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Low-carbon, resilient scenarios for the UK energy system in 2050

Citation Ekins. P., Keppo. I., Skea. J., Strachan. N., Usher. W. and Anandarajah. G. Low-carbon, resilient scenarios for the UK energy system in 2050. 2013.
Author(s) Ekins. P., Keppo. I., Skea. J., Strachan. N., Usher. W. and Anandarajah. G.
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UKERC Report Number UKERC/BP/ESY/2013/002

This briefing draws out the key messages from the UKERC report The UK Energy System in 2050: comparing low-carbon resilient scenarios, – which describes and compares a series of model runs, implemented through the UK MARKAL modelling system, which was developed through UKERC with funding from the Research Councils’ Energy Programme. This has revealed some consistent patterns showing how the UK energy system might develop in future, which are discussed in detail in the full report.