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The experience of carbon rationing action groups: implications for a personal carbon allowances policy

Citation Howell, R. The experience of carbon rationing action groups: implications for a personal carbon allowances policy. UKERC. 2009.
Author(s) Howell, R.
Publisher UKERC
Download The_Experience_of_Carbon_Rationing_Action_Groups_-_Implications_for_a_Personal_Carbon_Allowances_Policy.pdf document type

The overall objective of this research was to determine whether the operation of the CRAGs movement, and the experiences of individuals involved, can offer any useful information about the process of individual/household level carbon footprint reductions, the psychological effects of having a carbon allowance and trading system, and therefore any issues for consideration in the design of a Personal Carbon Trading policy. The specific aims were therefore:

  • to obtain factual information about CRAGs, such as details of the carbon allowances set, accounting procedures and trading systems;
  • to learn about the experiences of individuals involved, such as whether they have made behavioural changes and cut their CO2 emissions, and if so how, what they have found easy or difficult in their attempts to live a lower-carbon lifestyle;
  • to elicit the opinions of CRAG members on their motivations for involvement in the movement, on personal carbon trading, and on the benefits and limitations of CRAGs;
  • to attempt to discover what role, if any, being part of a group plays in demand reduction, given that the behavioural changes themselves are at the individual/household level.