossati, D., Russell, S., Winskel, M., Pearson, P. and Arapostathis. S. 2012 document type

Building a Resilient UK Energy System - Research Report

subsectionChaudry, M., Ekins, P., Kannan, R., Shakoor, A., Skea, J., Strbac, G., Wang, X. and Whitaker, J. 2011 document type

Energy from biomass: the size of the global resource

subsectionSlade, R., Saunders, R., Gross, R. and Bauen, A. 2011 document type

Great Expectations: The cost of offshore wind in UK waters understanding the past and projecting the future

subsectionGreenacre, P., Gross, R. and Heptonstall, P. 2010 document type

Pathways to a Low Carbon Economy: Energy Systems Modelling - UKERC Energy 2050 Research Report 1

subsectionAnandarajah, G., Strachan, N., Ekins, P., Kannan, R. and Hughes, N. 2009 document type

Accelerated technology development for selected bio-energy chains and technologies in the UK.

subsectionClarke, D., Jablonski, S., Moran, B., Anandarajah, G. and Taylor, G. 2009

What policies are effective at reducing carbon emissions from surface passenger transport? A review of interventions to encourage behavioural and technological change

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P., Anable, J., Greenacre, P. and E4tech. 2009 document type

Making the transition to a secure and low-carbon energy system: synthesis report - UKERC 2050 project

subsectionSkea, J, and Ekins. P 2009 document type

Global Oil Depletion: An assessment of the evidence for near-term peak in global oil production

subsectionSorrell, S., Speirs, J., Bentley, R., Brandt, A. and Miller, R.. 2009 document type

Decarbonising the UK Energy System: Accelerated Development of Low Carbon Energy Supply Technologies

subsectionWinskel, W., Markusson, N., Moran, B., Jeffrey, H., Anandarajah, G., Hughes, N., Candelise, C., Clarke, D., Taylor, G., Chalmers, H., Dutton, G., Howarth, P., Jablonski, S., Kalyvas, C. and Ward, D. 2009 document type

The Macroeconomic Rebound Effect and the UK Economy

subsectionBarker, Terry and Foxon, Tim 2008 document type

Investment in Electricity Generation: The Role of Costs Projections, Incentives and Risk

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P. and Blyth, W. 2007 document type

The Rebound Effect: An Assessment of the Evidence for Economy-wide Energy Savings from Improved Energy Efficiency

subsectionSorrell, S. 2007 document type

Scenarios and Sensitivities on Long-term UK Carbon Reductions using the UK MARKAL and MARKAL-Macro Energy System Models

subsectionStrachan, Neil and Kannan, Ramachandran 2007 document type

Final report on DTI-DEFRA scenarios and sensitivities, using the UK MARKAL and MARKAL-MACRO system models

subsectionStrachan, N., Kannan, R. and Pye, S. 2007 document type

The Costs and Impacts of Intermittency: An Assessment of the Evidence on the Costs and Impacts of Intermittent Generation on the British Electricity Network

subsectionGross, R., Heptonstall, P., Anderson, D., Green, T., Leach, M. and Skea, J. 2006 document type

UKERC Working Paper

What is the Carbon Footprint of Digital Healthcare?

subsectionDaniel_Watanabe, L., Moore, R. and Tongue, B. 2024 document type

Watt-er Conservation: Conversations on Energy Use in Water Services

subsectionMottram, H. 2024 document type

Local Governance, the Circular Economy and Household Waste: A Practice Theory Approach to Waste Minimisation

subsectionPrime, K. 2024 document type

Modern Methods of Construction for Net Zero Housing: Implications from the Social Sciences and Humanities

subsectionRafa, N. and Khalid, R. 2024 document type

Just Parking: Fair and Sustainable Travel Policies for Large Organisations

subsectionStevenson, L. and Royston, S. 2024 document type

Social Science Approaches to Understanding the Implications of a Net Zero Transformation of Society

subsectionThompson, O., Rohse, M. and Barber, J. 2024 document type

Transition Risk: Investment signals in a decarbonising electricity system

subsectionBlyth, W., Gross, R., Jansen, M., Rickman, J., MacIver, C. and Bell, K. 2023 document type

We're on the Road to Net Zero? Socioeconomic Inequality in Low-Carbon Technology Adoption

subsectionGiulietti. M, Burlinson. A and Davillas. A 2023 document type

Energy Transition Investment Confidence: Mapping UK Government Decision-Making and Tracking Delivery

subsectionHamilton. K 2023 document type

Seasonal Storage of Heat in Boreholes

subsectionQadrdan, M., Chaudry, M. and Wu, J. 2023 document type

The Future of District Heating and Cooling Networks

subsectionQadrdan, M., Woodman, B. and Wu, J. 2023 document type

Institutional Landscapes for Local Energy Systems: Mapping England, Scotland and Wales

subsectionBritton, J. and Webb, J. 2022 document type

The impact of shocks and disruptions in the GB energy system

subsectionChaudry, M., Qadrdan, M., Chi, L. and Wu, J. 2022 document type

Can renewables and nuclear help keep bills down this winter?

subsectionGross, R., MacIver, C. and Blyth, W. 2022 document type

Risk and Investment in Zero-Carbon Electricity Markets: Implications for policy design

subsectionBlyth, W., Gross, R., Nash, S., Jansen, M., Rickman, J. and Bell, K. 2021 document type

Resilience of the Future Energy System: Impacts of Energy Disruptions on Society

subsectionCox E 2021 document type

Sensitivity Analysis of Net Zero Pathways for UK Industry

subsectionGailani, A., Cooper, S., Allen, S., Taylor, P. and Simon, R. 2021 document type

Sectoral export promotion impacts on economic and environmental indicators: A multisectoral modelling analysis for the UK

subsectionAllan, G., Barkoumas, C., Ross, A. and Sinha, A. 2020 document type

The potential impacts of Brexit on Energy Efficiency Scotland funding - Working paper

subsectionKatris, A., Turner, K., McEwen, N., Munro, F., Cairney, P. and McHarg, A. 2020 document type

Models of governance for energy infrastructure

subsectionLowes, R. and Woodman, B. 2020 document type

The economic and energy impacts of a UK export shock: comparing alternative modelling approaches

subsectionAllan, G., Barrett, J., Brockway, P., Sakai, M., Hardt, L., McGregor, P.G., Ross, A.G., Roy, G., Swales, K. and Turner, K. 2019 document type

Transport Energy Air pollution Model (TEAM): Methodology Guide

subsectionBrand, C., Anable, J., Philips, I. and Morton, C. 2019 document type

Transport Energy Air pollution Model (TEAM): Methodology Guide - Appendices

subsectionBrand, C., Anable, J., Philips, I. and Morton, C. 2019 document type

Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, and direct air carbon capture and storage: Examining the evidence on deployment potential and costs in the UK

subsectionDaggash, H.A., Fajardy, M., Heptonstall, P., MacDowell, N. and Gross, R. 2019 document type

Modelling Demand-side Energy Policies for Climate Change Mitigation in the UK: A Rapid Evidence Assessment- Working Paper

subsectionHardt, L., Brockway, P., Taylor, P., Barrett, J., Gross, R. and Heptonstall, P. 2019 document type

The Evolution of Community Energy in the UK

subsectionBraunholtz-Speight, T., Mander, S., Hannon, M., Hardy, J., McLachlan, C., Manderson, E. and Sharmina, M. 2018 document type

A transformation to sustainable heating in the UK: risks and opportunities for UK heat sector businesses

subsectionLowes, R., Woodman, B. and Clark, M 2018 document type

Incumbency in the UK heat sector and implications for the transformation towards low-carbon heating

subsectionLowes, R., Woodman, B. and Clark, M. 2018 document type

The economic impacts of UK trade-enhancing industrial policies and their spillover effects on the energy system

subsectionRoss, A.G., Allan, G., Figus,G., McGregor, P.G., Roy, G., Swales, J.K. and Turner, K. 2018 document type

Policy Pathways to Justice in Energy Efficiency

subsectionSnell, C., Bevan, M., Gillard, R., Wade, J. and Greer, K. 2018 document type

Modelling natural gas resource uncertainties and regional gas markets: a review of current models and an introduction to a new field-level gas production and trade model

subsectionWelsby, D. 2018 document type

Transmission-distribution coordination and transition to more actively operated distribution: why it matters

subsectionBell, K. 2017 document type

Defining Incumbency: Considering the UK Heat Sector

subsectionLowes, B., Woodman, B. and Fitch-Roy, O. 2017 document type

Security of electricity supply in a lowcarbon Britain : A review of the Energy Research Partnerships report Managing Flexibility Whilst Decarbonising the GB Electricity System

subsectionBell, K. and Hawker, G. 2016 document type

The impacts of non-energy policies on the energy system: a scoping paper

subsectionCox, E., Rostston, S. and Selby, J. 2016 document type

The politics of cross-border electricity market interconnection: the UK, Ireland and Greenlink

subsectionDutton. J. 2016 document type

The governance of retail energy market services in the UK: A framework for the future

subsectionEyre, N. and Lockwood, M. 2016 document type

How consistent and comparable are ecosystem services and energy system scenarios ?

subsectionHolland, R., Ketsopoulou, I., Beaumont, N., Austen, M., Hooper.,T., Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Watson, J. and Taylor., G. 2016 document type

Developing networks for the low carbon energy future

subsectionBell, K. and Hawker, G. 2015 document type

Consumer attitudes to changes in electricity supply voltage

subsectionBilton, M. and Carmichael, R. 2015 document type

EU Energy Policy and the Third Package

subsectionDutton. J. 2015 document type

Deconstructing the European Energy Union: Governance and 2030 Goals

subsectionFroggatt, A. and Hadfield. A. 2015 document type

Energy pathways and valuing natural capital - Scoping note - January 2015, version 1

subsectionHolland, R., Beaument.,N., Austen.,M., Gross.,R., Heptonstall, P., Watson, J. and Taylor, G. 2015 document type

Conditions for environmentally-sound UK shale gas development

subsectionMcGlade, C., Ekins, P., Bradshaw, M. and Watson, J. 2015 document type

Energy Efficiency Evaluation: the evidence for real energy savings from energy efficiency programmes in the household sector

subsectionWade. J. and Eyre. N. 2015 document type

UKERC Interdisciplinary Review: Research Report

subsectionWinskel, M., Ketsopoulou, I. and Churchouse, T. 2015 document type

Response from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into the resilience of electricity infrastructure

subsectionBell, K., Dodds, P., Chaudry, M., Eyre, N. and Aylott, M. 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Strategy Under Uncertainties: Supply Side Change: Technology Assessment - Methods and Uncertainty

subsectionBlyth, W., McCarthy, R. and Gross, R. 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Strategy Under Uncertainties: Financing the Power Sector - Is the Money Available?

subsectionBlyth, W., McCarthy, R. and Gross, R. 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Strategy Under Uncertainties : Public Values for Energy Futures: Framing, Indeterminacy and Policy Making

subsectionButler, C., Demski, C., Parkhill, K., Pidgeon, N. and Spence, A. 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Strategy Under Uncertainties: Uncertainties in UK heat infrastructure development

subsectionChaudry, M., Abeysekera, M., Hosseini, S.H.R., Wu, J., and Jenkins N. 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Supply Theme - Synthesis Report

subsectionChaudry, M., Bagdanavicius, A., Thomas, L., Sansom, R., Calderon, J.O., Jenkins, N. and Strbac. G 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Strategy Under Uncertainties: Identifying techniques for managing uncertainty in the energy sector

subsectionDavies, G., Prpich, G., Strachan, N. and Pollard, S. 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Strategy Under Uncertainties: Interactions between the Energy System, Ecosystems Services and Natural Capital

subsectionDockerty, T., Dockerty, T., Lovett, A., Papathanasopoulou, E., Beaumont, N., Wang, S. and Smith, P. 2014 document type

Uncertainties in Energy Demand in Residential Heating (Working Paper)

subsectionEyre, N. and Baruah, P. 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Strategy Under Uncertainties: Uncertainties in Energy Demand in Residential Heating - Working Paper

subsectionEyre. N. and Buruah. P. 2014 document type

Response from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) to the Energy and Climate Change Committee's Inquiry on Electricity Demand-side Measures

subsectionEyre, N., Darb,. S. and Green, R. 2014 document type

Local Engagement in UK Energy Systems - a Pilot Study of Current Activities and Future Impact

subsectionHawkey, D., Tingey, M. and Webb, J. 2014 document type

Bridging the gap between energy and the environment: A synthesis of research conducted within the UKERC Energy & Environment theme.

subsectionHinton, E., Holland, R., Austen, M., Taylor, G. (eds.) 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Systems Theme: Reflecting on Scenarios (Working Paper)

subsectionMcDowall, W., Trutnevyte, E., Tomei, J., and Keppo, I. 2014 document type

UKERC Energy strategy Under Uncertainties : Perceived Uncertainty in the Demand for Electric Vehicles: A qualitative assessment (Working Paper)

subsectionMorton, C., Anable, J. and Brand, C. 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Strategy Under Uncertainties : Policy Making under Uncertainty in the Demand for Electric Vehicles (Working Paper)

subsectionMorton, C., Anable, J. and Brand, C. 2014 document type

An investigation into future energy system risks: An industry perspective

subsectionPrpich, G., Darabkhani, H.G., Oakey, J. and Pollard, S. 2014 document type

Energy Strategy Under Uncertainties: An Integrated Systematic Analysis of Uncertainties in UK Energy Transition Pathways

subsectionPye, S., Sabio, N. and Strachan, N. 2014 document type

UKERC Interdisciplinary Review - Survey Results (Working Paper)

subsectionWinskel, M. and Ketsopoulou, I. 2014 document type

UKERC Interdisciplinary Review - Synthesis Report (Working Paper)

subsectionWinskel, M., Ketsopoulou, I. and Churchouse, T. 2014 document type

Scenarios for the Development of Smart Grids in the UK: Literature Review - Working Paper

subsectionXenias, D., Axon, C., Balta-Ozkan, N., Cipcigan, L., Connor, P.M., Davidson, R., Spence, A., Taylor, G. and Whitmarsh, L. 2014 document type

Transforming the UK Energy System: Public Values, Attitudes & Acceptability.Deliberating Energy System Transitions in the UK.

subsectionButler, C., Parkhill, K., and Pidgeon, N. 2013 document type

Transforming the UK Energy System: Public values, attitudes and acceptability, Summary findings of a survey conducted August 2012.

subsectionDemski, C. Spence, A. and Pidgeon, N. 2013 document type

Record of the UKERC-supported Wind Energy Research Road Mapping meeting

subsectionInfield, D.G. 2013 document type

Public Attitudes to Nuclear Power and Climate Change in Britain Two Years after the Fukushima Accident: Summary findings of a survey conducted in March 2013 - Working Paper

subsectionPoortinga, W., Pidgeon, N.F., Capstick, S. and Aoyagi, M. 2013 document type

Materials Availability, Working Paper I: Thin Film Photovoltaics.

subsectionSpeirs, J., Gross, R., Candelise, C. and Gross, B. 2013 document type

Materials Availability, Working paper II: Potential constraints to the future low-carbon economy: Batteries, Magnets and Materials.

subsectionSpeirs, J., Houari, Y., Contestabile, M., Gross, R. and Gross, B. 2013 document type

Materials Availability, Working paper III: Comparison of material criticality studies - methodologies and results.

subsectionSpeirs, J., Houari, Y. and Gross, R. 2013 document type

Report on the evidence for net job creation from policy support for energy efficiency and renewable energy: An appraisal of multi-sectoral modelling techniques

subsectionAllan, G., Gilmartin, M., McGregor, P. and Swales, K. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: PV Case Study

subsectionCandelise, C. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: CCGT Case Study

subsectionCastillo-Castillo, A. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: Nuclear Case Study

subsectionGreenacre, P. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: Offshore Wind Case Study

subsectionGreenacre, P. 2012 document type

Carbon Capture and Storage: Realising the Potential? Pathways and branching points for CCS to 2030 Work Package 3, Task 6 Working Paper

subsectionHeptonstall, P., Markusson, N. and Chalmers, H. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: Onshore Wind Case Study

subsectionJones, F. 2012 document type

UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Cost Methodologies Project: CCS Case Study

subsectionJones, F. 2012 document type

Energy 2050 - WG1 Energy Demand : Lifestyle and Energy Consumption - working paper

subsectionAnable, J., Brand, C., Eyre, N., Layberry, R., Bergman, N., Strachan, N., Fawcett, T., and Tran, M. 2011 document type

Carbon Capture and Storage: Realising the Potential? Work Package 3, Task 5 Working Paper Version 2.1

subsectionHeptonstall, P., Gross, R. and Jones, F. 2011 document type

Electricity Market Design for a Low-carbon Future

subsectionBaker, P.E., Mitchel, C. and Woodman, B. 2010 document type

Bottom-up social innovation for addressing climate change. ECI Energy Group working paper

subsectionBergman, N., Connor P., Markusson, N., Middlemiss, L. and Ricci, M. 2010

UK Transport Carbon Model

subsectionBrand, C. 2010 document type

The UK bio-energy resource base to 2050: estimates, assumptions, and uncertainties

subsectionSlade, R., Bauen, A. and Gross, R. 2010 document type

Prioritising the best use of biomass resources: conceptualising trade-offs

subsectionSlade, R., Bauen, A. and Gross, R. 2010 document type

Mapping rebound effects from sustainable behaviours: key concepts and literature review external website

subsectionSorrell, S. 2010

The Extent to Which Economic Regulation Enables the Transition to a Sustainable Electricity System

subsectionBaker, P., Mitchell, C. and Woodman, B. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 7 - Annex 1: Models of Global Oil Supply for the Period 2008-2030

subsectionBentley, R., Miller, R.., Wheeler, S. and Boyle, G. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 7: Comparison of global oil supply forecasts

subsectionBentley, R., Miller., R.., Wheeler, S. and Boyle, G. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 6: Methods of forecasting future oil supply

subsectionBrandt, A. 2009 document type

Building a Resilient UK Energy System - Working Paper

subsectionChaudry, M., Ekins, P., Kannan, R., Shakoor, A., Skea, J., Strbac, G., Wang, X. and Whitaker, J. 2009 document type

The experience of carbon rationing action groups: implications for a personal carbon allowances policy

subsectionHowell, R. 2009 document type

Review and Analysis of UK and International Low Carbon Energy Scenarios

subsectionHughes, N., Mers, J. and Strachan, N. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 4: Decline rates and depletion rates

subsectionMiller, R.., Sorrell, S. and Speirs, J. 2009 document type

Personal Carbon Budgeting: What People Need to Know, Learn and Have in Order to Manage and Live Within a Carbon Budget, and the Policies that Could Support Them?

subsectionParag, Y. and Strickland, D. 2009 document type

Global energy markets

subsectionSkea, J. and Strachan, N. 2009

UKERC Review of Evidence on Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 1: Data Sources and Issues

subsectionSorrell, S. and Speirs, J. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 5: Methods of estimating ultimately recoverable resources

subsectionSorrell, S. and Speirs, J. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence on Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 3: The Nature and Importance of Reserve Growth

subsectionThompson, E., Sorrell, S. and Speirs, J. 2009 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence on Global Oil Depletion - Technical Report 2: Definition and interpretation of reserve estimates

subsectionThompson. E., Sorrell, S. and Speirs, J. 2009 document type

Pathways to a Low Carbon Economy: Energy Systems Modelling - working paper

subsectionAnandarajah, G., Strachan, N., Ekins, P., Kannan, R. and Hughes, N. 2008 document type

Implementation of Energy Performance Certificates in the Domestic Sector

subsectionBanks, N. 2008 document type

Environmental Sustainability of Electricity Generation Systems with Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage

subsectionHolloway, S. and Rowley, W.J. 2008 document type

Life cycle assessment in the bioenergy sector: developing a systematic review

subsectionRowe, R., Whitaker, J., Chapman, J., Howard, D. and Taylor, G. 2008 document type

Technology Change and Energy Systems: Learning Pathways for Future Sources of Energy

subsectionWinskel, M., Markusson, N., Jeffrey, H., Jablonski, S., Candelise, C., Ward, D. and Howarth, P. 2008 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect Technical Report 4: Computable General Equilibrium Modelling Studies

subsectionAllan, G, Gilmartin, M, Turner, K, McGregor, P and Swales K. 2007 document type

Agent Based Modelling: Application to Policy

subsectionAnderson, D. 2007

Electricity Generation Costs and Investment Decisions: a Review

subsectionAnderson, D. 2007 document type

The Domestic Energy: Sub-Model in MDM-E3

subsectionBarker, T. and Jenkins K. 2007 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect Technical Report 3: Elasticity of substitution studies

subsectionBroadstock, D., Hunt, L. and Sorrell, S. 2007 document type

Towards sustainable energy use for transport

subsectionBrown, S. and Whitaker, J. 2007 document type

Multi-time Period Combined Gas and Electricity Network Optimisation

subsectionChaudry, M., Jenkins, N. and Strabc, G. 2007 document type

Investment: Risk, Return and the Role of Policy

subsectionHamilton, K. 2007 document type

A Review of Electricity Unit Cost Estimates

subsectionHeptonstall, P. 2007 document type

Quick Hits : 4 : Car Clubs

subsectionLedbury, M. 2007 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect Supplementary Note: Graphical illustrations of rebound effects

subsectionSorrell, S. 2007 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect Technical Report 2: Econometric studies

subsectionSorrell, S. and Dimitropoulos, J. 2007 document type

UKERC Review of Evidence for the Rebound Effect: Technical Report 5: Energy, productivity and economic growth studies

subsectionSorrell, S. and Dimitropoulos, J. 2007 document type

Final Report on DTI-DEFRA Scenarios and Sensitivities using the UK MARKAL and MARKAL-Macro Energy System Models

subsectionStrachan, N., Kannan, R. and Pye, S. 2007 document type

Developing a Bioenergy Roadmap for the UK

subsectionTaylor, G. 2007 document type

Workshop to Develop a Bioenergy Research Roadmap for the UK

subsectionTaylor, G. 2007 document type

Carbon labelling: evidence, issues and questions

subsectionWhite, R., Boardman, B. and Thottath, S. 2007 document type

Power system reserves and costs with intermittent generation

subsectionAnderson, D 2006 document type

Factoring Risks into Investment Decisions

subsectionBlyth, W. 2006 document type

Personal Carbon Trading: Excluding Public Transportation

subsectionBottrill, C. 2006 document type

The Rebound Effect: Microeconomic Definitions, Limitations and Extensions

subsectionDimitriopolous, J. and Sorrell, S. 2006 document type

Methods for Reporting Costs Related to the Capacity Credit of Intermittent Generation Relative to Conventional Generators

subsectionGross, R. 2006 document type

An assessment of the evidence on the costs of intermittent generation - scoping note and assessment protocol

subsectionGross, R. 2006 document type

Exploring scenarios of socio-environmental acceptance of future low carbon energy portfolios

subsectionHoward, D., Moran, B., Hughes, N. and Clarke, D. 2006

Quick Hits : 2 : Limiting Speed

subsectionLedbury, M. 2006 document type

Quick Hits : 3 : Traffic Signals

subsectionLedbury, M. 2006 document type

Quick Hits : 1 : Eco-driving

subsectionLedbury, M. 2006 document type

Existing Marine Renewable Energy Road-maps

subsectionMueller, M. 2006 document type

A Road-Map for Marine Renewable Energy Research In The UK

subsectionMueller, M. and Wallace, R. 2006 document type


subsectionStrachan, N., Kannan, R. and Ozkan, N. 2006


subsectionStrachan, N., Ozkan, N., Dresner, S., Joffe, D., Taylor, P,. Greenleaf, J. and Pye, S. 2006

Predict and Decide: The Potential of Economic Policy to Address the Effect of Aviation Trends on Climate Change

subsectionCairns, S. and Newson, C. 2005 document type

Energy Use and Carbon Emissions from the Higher Education Sector

subsectionFawcett, T. 2005 document type

An assessment of the evidence on the costs of intermittent power generation - Discussion note on initial questions

subsectionGross, R. 2005 document type

Workshop Report

Energy Modelling Across Scales Workshop Summary

subsectionBritton, J., Webb, J., Hawker, G., Broad, O. and Chaudry,. M. 2023 document type

Improving Data Sharing in Energy Consortia: Summary of Workshop Outputs

subsectionColechin, M. and Quigley, C. 2023 document type

UKERC Phase 4 : Flexible Fund Consultation

subsectionUKERC 2020 document type

Energy systems research in a world in transition: challenges for policy and research

subsectionBurns, W. and Watson, J. 2016 document type

UKERC Research Fund - Round 3 Workshop Report

subsectionKetsopoulou, I. 2016 document type

Meeting report: heat networks and governance

subsectionSharick, A. and Webb, J. 2016 document type

Breaking the Deadlock in Climate Change Communication. 12 March 2014, Church House Conference Centre, Meeting Report

subsectionBuchs, M. 2014 document type

UKERC Flexible Research Fund Town Hall Meeting - meeting report

subsectionWatson, J., Ketsopoulou, I., McGlade, C. and Aylott, M. 2014 document type

Governance: Challenges and Solutions for a Sustainable, Secure and Affordable British Energy System - Meeting Report

subsectionCooper, T., James, R. and Gardner, S. 2012 document type

Public Risk Perceptions, Understandings, and Responses to Climate Change in Australia and Great Britain: Interim Report

subsectionReser, J. P., Pidgeon, N., Spence, A., Bradley, G. A., Glendon, I. and Ellul, M. 2011

Future Research Requirements for Smart Metering Workshop

subsectionUKERC 2011 document type

Electricity Market Reform: Stakeholders Workshop

subsectionUKERC 2011 document type

Electricity Market Reform: Independent Experts Workshop

subsectionUKERC 2011 document type

Electricity Market Reform Workshop III: Institutional Arrangements

subsectionUKERC and the Imperial College London Centre for Energy Policy and Technology 2011 document type

Managing residential electricity demand: learning from experience in the UK and Ontario

subsectionDarby, S. and Rowlands, I. 2008 document type

UKERC spatial planning for marine renewable energy arrays workshops

subsectionKeay-Bright, S., Begg, K. and Linley, A. 2008 document type

UKERC spatial planning for marine renewable energy arrays workshops: Executive summary external website

subsectionKeay-Bright, S, Begg, K. and Linley, A. 2008

Personal carbon trading (PCT): Bringing together the research community

subsectionKeay-Bright, S., Fawcett, T. and Howell, R. 2008 document type

Personal carbon trading (PCT):Bringing together the research community external website

subsectionKeay-Bright, S, Fawcett, T. and Howell, R. 2008

Engaging the public in climate change and energy demand reduction

subsectionLorenzoni, I., ONeill, S., Whitmarsh, L., Otoadese, J., Keay-Bright, S. and John, K. 2008 document type

Engaging the public in climate change and energy demand reduction: Executive summary external website

subsectionLorenzoni, I, ONeill, S, Whitmarsh, L, Otoadese, J, Keay-Bright, S. and John, K 2008

Microgrids Book Stakeholder Meeting

subsectionOtoadese, J. 2008 document type

Critical issues in UK low carbon energy innovation policy

subsectionTait, G., Zahrir, S. and Otoadese, J. 2008 document type

Bioenergy directed research: opportunities for the Carbon Trust and bioenergy community

subsectionBrown, M. and Otoadese, J. 2007 document type

The cost-effectiveness of carbon abatement in the transport sector

subsectionCarlo, D. and Keay-Bright, S. 2007 document type

UKERC Annual Assembly 2007

subsectionKeay-Bright, S. 2007 document type

The Accelerated Materials Discovery for Energy Storage and Conversion Devices

subsectionKeay-Bright, S. 2007 document type

Agent Based Modelling: Application to Policy

subsectionKeay-Bright, S. 2007 document type

Supergen Workshop 2007

subsectionKeay-Bright, S. 2007 document type

Developing a bioenergy roadmap for the UK

subsectionKeay-Bright, S. and Taylor, G. 2007 document type

Sustainable Hydrogen Production: A role for Fusion?

subsectionOBrien, M., Webster, A. and Lancaster, K. 2007 document type

UK Tourism in a Low Carbon World

subsectionOtoadese, J. and Keay-Bright, S. 2007 document type

UK Tourism in a Low Carbon World - Executive Summary

subsectionOtoadese, J. and Keay-Bright, S. 2007 document type

The Energy White Paper: An academic critique

subsectionPalmer, J. and Keay-Bright, S. 2007 document type

Achieving a sustainable low-carbon society - symposium and workshop

subsectionUKERC 2007 document type

TSEC Trust Symposium - Workshop Report - 28th-29th June 2006 - St. Annes College, Oxford

subsectionBellaby, P. and Eames, M. 2006 document type

Implementing Kyoto and how does it all add up, executive summary

subsectionDarkin, B. with Neuhoff, K, Krey, M. and Gassan Zade, O 2006 document type

Energising Communities

subsectionEvans, B. and Palmer, J. 2006 document type

Innovation in energy systems: Learning from economic, institutional and management approaches

subsectionFoxon, T.J., Kohler, J. and Neuhoff, K. 2006 document type

Carbon capture and storage: Sustainability in the UK energy mix

subsectionHaszeldine, S., Gilfillan, S. and Wilkinson, M. 2006 document type

Carbon neutrality and carbon offsets

subsectionKeay-Bright, S. and Knight, O. 2006 document type

Place and energy: does scale matter?

subsectionMarvin, S., Palmer, J. and Plater, D. 2006 document type

Improving energy efficiency in a New Europe: leveraging the Kyoto flexibility mechanisms past, present & future

subsectionNovikova, A., Keay-Bright, S. and Palmer, J. 2006 document type

Supergen workshop 2006

subsectionPalmer, J. 2006 document type

Quantifying Energy Scenarios of a Low Carbon Society - The Annual Energy Modelling Conference (AEMC) of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)

subsectionPalmer, J., LaJoie, K. and Strachan, NS. 2006 document type

Future Economics and Markets for Hydrogen Applications and Infrastructure external website

subsectionUKERC 2006

Report on the ESRC / UKERC Seminar on the Future Economics of Hydrogen

subsectionUKERC 2006 document type

Report of the "clean coal and carbon capture and storage workshop"

subsectionUKERC 2006 document type

Summary of the UKERC-USEPA research hotel on MARKAL systems modelling

subsectionUKERC 2006 document type

Carbon capture & storage opportunities in a new Europe

subsectionVincent, C. 2006 document type

Teaching Energy Economics

subsectionWitham, H. 2006 document type

Transport and CO2

subsectionAnable, J. and Boardman, B. 2005 document type

1st Energy Systems Modelling Theme (ESMT) Workshop: Transport

subsectionEkins, P., Taylor, P., Kohler, J., Page, M., Titheridge, H. and Strachan, N. 2005 document type

Unlocking energy services: Main findings of a joint SDC/UKERC seminar

subsectionHinnells, M., Eppel, S. and Mitchell, C. 2005 document type

Workshop Summary Report - G8 Workshop on Energy Research and Innovation - 11-12 May 2005, Oxford, UK : Improving Collaboration on Clean Energy

subsectionKEAY-BRIGHT. S. 2005 document type

G8 Workshop on Energy Research and Innovation - 11-12 May, Oxford, UK : Improving Collaboration on Clean Energy - Chairman’s Report

subsectionKeay-Bright. S. 2005 document type

EMEC/UKERC Workshop: Environmental Impacts and Monitoring of Marine Energy Conversion Devices

subsectionNorris, J. and Mueller, M. 2005 document type

Workshop on modelling future energy technology cost and choice

subsectionStrachan, N. and Ozkan, N. 2005 document type

Summary of the IEA Energy Technology Systems analysis programme(ETSAP) 2005 Meeting

subsectionTosato, G., Keay-Bright, S., Taylor, P. and Strachan, N. 2005 document type

Annual Assembly 2005 external website

subsectionUKERC 2005

UKERC Marine Network Meeting

subsectionUKERC 2005 document type

Research Landscape

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Storage (2020)

subsectionRuddell, A.J. 2020 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Socio-Economic Issues (2019)

subsectionHannon, M. 2019 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Whole Systems Research

subsectionSilvast, A. 2019 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Electricity Transmission and Distribution

subsectionChaudry, M 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape - Energy Efficiency - Residential & Commercial

subsectionLowe, R. and Halliday, J.A. 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Hydropower

subsectionAggidis, G. 2013 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Fuel Cells

subsectionBrandon, N 2013 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Hydrogen

subsectionDutton, A.G., Halliday, J.A. and Mays, T. 2013 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Electric Power Conversion

subsectionGahan, D. 2013 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Wind

subsectionHalliday, J.A. and Ruddell, A.J. 2013 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Socio-Economic Issues (2013)

subsectionHannon, M 2013 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Nuclear Fission

subsectionHowarth, P.J.A. and Stonell, D. 2013 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Solar Energy

subsectionIrvine, S.J.C. 2013 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Storage (2013)

subsectionRuddell, A.J. 2013 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Nuclear Fusion

subsectionWarrick, C., O'Brien, M., Ward, D., Nelson, C. and Edwards, C. 2013 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Efficiency - Transport

subsectionBeecroft, M. and Anable, J. 2012 document type

UKERC Energy Research landscape: OIL AND GAS

subsectionBreen, R. 2012 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Marine Renewable Energy

subsectionFinlay, L., Jay, B. and Jeffrey, H. 2012 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Coal Combustion

subsectionMinchener, A. 2012 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Coal Conversion

subsectionMinchener, A. 2012 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Geothermal Energy

subsectionWright, L.C. and Younger, P. 2012 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Systems Modelling

subsectionStrachan, N. 2011 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Energy Efficiency - Industry

subsectionHammond, G. 2009 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Carbon Capture and Storage

subsectionHaszeldine, S. 2009 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Bioenergy for Heat, Power and Liquid transportation fuels

subsectionTaylor, G. 2009 document type

UKERC Energy Research Landscape: Interdisciplinary Research Centres

subsectionWang, X. 2009 document type

Research Roadmap

Marine Energy Technology Roadmap 2014

subsectionJeffrey, H. 2014 document type

Energy Technologies Institute & UK Energy Research Centre : Marine Energy Technology Roadmap, October 2010

subsectionJeffrey, H. 2010 document type

Nuclear Fission Energy Roadmap

subsectionHowarth, P.J.A. 2008 document type

UKERC Marine (Wave and Tidal Current) Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap

subsectionMueller, M. and Jeffrey, H. 2008 document type

The UKERC/UKCCSC Carbon Capture and Storage Roadmap

subsectionGough, C., Mander, S., Haszeldine, S. and Palmer, J. 2007 document type

A Road Map for Photovoltaics Research in the UK

subsectionInfield, D.G. 2007 document type

Consultation Response

Scottish Government: Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan consultation

subsectionBell, K., Bridge, G., Britton, J., Cooper, S., Gailani, A., Gross, R., Hanna, R., Munoz, C.C., Poulter, H., Rattle, I., Sugar, K., Turner, K., Webb, J. and Whitmee, S. 2023 document type

Ofgem Consultation: Future of local energy institutions and governance

subsectionBritton, J., Poulter, H. and Webb, J. 2023 document type

DESNZ Consultation on the Strategy and Policy Statement for Energy Policy. Aug 2023

subsectionGross, R., Bradshaw, M., Bell, K .and Webb, J. 2023 document type

Just Transition to Net Zero Wales: Consultation response

subsectionPidgeon, N., Gross, R., Bell, K., Bradshaw, M., Chaudry, M., Hanna, R., Qadrdan, M., Lockwood, M., Webb, J. and Wu, J. 2023 document type

National Infrastructure Commission - Second National Infrastructure Assessment: Baseline Report. UK Energy Research Centre response

subsectionBeaumont, N., Bell, K., Flower, J., Gross, R., Hanna, R., Qadrdan, M., Rhodes, A., Speirs, J., Taylor, P., Webb, J. and Wu. J. 2022 document type

Economic Affairs Committee inquiry: UK energy supply and investment. UK Energy Research Centre response

subsectionBell, K., Blyth, W., Bradshaw, M., Green, R., Gross, R., Jansem, M., Ostrovnaya, A. and Webb, J. 2022 document type

Scottish Government Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee: Inquiry into the role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland. UK Energy Research Centre response

subsectionBritton, J. and Webb. J. 2022 document type

Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy Inquiry: Critical national infrastructure and climate adaptation

subsectionCox, E., Bell, K.. and Brush, S. 2022 document type

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Review of Electricity Market Arrangements Consultation

subsectionGross, R., Blyth, W., MacIver, C., Green, R., Bell, K. and Jansen, M. 2022 document type

Ofgem Call for Input: Future of local energy institutions and governance. UKERC Consultation Response

subsectionPoulter, H., Britton, J. and Webb, J. 2022 document type

BEIS call for evidence : Enabling a high renewable, net zero electricity system.

subsectionBlyth, W., Gross, R., Bell, K., MacIver, C. and Nash, S. 2021 document type

House of Lords Select Committee on Risk Assessment and Risk Planning: Risk assessment and risk planning in the context of disruptive national hazards

subsectionCox, E., Bell, K. and Gross, R. 2021 document type

EU Environment Sub-Committee inquiry: UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement - Submission on behalf of Chatham House, the University of Warwick and the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC): Comments in relation to issues around climate change and energy

subsectionFroggatt, A., Kuzemko, C. and Bradshaw, M. 2021 document type

Environmental Audit Committee inquiry into Green Jobs - call for evidence

subsectionHanna, R., Heptonstall, P., Gross, R., Wade F. and Webb, J. 2021 document type

UKERC Consultation Response to BEIS Consultation on Future support for low carbon heat

subsectionAbeysekera, M., Fuentes Gonzalez, F., Gross, R., Lowes, R., Qadrdan, M. and Wu, J. 2020 document type

BEIS Select Committee Super Inquiry: Post-Pandemic Economic Growth

subsectionBeaumont, N., Gross, R., Hanna, R., Taylor, P., Wade, F. and Webb, J. 2020 document type

Ending the sale of new petrol, diesel and hybrid cars and vans.

subsectionBrand, C., Anable, J. and Dixon, J. 2020 document type

Ofgem RIIO-ED2 consultation response

subsectionGross, R. and Bell. K. 2020 document type

BEIS Select Committee inquiry: Decarbonising heat in homes

subsectionLowes, R., Pidgeon, N., Barrett, J., Qadrdan, M., Gross, R. and Wu, J. 2020 document type

Joint Ofgem and BEIS Consultation on Reforming the Energy Industry Codes Response from the UK Energy Research Centre

subsectionBell, K. 2019 document type

CREDS & UKERC response to: BEIS - Energy efficiency scheme for small and medium sized businesses: A call for evidence

subsectionFawcett, T., Hampton, S. and Mallaburn, P. 2019 document type

UKERC Response to the BEIS Consultation Designing the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

subsectionTaylor, P. and Watson, J 2019 document type

UKERC response to BEIS consultation: Business Models for Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage

subsectionTemperton, I. and Watson, J. 2019 document type

Ofgem consultation: Getting more out of our electricity networks by reforming access and forward-looking charging arrangements - UKERC response

subsectionBell, K. 2018 document type

Ofgem RIIO-2 Consultation - Response from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)

subsectionBell, K., Gross, R. and Watson, J 2018 document type

Ofgem Call for Evidence on the future of supply market arrangements - UK Energy Research Centre response

subsectionBrinker, L. 2018 document type

Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) inquiry : Submission on behalf of UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources (ISR) and the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)

subsectionHughes, N., Watson, J. and Ekins, P. 2018 document type

BEIS call for evidence : The future for small scale low-carbon generation - Response from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)

subsectionMcLachlan, C., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hawker, G. and Watson, J. 2018 document type

Welsh Government Consultation: Achieving our low-carbon pathway to 2030

subsectionPidgeon, N., Jenkins, N., Watson, J., Bays, J. and Gross, R. 2018 document type

Welsh Government : Locally owned renewable energy: A call for evidence - Response from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)

subsectionTingey, M., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hawkey, D., McLachlan, C. and Webb, J. 2018 document type

Technologies for meeting Clean Growth emissions reduction targets

subsectionWatson, J. and Gross, R. 2018 document type

Scottish Parliament Finance and Constitution Committee: Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) Bill - Financial Memorandum -Response by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)

subsectionWinskel, M., Watson, J., Gross, R., Dodds, P. and Bell, K. 2018 document type

Building our Industrial Strategy - Response to the Green Paper

subsectionBell, K., Barrett, J., Ekins, P., Eyre, N., Gross, R., Watson, J. and Wright, L 2017 document type





































Policy Briefing Paper



























































