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69 publications found

Journal Article

Predicted wind and solar energy expansion has minimal overlap with multiple conservation priorities across global regions external website

subsectionDunnett, S., Holland, R.A., Taylor, G. and Eigenbrod, F. 2022

Local decarbonisation opportunities and barriers: UK public procurement legislation.

subsectionSugar, K., Mose, T. M., Nolden, C., Davis, M., Eyre, N., Sanchez-Graells, A., & Van Der Horst, D 2022

The co-location of offshore windfarms and decapod fisheries in the UK: Constraints and opportunities

subsectionHooper, T. and Austen, M. 2014

Modelling Socio-Environmental Sensitivities: How Public Responses to Low Carbon Energy Technologies Could Shape the UK Energy System external website

subsectionMoran Jay B., Howard. D., Hughes. N., Whitaker. J., and Anandarajah. G. 2014

Spatial mapping of building energy demand in Great Britain

subsectionTaylor, S.C., Firth, S.K., Wang, C., Allinson, D., Quddus, M. and Smith, P. 2014

Cost and potential of carbon abatement from the UK perennial energy crop market

subsectionAlexander, P., Moran, D., Rounsevell, M.D.A., Hillier, J. and Smith, P. 2013

Estimating UK perennial energy crop supply using farm-scale models with spatially disaggregated data

subsectionAlexander, P., Moran, D., Smith, P.,Hastings, A., Wang, S., Sunnenberg, G., Lovett, A., Tallis, M.J., Casella, E., Taylor, G., Finch, J. and Cisowska, I. 2013

The potential of offshore windfarms to act as marine protected areas A systematic review of current evidence

subsectionAshley, M.C., Mangi, S.C. and Rodwell, L.D. 2013

Consumption-based GHG emission accounting: a UK case study

subsectionBarrett, J., Peters, G., Wiedmann, T., Scott K., Lenzen, M., Roelich, K. and Le Qur, C. 2013

The technical potential of Great Britain to produce ligno-cellulosic biomass for bioenergy in current and future climates

subsectionHastings, A., Tallis, M.J., Casella, E., Matthews, R.W., Henshall, P.A., Milner, S., Smith, P. and Taylor, G. 2013

Tidal barrages in the UK: Ecological and social impacts, potential mitigation, and tools to support barrage planning

subsectionHooper, T. and Austen, M. 2013

The availability of land for perennial energy crops in Great Britain

subsectionLovett, A., Sunnenberg, G. and Dockerty, T. 2013

Carbon footprints of cities and other human settlements in the UK

subsectionMinx, J., Baiocchi, G., Wiedmann, T., Barrett, J., Creutzig, F., Feng, K., Forster, M., Pichler, P., Weisz, H. and Hubacek, K. 2013

A GIS based assessment of bioenergy potential in England within existing energy systems

subsectionThomas, A.R.C., Bond, A.J. and Hiscock, K.M. 2013

The potential for bioenergy crops to contribute to meeting GB heat and electricity demands

subsectionWang, S., Hastings, A., Wang, S., Sunnenberg, G., Tallis, M.J., Casella, E., Taylor, S., Alexander, P., Cisowska, I., Lovett, A., Taylor, G., Firth, S., Moran, D., Morison, J. and Smith, P. 2013

Policy-relevant applications of environmentally extended MRIO databases - Experiences from the UK

subsectionWiedmann, T. and Barrett, J. 2013

Link between climate change mitigation and resource efficiency: A UK case study

subsectionBarrett, J. and Scott, K. 2012

Sensitivity of crop model predictions to meteorological and soil data

subsectionPogson M., Hastings A. and Smith P. 2012

Development and evaluation of ForestGrowth-SRC a process-based model for short rotation coppice yield and spatial supply reveals poplar uses water more efficiently than willow

subsectionTallis, M.J., Casella, E., Henshall P.A., Aylott M.J., Randle T.J., Morison J.I.L. and Taylor G. 2012

A multi-criteria based review of models that predict environmental impacts of land use-change for perennial energy crops on water, carbon and nitrogen cycling

subsectionThomas, A.R.C., Bond, A.J. and Hiscock, K.M. 2012

An Optimization Model for Energy Crop Supply

subsectionWang S.F., Hastings A. and Smith P. 2012

Economic and greenhouse gas costs of Miscanthus supply chains in the United Kingdom

subsectionWang, S., Wang, S., Hastings, A., Pogson, M. and Smith, P. 2012

Counting the cost of carbon in bioenergy systems: sources of variation and hidden pitfalls when comparing life cycle assessments

subsectionRowe R., Whitaker J., Freer-Smith P.H., Chapman J., Ryder S., Ludley K.E., Howard D.C. and Taylor G. 2011

A Greenhouse Footprint Analysis of UK Central Government (1990 to 2008)

subsectionWiedmann T. and Barrett, J. 2011

Application of Hybrid Life Cycle Approaches to Emerging Energy Technologies The Case of Wind Power in the UK

subsectionWiedmann TO, Suh S, Feng K, Lenzen M, Acquaye A, Scott K, Barrett JR. 2011

Estimating the supply of biomass from short-rotation coppice in England, given social, economic and environmental constraints to land availability

subsectionAylott M.J., Casella E., Farrall K. and Taylor G. 2010

Understanding Changes in the UKs CO2 Emissions: A Global Perspective

subsectionBaiocchi, G. and Minx, J.C. 2010

The impact of social factors on consumer behaviour and carbon dioxide emissions in the United Kingdom: A regression based on input-output and geo-demographic consumer segmentation data

subsectionBaiocchi, G., Minx, J.C. and Hubacek, K. 2010

Uncertainty analysis for Multi-Region Input-Output Models a case study of the UKs carbon footprint

subsectionLenzen, M., Wood, R. and Wiedmann, T. 2010

A Carbon Footprint Time Series of the UK - Results from a Multi-Region Input-Output Model

subsectionWiedmann, T., Wood, R., Minx, J., Lenzen, M., Guan, D. and Harris, R. 2010

An initial assessment of the potential environmental impact of CO2 escape from marine carbon capture and storage systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A

subsectionBlackford, J., Jones, N., Proctor, R., Holt, J., Widdicombe, S., Lowe, D., Rees, A. 2009

Tidal energy potential in UK waters. Proceedings of the ICE

subsectionBurrows, R., Walkington, I.A., Yates, N.C., Hedges, T.S., Li, M., Zhou, J.G., Chen, D.Y., Wolf, J., Holt, J. and Proctor, R. 2009

The tidal range energy potential of the West Coast of the United Kingdom

subsectionBurrows, R. , Walkington, I.A., Yates, N.C., Hedges, T.S., Wolf, J. and Holt, J. 2009

Input-output analysis and carbon footprinting: An overview of regional and corporate applications

subsectionMinx, J., Wiedmann, T., Wood, R., Peters, G., Lenzen, M., Owen, A., Scott, K., Barrett, J., Hubacek, K., Baiocchi, G., Paul, A., Dawkins, E., Briggs, J., Guan, D., Suh, S. and Ackermann, F. 2009

Identifying potential environmental impacts of large-scale deployment of dedicated bioenergy crops in the UK.

subsectionRowe, R.L., Street, N.R. and Taylor, G. 2009

Environmental impacts of tidal power schemes. Proceedings of the ICE.

subsectionWolf, J., Walkington, I.A., Holt, J. and Burrows, R. 2009

Yield and spatial supply of bioenergy poplar and willow short rotation coppice in the UK

subsectionAylott, M.J, Casella, E, Tubby, I, Street, N.R, Smith, P. and Taylor, G. 2007

QTL for yield in bioenergy Populus. Identifying G x E interactions influencing growth at three contrasting sites

subsectionRae, A.M, Pinel, M.P.C, Bastien, C, Sabatti, M, Street, N.R, Tucker, J, Dixon, C, Marron, N, Dillen, S.Y. and Taylor, G 2007

Book Chapter

Uncertainty and Variability in MRIO Analysis

subsectionOwen, A. 2013

Environmental risks and performance assessment of carbon dioxide (COo2) leakage in marine ecosystems

subsectionBlackford, J., Widdicombe, S., Lowe, D., and Chen. B. 2010

Carbon Uptake, Transport and Storage by Oceans and the Consequences of Change

subsectionTurley C., Blackford, J., Hardman-Mountford, N, Litt, E., Llewellyn, C., Lowe, D., Miller, P., Nightingale, P., Rees, A., Smyth, T., Tilstone, G. and Widdicombe S. 2009

Underground storage of Carbon Dioxide

subsectionHolloway, S, Bentham, M, Kirk, K. and Angel, M. 2006

UKERC Research Report

Decarbonising Home Heating: An Evidence Review of Domestic Heat Pump Installed Costs

subsectionHeptonstall. P, and Winskel. M 2023 document type

Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Green Energy Mull

subsectionCairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hardy, J., McLachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E., Sharmina, M. 2020 document type

Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Gwent Energy CIC

subsectionCairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, Tim., Hardy, J., Mclachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E., Sharmina, M. 2020 document type

Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Brighton and Hove Energy Services

subsectionCairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hardy, J., McLachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E. and Sharmina, M. 2020 document type

Financing Community Energy Case Studies: Edinburgh Community Solar Cooperative

subsectionCairns, I., Hannon, M., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hardy, J., McLachan, C., Mander, S., Manderson, E. and Sharmina, M. 2020 document type

How Local Authorities can encourage citizen participation in energy transitions. An Energy-PIECES report.

subsectionHaf, S. and Robison, R. 2020 document type

Governing the UKs transition to decarbonised heating: Lessons from a systematic review of past and ongoing heat transitions. An Energy-PIECES report

subsectionStabler, L. and Foulds, C. 2020 document type

UKERC Working Paper

Local Governance, the Circular Economy and Household Waste: A Practice Theory Approach to Waste Minimisation

subsectionPrime, K. 2024 document type

Modern Methods of Construction for Net Zero Housing: Implications from the Social Sciences and Humanities

subsectionRafa, N. and Khalid, R. 2024 document type

Just Parking: Fair and Sustainable Travel Policies for Large Organisations

subsectionStevenson, L. and Royston, S. 2024 document type

Energy Transition Investment Confidence: Mapping UK Government Decision-Making and Tracking Delivery

subsectionHamilton. K 2023 document type

Sectoral export promotion impacts on economic and environmental indicators: A multisectoral modelling analysis for the UK

subsectionAllan, G., Barkoumas, C., Ross, A. and Sinha, A. 2020 document type

Bridging the gap between energy and the environment: A synthesis of research conducted within the UKERC Energy & Environment theme.

subsectionHinton, E., Holland, R., Austen, M., Taylor, G. (eds.) 2014 document type

Environmental Sustainability of Electricity Generation Systems with Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage

subsectionHolloway, S. and Rowley, W.J. 2008 document type

Life cycle assessment in the bioenergy sector: developing a systematic review

subsectionRowe, R., Whitaker, J., Chapman, J., Howard, D. and Taylor, G. 2008 document type

Towards sustainable energy use for transport

subsectionBrown, S. and Whitaker, J. 2007 document type

Workshop to Develop a Bioenergy Research Roadmap for the UK

subsectionTaylor, G. 2007 document type

Developing a Bioenergy Roadmap for the UK

subsectionTaylor, G. 2007 document type

Workshop Report

UKERC spatial planning for marine renewable energy arrays workshops

subsectionKeay-Bright, S., Begg, K. and Linley, A. 2008 document type

UKERC spatial planning for marine renewable energy arrays workshops: Executive summary external website

subsectionKeay-Bright, S, Begg, K. and Linley, A. 2008

Consultation Response

UK Energy Research Centre Response to the Energy and Climate Change Committee Consultation on Consumption-based Emission Reporting. external website

subsectionBarrett, J., C. Le Qur, M. Lenzen, G. Peters, K. Roelich, and T. Wiedmann 2011

Policy Briefing Paper

Bristol City Leap: A Novel Finance and Public Procurement Model for Delivering Net Zero

subsectionNolden, C., Moya Mose, T., Sugar, K., Kommidi, A. and Fox, S. 2023 document type

Unlocking the Efficiency Gains of Heat Pumps: The Role of Electricity and Gas Prices

subsectionTurner, K., Katris, A., Calvillo., Stewart, J. and Zhou, L. 2023 document type

An Observatory for Public Engagement with Energy and Climate Change

subsectionChilvers, J., Pallet, H., Hargreaves, T., Stephanides, P. and Waller, L. 2022 document type

Review of Energy Policy 2022

subsectionGross, R., Webb, J., Bradshaw, M., Bell, K., Taylor, P., Gailani, A., Rattle, I., Brand, C., Anable, J., Kuzemko, C. and Froggatt, A. 2022 document type

Policy Briefing : An introduction to ecosystem services

subsectionBeaumont, N 2013 document type

Carbon Emission Accounting Balancing the books for the UK

subsectionMorgan, N. 2011 document type