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Buildings don't use energy: people do

Citation Janda, K. Buildings don't use energy: people do. 2011. https://doi.org/10.3763/asre.2009.0050.
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Author(s) Janda, K.
Opus Title Architectural Science Review
Pages 15-22
Volume 54
DOI https://doi.org/10.3763/asre.2009.0050

Reducing energy use in buildings is a critical component of meeting carbon reduction commitments. There are several ways of accomplishing this goal, each of which emphasizes actions by a different set of stakeholders. This article argues that building users play a critical but poorly understood and often overlooked role in the built environment. In the face of climate change, the article finds purely architectural solutions, such as those proposed by the Architecture 2030 Challenge, to be necessary but not sufficient to achieve climate change mitigation targets. To fully address the task ahead, it argues that architects need to develop their professional expertise to improve buildingsandseek ways of integrating user involvement in building performance. Moreover, from a professional standpoint, this paper suggests it may be wise for architects to claim a leadership role in this area before another group of building professionals does.