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Geographies of energy transition: Space, place and the low-carbon economy

Citation Bridge, G., Bouzarovski, S., Bradshaw, M. and Eyre, N. Geographies of energy transition: Space, place and the low-carbon economy. 2013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2012.10.066.
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Author(s) Bridge, G., Bouzarovski, S., Bradshaw, M. and Eyre, N.
Opus Title Energy Policy
Pages 331-340
Volume 53
DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2012.10.066

This paper makes a case for examining energy transition as a geographical process, involving the reconfiguration of current patterns and scales of economic and social activity. The paper draws on a seminar series on the Geographies of Energy Transition: security, climate, governance' hosted by the authors between 2009 and 2011, which initiated a dialogue between energy studies and the discipline of human geography. Focussing on the UK Government's policy for a low carbon transition, the paper provides a conceptual language with which to describe and assess the geographical implications of a transition towards low carbon energy. Six concepts are introduced and explained: location, landscape, territoriality, spatial differentiation, scaling, and spatial embeddedness. Examples illustrate how the geographies of a future low-carbon economy are not yet determined and that a range of divergent and contending potential geographical futures are in play. More attention to the spaces and places that transition to a low-carbon economy will produce can help better understand what living in a low-carbon economy will be like. It also provides a way to help evaluate the choices and pathways available.