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Managing residential electricity demand: learning from experience in the UK and Ontario

Citation Darby, S. and Rowlands, I. Managing residential electricity demand: learning from experience in the UK and Ontario. UKERC. 2008.
Author(s) Darby, S. and Rowlands, I.
Publisher UKERC
Download Managing_residential_electricity_demand_Learning_from_experience_in_the_UK_and_Ontario.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number UKERC/MR/MP/2008/006

This workshop brought together 36 experts including policy makers and advisors, scientists and residential electricity management stakeholders to provide a neutral forum, under Chatham House rules, for full and frank dialogue relating to sharing lessons learned and developing strategies and policy recommendations emerging from managing residential electricity demand in the UK and Ontario, Canada. This was an opportunity to reflect upon our various roles within the broader context of residential electricity demand management. The aim of the workshop was to draw out recommendations and actions for demand reduction, load management and carbon reduction. The workshop outputs will provide a base for continued collaboration and identification of new research initiatives.

The workshop explored three objectives: 1. Share lessons learned from the UK and Ontario, Canada regarding demand response and demand reduction initiatives

2. Examine possible strategies; and

3. Develop policy recommendations and actions for demand reduction, load management and carbon reduction.