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Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Brighton and Hove Energy Services

Citation Cairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hardy, J., McLachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E. and Sharmina, M. Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Brighton and Hove Energy Services. UKERC. 2020. https://doi.org/10.17868/69790.
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Author(s) Cairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hardy, J., McLachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E. and Sharmina, M.
Publisher UKERC
Download UoS_UKERC_Case_study-Brighton_Hove_Energy_Services.pdf document type
UKERC Report Number n/a
DOI https://doi.org/10.17868/69790

Commencing in 2016, the Financing Community Energy project provides a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of the role of finance in the evolution of the UK community energy sector. This report presents the final of our four case studies of UK community energy organisations, exploring how these organisations have sought to finance their projects against a backdrop of diminishing government support for grassroots sustainable development.

Established in 2013, Brighton and Hove Energy Services (BHESCo) primary focus was to develop both renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, whilst also ensuring people have equal access to energy. BHESCo is rather unlike our other community energy case studies in that it operates very much like an Energy Services Company (ESCo), where they accept some degree of responsibility to provide the energy service that its customers ultimately desire (e.g. lighting, ambient temperature), rather than the straightforward supply of heat or electricity.