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Beyond Dieselgate: Implications of unaccounted and future air pollutant emissions and energy use for cars in the United Kingdom

Citation Brand. C. Beyond Dieselgate: Implications of unaccounted and future air pollutant emissions and energy use for cars in the United Kingdom. 2016. (none).
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Author(s) Brand. C.
Download Beyond-dieselgate-implications-of-unaccounted-and-future-air-pollutant-emissions-and-energy-use-for-cars-in-the-united-kingdom_2016_energy-policy.pdf document type
Opus Title Energy Policy
Pages 1-12
Volume 97
DOI (none)

A new, peer-reviewed study by Christian Brand, Associate Professor, University of Oxford, and UKERC Researcher, adds to the literature arguing that regulation and emissions budgeting for vehicles based on tailpipe emissions is no longer fit for purpose and should be changed to one based on well-to-wheel, and ultimately life cycle, emissions.