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142 publications found

Journal Article

Characterising the Evolution of Energy System Models Using Model Archaeology

subsectionDodds, E., Keppo, I., and Strachan, N. 2014

The structure of uncertainty in future low carbon pathways

subsectionHughes N., R. Gross and N. Strachan 2013

Un-burnable oil: An examination of oil resource utilisation in a decarbonised energy system

subsectionMcGlade, C. and Ekins, P. 2013

Investment risk and return under renewable decarbonization of a power market

subsectionMunoz J.I. and Bunn D.W. 2013

An expert elicitation of climate, energy and economic uncertainties

subsectionUsher, W. and Strachan, N. 2013

Resolving or managing uncertainties for carbon capture and storage: Lessons from historical analogues.

subsectionWatson, J., Kern, F. and Markusson, N. 2013

Marginal abatement cost curves: a call for caution

subsectionKesicki, F. and Ekins, P. 2012

A socio-technical framework for assessing the viability of carbon capture and storage technology

subsectionMarkusson, N., Kern, F., Arapostathis, S., Chalmers, H., Ghaleigh, N., Heptonstall, P., Pearson, P., Rossati, D., Russell, S. and Watson, J. 2012

A review of the uncertainties in estimates of global oil resources

subsectionMcGlade C 2012

What will CCS demonstrations demonstrate?

subsectionRussell, S., Markusson, N. and Scott, V. 2012

Failure to achieve stringent carbon reduction targets in a second-best policy world

subsectionStrachan, N. and Usher, W. 2012

Critical mid-term uncertainties in long-term decarbonisation pathways

subsectionUsher, W. and Strachan, N. 2012

Towards a Low-Carbon Economy: Scenarios and Policies for the UK

subsectionEkins. P., Anandarajah G., Strachan. N. 2011

A Major Environmental Tax Reform for the UK: Results for the Economy, Employment and the Environment

subsectionEkins, P., Summerton, P., Thoung, C., and Lee, D. 2011

The development and application of a temporal MARKAL energy system model using flexible time slicing

subsectionKannan, R. 2011

Business As Unusual: Existing Policies in Energy Model Baselines

subsectionStrachan, N. 2011

Interactions and Implications of Renewable and Climate Change Policy on UK Energy Scenarios

subsectionAnandarajah G., and N. Strachan 2010

Eco-Innovation for Environmental Sustainability: Concepts, Progress and Policies

subsectionEkins, P. 2010

Unannounced Environmental Tax Reform in the UK: The Fuel Duty Escalator and Income Tax in the 1990s

subsectionEkins, P., Kleinman, H., Bell, S., Shaw, B. and Venn, A. 2010

Methodological Review of UK and International Low Carbon Scenarios.

subsectionHughes N. and N. Strachan 2010

'Capture ready' regulation of fossil fuel power plants - Betting the UK's carbon emissions on promises of future technology external website

subsectionMarkusson, N. and Haszeldine, S. 2010

The macroeconomic rebound effect from the implementation of energy efficiency policies at global level

subsectionDagoumas, A. and Barker, T. 2009

The impact of EU policies on energy use in and the evolution of the UK built environment

subsectionEkins, P. and Lees, E. 2009

Uncertainties in Key Low Carbon Power Generation Technologies - Implication for UK Decarbonisation Targets

subsectionKannan, R. 2009

Modelling the UK residential energy sector under long-term decarbonisation scenarios: Comparison between energy systems and sectoral modelling approaches

subsectionKannan, R. and Strachan, N. 2009

Soft-linking energy systems and GIS models to investigate spatial hydrogen infrastructure development in a low carbon UK energy system

subsectionStrachan, N, Balta-Ozkan, N, Joffe, D, McGeevor, K. and Hughes, N. 2009

The Iterative Contribution and Relevance of Modelling to UK Energy Policy

subsectionStrachan, N., Pye, S. and Kannan, R. 2009

The Economics of Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change. An Editorial Essay on the Stern Review

subsectionBarker, T. 2008

The macroeconomic rebound effect and the world economy

subsectionBarker, T, Dagoumas, A. and Rubin, J. 2008

Achieving the G8 50% Target: Modelling Induced and Accelerated Technological Change Using the Macro-econometric Model E3MG

subsectionBarker, T. and Foxon, T. 2008

The Demand for New Car Fuel Economy of Gasoline and Diesel in the UK. external website

subsectionBonilla, D. and Foxon, T. 2008

Integrated modelling of EU transport policy assessing economic growth impacts from social marginal cost pricing and infrastructure investments external website

subsectionKohler, J, Barker, T. and Jin, Y. 2008

Low Carbon Society Modelling

subsectionStrachan, N., Foxon, T., and Fuchino, J. 2008

Policy implications from modelling long term senarios for low carbon societies

subsectionStrachan, N, Foxon, T. and Fujino, J. 2008

Hybrid modelling of long-term carbon reduction scenarios for the UK

subsectionStrachan, N. and Kannan, R. 2008

The role of international drivers on UK scenarios of a low-carbon society

subsectionStrachan, N, Pye, S. and Hughes, N. 2008

Macroeconomic Effects of Efficiency Policies for Energy-intensive Industries: the Case of the UK Climate Change Agreement, 2000-2010.

subsectionBarker, T.S, Ekins, P. and Foxon, T,J. 2007

The macroeconomic rebound effect and the UK economy

subsectionBarker, T.S, Ekins, P. and Foxon, T.J. 2007

Carbon leakage from unilateral environmental tax reforms in Europe, 1995-2005.

subsectionBarker, T.S, Junankar, S, Pollitt, H. and Summerton, P. 2007

Macroeconomic Effects of Climate Policies for Road Transport: Efficiency Agreements Versus Fuel Taxation for the UK, 2000-2010

subsectionBarker, T.S, Rubin, J. 2007

Towards improved policy processes for promoting innovation in renewable electricity technologies in the UK.

subsectionFoxon, T.J. and Pearson, P. 2007

Setting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets Under Baseline Uncertainty: The Bush Climate Change Initiative.

subsectionStrachan, N. 2007

Emissions from distributed vs. centralized generation: The importance of system performance

subsectionStrachan, N. and Farrell, A. 2006


Carbon-energy taxation: lessons from Europe

subsectionAndersen, M.S. and Ekins, P. 2009

Modelling Long-Term Scenarios for Low Carbon Societies

subsectionStrachan N., T. Foxon, and J. Fujino 2008

Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change external website

subsectionBarker, T. et al 2007

Book Chapter

Sustainability, Climate Change, and Transition in Global Energy

subsectionBradshaw, M.J. 2013

Public policy and public opinion on shale gas development

subsectionDutton, J 2012

Challenges to the Shale Gas Revolution

subsectionDutton, J. 2012

Competitiveness: What do we know from the Modelling?

subsectionEkins, P. and Speck, S. 2012

A low carbon transition: from technological options to exploring governance issues

subsectionStrachan N. and T. Foxon 2012

Pathways to a low carbon economy

subsectionAnandarajah G., Ekins P., and Strachan. N 2011

System Innovation for Environmental Sustainability: Concepts, Policies and Political Economy

subsectionEkins, P. 2011

UK Energy Policy and Institutions

subsectionEkins, P., Skea, J. and Winskel, M. 2011

Putting it all together: Implications for policy and action

subsectionEkins, P., Winskel, M., and Skea. J. 2011

The way we live from now on: Lifestyle and energy consumption

subsectionEyre N., Anable J., Brand C., Layberry R., and Strachan, N. 2011

A resilient energy system

subsectionSkea, J., Chaudry, M., Ekins, P., Kannan, R., Shakoor, A. and Wang, X. 2011


subsectionSkea, J., Ekins. P., and Winskel, M. 2011

UK energy in an uncertain world

subsectionStrachan N. and J. Skea 2011

Hydrogen system modelling

subsectionBalta-Ozkan, N. and Strachan, N. 2010

Making Reform Happen in Environmental Policy’

subsectionEkins, P., and Salmons, R. 2010

Conclusion: Europes Lessons from Carbon-Energy Taxation

subsectionEkins, P. 2009

Carbon Taxes and Emissions Trading: Issues and Interactions

subsectionEkins, P. 2009

The Rationale for and Economic Implications of Dematerialisation

subsectionEkins, P. 2009

The Structure and Use of the UK MARKAL Model

subsectionKannan, R, Ekins, P and Strachan, N. 2009

Innovation in Energy Systems: Learning from Economic, Institutional and Management Approaches

subsectionFoxon, T 2008

Mitigation from a Cross-sectoral perspective

subsectionBarker, T. and Bashmakov, I. 2007

Environmental Implications

subsectionOsborn, D, Fowler, D.F. and Cox, P. 2006

Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change by Inducing Technological Progress: Scenarios Using a Large-scale econometric model

subsectionBarker, T., Pan, H., Köhler, J., Warren, R., and Winne, S. 2005

Conference Paper

Energy security and the EU: The contradictory materialities of multi-level hydrocarbon governance

subsectionBouzarovski, S 2012

Unpacking energy security

subsectionBouzarovski, S 2012

The scalar politics of energy restructuring in Eastern and Central Europe

subsectionBouzarovski, S 2012

Producing territorial dissensus: The new geographies of energy security

subsectionBouzarovski, S 2012 document type

The Sakhalin Oil and Gas Projects: Lessons for Arctic Development

subsectionBradshaw, M 2012

Global Gas Debate

subsectionBradshaw, M 2012

Workshop on the Geopolitics of Energy Security

subsectionBradshaw, M 2012 document type

A Supply Chain Approach to Gas Security

subsectionBradshaw, M 2012 document type

The Territorialities of Liquified Natural Gas

subsectionBridge G 2012

TIAM-UCL - Achieving 2DC by 2100

subsectionDessens, O., Anandarajah, G., Daly, H 2012 document type

Development of the UK TIMES model: learning the lessons of the past

subsectionDodds, P 2012 document type

EU gas infrastructure and decarbonisation: the path to 2050

subsectionDutton, J 2012

The Geopolitical & Security Implications of Global Unconventional Gas Development for Scotland and the UK

subsectionDutton J 2012

Challenges to Sustaining the Shale Gas Revolution

subsectionDutton J 2012 document type

Energy, Carbon and Climate Change

subsectionStrachan N 2012

Can energy efficiency policies deliver carbon reductions? Evidence from macro-economic modelling.

subsectionBarker, T.S. and Foxon, T.J. 2006

Overview of UK Energy and Carbon Scenarios

subsectionHughes, N. 2006

Incorporating Behavioural Responses within a Technology Optimisation Energy Model external website

subsectionKannan, R. and Strachan, N. 2006

Modelling Long-Term Carbon Abatement Scenarios with UK MARKAL external website

subsectionStrachan, N. and Kannan, R. 2006

UKERC Research Report

How Local Authorities can encourage citizen participation in energy transitions. An Energy-PIECES report.

subsectionHaf, S. and Robison, R. 2020 document type

Accelerating innovation towards net zero emissions

subsectionKazaglis, A., Tam, A., Eis, J., Watson, J., Hughes, N., Gross, R. and Hanna, R. 2019 document type

Local Authority Engagement in UK Energy Systems:Highlights from Early Findings

subsectionTingey, M., Webb, J., and Hawkey, D. 2017 document type

The UK's Global Gas Challenge

subsectionBradshaw, M., Bridge. G., Bouzarovski, S., Watson, J. and Dutton, J. 2014 document type

A Bridge to a Low-Carbon Future? Modelling the Long-Term Global Potential of Natural Gas

subsectionMcGlade, C., Bradshaw, M., Anandarajah, G., Watson, J. and Ekins, P. 2014 document type

The UK energy system in 2050: Comparing Low-Carbon, Resilient Scenarios

subsectionEkins, P., Keppo, I., Skea, J., Strachan, N., Usher, W. and Anandarajah, G. 2013 document type

Carbon Capture and Storage Realising the potential ? (Research Report)

subsectionWatson, J., Kern, F., Gross, M., Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Jones, F., Haszeldine, S., Ascui, F., Chalmers, H., Ghaleigh, N., Gibbins, J., Markusson, N., Marsden, W., Rossati, D., Russell, S., Winskel, M., Pearson, P. and Arapostathis. S. 2012 document type

Building a Resilient UK Energy System - Research Report

subsectionChaudry, M., Ekins, P., Kannan, R., Shakoor, A., Skea, J., Strbac, G., Wang, X. and Whitaker, J. 2011 document type

Pathways to a Low Carbon Economy: Energy Systems Modelling - UKERC Energy 2050 Research Report 1

subsectionAnandarajah, G., Strachan, N., Ekins, P., Kannan, R. and Hughes, N. 2009 document type

Accelerated technology development for selected bio-energy chains and technologies in the UK.

subsectionClarke, D., Jablonski, S., Moran, B., Anandarajah, G. and Taylor, G. 2009

Decarbonising the UK Energy System: Accelerated Development of Low Carbon Energy Supply Technologies

subsectionWinskel, W., Markusson, N., Moran, B., Jeffrey, H., Anandarajah, G., Hughes, N., Candelise, C., Clarke, D., Taylor, G., Chalmers, H., Dutton, G., Howarth, P., Jablonski, S., Kalyvas, C. and Ward, D. 2009 document type

The Macroeconomic Rebound Effect and the UK Economy

subsectionBarker, Terry and Foxon, Tim 2008 document type

Scenarios and Sensitivities on Long-term UK Carbon Reductions using the UK MARKAL and MARKAL-Macro Energy System Models

subsectionStrachan, Neil and Kannan, Ramachandran 2007 document type

Final report on DTI-DEFRA scenarios and sensitivities, using the UK MARKAL and MARKAL-MACRO system models

subsectionStrachan, N., Kannan, R. and Pye, S. 2007 document type

UKERC Working Paper

Transition Risk: Investment signals in a decarbonising electricity system

subsectionBlyth, W., Gross, R., Jansen, M., Rickman, J., MacIver, C. and Bell, K. 2023 document type

Institutional Landscapes for Local Energy Systems: Mapping England, Scotland and Wales

subsectionBritton, J. and Webb, J. 2022 document type

The impact of shocks and disruptions in the GB energy system

subsectionChaudry, M., Qadrdan, M., Chi, L. and Wu, J. 2022 document type

Can renewables and nuclear help keep bills down this winter?

subsectionGross, R., MacIver, C. and Blyth, W. 2022 document type

Sensitivity Analysis of Net Zero Pathways for UK Industry

subsectionGailani, A., Cooper, S., Allen, S., Taylor, P. and Simon, R. 2021 document type

Models of governance for energy infrastructure

subsectionLowes, R. and Woodman, B. 2020 document type

The economic and energy impacts of a UK export shock: comparing alternative modelling approaches

subsectionAllan, G., Barrett, J., Brockway, P., Sakai, M., Hardt, L., McGregor, P.G., Ross, A.G., Roy, G., Swales, K. and Turner, K. 2019 document type

Transport Energy Air pollution Model (TEAM): Methodology Guide - Appendices

subsectionBrand, C., Anable, J., Philips, I. and Morton, C. 2019 document type

Transport Energy Air pollution Model (TEAM): Methodology Guide

subsectionBrand, C., Anable, J., Philips, I. and Morton, C. 2019 document type

UKERC Energy Supply Theme - Synthesis Report

subsectionChaudry, M., Bagdanavicius, A., Thomas, L., Sansom, R., Calderon, J.O., Jenkins, N. and Strbac. G 2014 document type

UKERC Energy Systems Theme: Reflecting on Scenarios (Working Paper)

subsectionMcDowall, W., Trutnevyte, E., Tomei, J., and Keppo, I. 2014 document type

An investigation into future energy system risks: An industry perspective

subsectionPrpich, G., Darabkhani, H.G., Oakey, J. and Pollard, S. 2014 document type

Carbon Capture and Storage: Realising the Potential? Pathways and branching points for CCS to 2030 Work Package 3, Task 6 Working Paper

subsectionHeptonstall, P., Markusson, N. and Chalmers, H. 2012 document type

Building a Resilient UK Energy System - Working Paper

subsectionChaudry, M., Ekins, P., Kannan, R., Shakoor, A., Skea, J., Strbac, G., Wang, X. and Whitaker, J. 2009 document type

Review and Analysis of UK and International Low Carbon Energy Scenarios

subsectionHughes, N., Mers, J. and Strachan, N. 2009 document type

Global energy markets

subsectionSkea, J. and Strachan, N. 2009

Pathways to a Low Carbon Economy: Energy Systems Modelling - working paper

subsectionAnandarajah, G., Strachan, N., Ekins, P., Kannan, R. and Hughes, N. 2008 document type

The Domestic Energy: Sub-Model in MDM-E3

subsectionBarker, T. and Jenkins K. 2007 document type

Final Report on DTI-DEFRA Scenarios and Sensitivities using the UK MARKAL and MARKAL-Macro Energy System Models

subsectionStrachan, N., Kannan, R. and Pye, S. 2007 document type

Exploring scenarios of socio-environmental acceptance of future low carbon energy portfolios

subsectionHoward, D., Moran, B., Hughes, N. and Clarke, D. 2006


subsectionStrachan, N., Kannan, R. and Ozkan, N. 2006


subsectionStrachan, N., Ozkan, N., Dresner, S., Joffe, D., Taylor, P,. Greenleaf, J. and Pye, S. 2006

Workshop Report

Achieving a sustainable low-carbon society - symposium and workshop

subsectionUKERC 2007 document type

Innovation in energy systems: Learning from economic, institutional and management approaches

subsectionFoxon, T.J., Kohler, J. and Neuhoff, K. 2006 document type

Summary of the UKERC-USEPA research hotel on MARKAL systems modelling

subsectionUKERC 2006 document type

1st Energy Systems Modelling Theme (ESMT) Workshop: Transport

subsectionEkins, P., Taylor, P., Kohler, J., Page, M., Titheridge, H. and Strachan, N. 2005 document type

Workshop on modelling future energy technology cost and choice

subsectionStrachan, N. and Ozkan, N. 2005 document type

Summary of the IEA Energy Technology Systems analysis programme(ETSAP) 2005 Meeting

subsectionTosato, G., Keay-Bright, S., Taylor, P. and Strachan, N. 2005 document type

Consultation Response

Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy Inquiry: Critical national infrastructure and climate adaptation

subsectionCox, E., Bell, K.. and Brush, S. 2022 document type

Environmental and Eco-innovation: Concepts, Evidence and Policies

subsectionEkins, P. and Salmons, R. 2010

Policy Briefing Paper

Bristol City Leap: A Novel Finance and Public Procurement Model for Delivering Net Zero

subsectionNolden, C., Moya Mose, T., Sugar, K., Kommidi, A. and Fox, S. 2023 document type

Unlocking the Efficiency Gains of Heat Pumps: The Role of Electricity and Gas Prices

subsectionTurner, K., Katris, A., Calvillo., Stewart, J. and Zhou, L. 2023 document type

Modelling the interactions between national and local energy systems: research gaps

subsectionChaudry M, Hawker G, Qadrdan M, Broad O, Webb J, Wade F, Britton J, Wu J. 2022 document type

An Observatory for Public Engagement with Energy and Climate Change

subsectionChilvers, J., Pallet, H., Hargreaves, T., Stephanides, P. and Waller, L. 2022 document type

Energy Modelling in the UK: The construction, maintenance and transparency of models

subsectionLi, P. and Strachan, N. 2021 document type

Energy Modelling in the UK: Strengths and weaknesses of UK energy models

subsectionLi, P. and Strachan, N. 2021 document type

Flexibility in Great Britains gas networks: analysis of linepack

subsectionRowley, P. and Wilson, G. 2019

Review of UK Energy Policy

subsectionWatson, J., Ekins, P., Wright, L., Eyre, N., Bell, K., Darby, S., Bradshaw, M., Webb, J., Gross, R., Anable, J., Brand, C., Chilvers, J., and Pidgeon, N. 2016 document type

Low-carbon, resilient scenarios for the UK energy system in 2050

subsectionEkins. P., Keppo. I., Skea. J., Strachan. N., Usher. W. and Anandarajah. G. 2013 document type

Carbon Capture and Storage: Analysing uncertainty

subsectionMorgan, N. 2012 document type