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Personal Carbon Budgets, Helping individuals to live in a carbon constrained world

Citation Parag, Y., and Strickland, D. Personal Carbon Budgets, Helping individuals to live in a carbon constrained world. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. 2010.
Author(s) Parag, Y., and Strickland, D.
Publisher American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Editor Ehrhardt Martinez, K., and Laitner, S
ISBN e-book
Opus Title Peiople-centred Initiatives for increasing Energy Savings
Pages 15

In this chapter we introduce PCA and place it in the policy context of other suggested policies for reducing emissions from individuals’ activities. We then describe the mechanisms through which PCA would reduce emissions, and describe current thinking on PCA within the UK. We continue by laying out the rational for applying a budgeting framework as a means for understanding personal carbon allowances and as an emissions management tool. The final section discusses the prerequisites for effective carbon budgeting