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UKERC Phase 4 : Flexible Fund Consultation

Citation UKERC UKERC Phase 4 : Flexible Fund Consultation. UKERC. 2020.
Author(s) UKERC
Publisher UKERC
Download UKERC_Report_Flexible_Fund_Consultation.pdf document type
Pages 37
UKERC Report Number N/a

The UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) is in its fourth five-year phase of research and engagement activities, which will run until April 2024. In addition to the core programme of research, a number of mechanisms have been put in place to ensure that participation in UKERC is broad, flexible and addresses the needs of the wider UK research community.

A Flexible Fund of around £3m (valued at 80% FEC) has been set up in order to commission new research and facilitate the integration of the existing programme. The Fund is overseen by UKERC’s independent Research Committee. The key aims of the Fund are:

  • To allow the research programme to develop flexibly in the light of new scientific insights or external developments, e.g. in energy policy;
  • To bring a wider range of researchers and disciplines into UKERC’s research programme, including researchers from outside the ‘traditional’ energy community;
  • To promote integration in the UKERC research programme, and to fill gaps where needed;
  • To build collaborations between the UKERC research community and other research communities – including other energy researchers, groups and centres; and
  • To scope and develop new research agendas in partnership with funders, the research community and other stakeholders.

This report presents the outputs of two key consultation activities on potential Flexible Fund topics :

  • Section 2 of this report sets out the outcomes of a workshop held on the 12th February with attendees from across the UK research community. This presents the research areas and ideas that were the most popular in the voting exercise, the key issues that were discussed in each of the breakouts and a record of the full list of ideas in each breakout group, as well as the outcomes of the voting exercise.
  • Section 3 presents the results of an online survey.