UKERC Energy Data Centre: Data Catalogue

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Domestic Heating Data from the Energy Systems Catapult Living Lab
Energy Systems Catapult
  The Domestic Heating Data from the Energy Systems Catapult Living Lab covers approximately 100 domestic properties and includes data collected directly from sensors in each room: room temperature, room humidity, gas usage, electricity usage, radiator temperatures, boiler temperatures and water temperatures (hot and cold). Also data on how participants use their heating system: the times they request heating, the target temperatures requests and the type of schedule changes made. Also included are local weather data, including forecasts and local observations.
Energy Performance of Buildings Data
UK Government
  The Energy Performance of Buildings provides access to Energy Performance Certificates and Display Energy Certificates data for buildings in England and Wales by search and browsing, or via and API, and for individual or bulk download.
GB Postcodes off the mains gas grid
Centre for Sustainable Energy
  Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has published a complete list of Great Britain postcodes that are not connected to the mains gas grid, up-to-date for 2017. Also included are the census area and the co-ordinates of the centre of each postcode on the list.
NEED - National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework
UK Government
  A sample of 49,815 records selected to be representative of the housing stock (based on Region, property age, property type and floor area band) representative of the national NEED data set (over 27 million records) of energy use and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings in Great Britain.
NEED-Framework, 2014 - anonymous registered users' sample
UK Government
  Large anonymised sample of 4 million records from the national NEED dataset of energy use and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings in Great Britain. The data framework matches gas and electricity consumption data collected for UK Government sub-national energy consumption statistics and records of energy efficiency measures from HEED. It also includes typographic data about dwellings and households obtained from a variety of sources.
UKDA user licensing restructions apply.

National Energy Efficiency Database (NEED)
UK Government
  A national dataset of energy use and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings in Great Britain. The data framework matches gas and electricity consumption data collected for UK Government sub-national energy consumption statistics and records of energy efficiency measures from HEED. It also includes typographic data about dwellings and households obtained from a variety of sources.
Non-gas map of Great Britain
Kiln, Affordable Warmth Solutions, BEIS
  The non-gas map is a detailed map of Great Britain showing the distribution of properties without a gas grid connection across local authorities, LSOAs (lower-level super output areas) and, for registered users, postcodes. It also provides other information about properties and residents, from the type of house or flat to the type of heating and tenure.
Northern Ireland Housing Statistics
Government of Northern Ireland
  Quarterly bulletin and annual compendium of housing statistics and the ongoing review of data including housing publications and the changes proposed.
One-Minute Resolution Domestic Electricity Use Data (2008-2009)
I. Richardson and M. Thomson, Loughborough University
  Electricity data measured at one-minute resolution in 22 dwellings over two complete years (2008 and 2009). Each dwelling was fitted with a single meter covering electricity use of the whole dwelling, however, the one-minute resolution allows the switching of individual domestic appliances to be observed. The meters conform to BS EN 62053-21:2003 and measure true active power (taking proper account of the voltage). The study also includes the results of a dwelling characteristics survey which was completed for each dwelling detailing its characteristics and the types of appliances and lighting installed.
Renewable Heat Incentive statistics
UK Government
  Deployment data for the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and the domestic RHI.
Scottish Household Survey
Scottish Government
  The Scottish Household Survey (SHS) is an annual, cross-sectional survey on the composition, characteristics, attitudes and behaviour of private households and individuals as well as evidence on the physical condition of Scotlands homes.
Scottish Housing Conditions Survey (SHCS)
Scottish Government
  The Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) combines both an interview with occupants and a physical inspection of dwellings to build up a picture of Scotlands occupied housing stock.
Smarter homes: Experiences of living in low carbon homes 2013-2018
Louise Reid
  Interview transcripts from the Smarter Homes project which explored experiences of living in low carbon homes with a particular focus on the experience of living with micro-generation heating systems.
Survey of English Housing (SEH)
UK Government
  The Survey of English Housing (SEH) was a continuous annual survey series, which began in 1993 and covered a sample of 20,000 responding households each year. The survey provided key housing data on tenure, owner occupation and the social rented sector, and regular information about the private rented sector. It was a multi-purpose housing survey which provided a comprehensive range of basic information on households and their housing and full information on the private rented sector. The SEH was subsumed into the English Housing Survey (EHS) in 2008.
UK Household Energy Efficiency Statistics
UK Government
  Green Deal, Energy Company Obligation and Insulation statistics for UK housing.
Welsh Housing Conditions Survey 2017-2018
Welsh Government
  The Welsh Housing Conditions Survey, 2017-2018 (WHCS) provides an estimate of the condition and energy efficiency/performance of the housing stock in Wales. The survey covered all types of housing and all tenures but not vacant properties.
Welsh Housing Statistics
Llywodraeth Cymraig (Welsh Government)
  Statistical information on all aspects of housing in Wales

Carbon Capture and Storage

CO2 Stored Database
British Geological Survey (BGS) and The Crown Estate
  CO2 Stored provides access to overview data for over 500 potential CO2 storage sites around offshore UK. The data originate from the UK Storage Appraisal Project (UKSAP) which assessed he UK's CO2 storage capacity for carbon capture and storage (CCS). It is updated, validated and built on as part of The Crown Estate and BGSs ongoing development. The database includes derived data for each storage unit including: location, storage unit type, lithology, water depths, porosity, permeability, formation thickness, formation depth, pressures, and salinity.
UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC) Data and Information Archive
Various sources including EPSRC and DECC
  The UKCCSRC Data and Information Archive holds data and other outputs generated by UKCCSRC and EPSRC-funded projects and other UK CCS projects for the long-term. It aims to provide a national focal point for CCS research and development in order to bring together the user community and academics to analyse problems, devise and carry out world-leading research, and share delivery.

Electricity, Coal, Oil and Natural Gas

Balancing Mechanism Reporting System (BMRS)
  The BMRS website provides near real time and historic data about the Balancing Mechanism which is used by the National Grid (System Operator) as a means of balancing power flows on to and off the electricity Transmission System in Great Britain.
Elexon Data flows available from Balancing and Settlement Code (BCS) Systems
  Elexon data from the Balancing and Settlement Code (BCS) systems that are available include: Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) data; the Elexon Portal and operational reports.
Elexon Open Settlement Data
  Central Data Collection Agent (CDCA) data : Inter Grid Supply Point Group Connection Period Data (IPD); Grid Supply Point Period Data (GP9); Aggregated Grid Supply Point Group Take Volumes (AGV); Balancing Mechanism Unit Aggregation Report (ABV). Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) data: Aggregate Party Day Charges (APC); Market Index Day Period Information (MD1); Settlement Period Information (SPI); Settlement Period Information (SSD); Trading Unit Period Information (TRA).
Elexon Portal
  ELEXON Ltd is the Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo) defined and created by the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC and also known as the Code). ELEXON Ltd procures, manages and operates services and systems, which enable imbalance settlement of the wholesale electricity market and retail competition in electricity supply. The Portal gives access to the archives of historic SSP, SBP and NIV data which are updated automatically every day, and historical BMRS data via the BMRA Data Archive on this site (formerly TIBCO Relay Service).
Gas Consumption Data at Regional and Local Authority Level 2005 - 2007
UK Government
  Estimates of gas consumption at regional (NUTS1) and local authority levels (NUTS4) using base data at meter point level from the re-structured gas distribution network. Data before 2005 was collected by the National Grid
National Grid Electricity Ten Year Statement
National Grid
  A forecast of electricity use in the UK in the next ten years, with different scenarios base on different assumptions about demand, supply and European interconnection. Published annually.
National Grid Gas Ten Year Statement
National Grid
  A forecast of gas use in the UK in the next ten years, with different scenarios based on different assumptions about supply, demand, legislative change and asset health. Published annually.
North Sea Transistion Authority open data
Oil and Gas Authority
  The North Sea Transistion Authority's open data portal. Holding spatial data on offshore, UK oil and gas facilities, licences and production and on gas and carbon capture and storage licences.
It was previously called the Oil and Gas Authority
Ofgem Data Portal
  Great Britain energy market data from the retail market, from the wholesale market, energy network indicators and customer service data.
Regional and local authority electricity consumption statistics
UK Government
  UK Government has collected and compiled estimates of electricity consumption at regional (NUTS1) and local authority levels (LAU1 - formally NUTS 4) using aggregated Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) readings throughout Great Britain as part of government's annual meter point electricity data exercise.
Regional and local authority gas consumption statistics
UK Government
  UK Government has collected and compiled estimates of gas consumption at regional (NUTS1) and local authority levels (LAU1 - formally NUTS 4) using data at meter-point level from the re-structured gas distribution network.
SP Energy Networks 'Flexible Networks' Electricity Distribution System Measurements
SP Energy Networks
  Flexible Networks for a Low Carbon Future was a Low Carbon Networks Fund innovation trial project, led by SP Energy Networks. As part of the project, network monitoring equipment was installed in eight primary (33/11kV) and over 150 secondary (11kV/415V) substations in three test areas.
Sheffield Solar PV Live
Sheffield Solar
  Recent and historic solar photovoltaic generation estimates for Great Britain, updated every 30 minutes. Including embedded generation.
Smart Energy Research Lab Observatory Data from smart meters
  The SERL research portal will allow accredited UK academic researchers access to pseudo-anonymised gas and electricity smart meter data via a Secure Lab environment. Access is for accredited UK researchers only and must be applied for.
UK Government Coal Statistics
UK Government
  UK Government annual, quarterly and monthly coal statistics available to download. This page collects together all the UK Government data sources that focus on coal, including historical coal statistics (1853-2012, decadal from 1853, annual from 1913)
UK Government Electricity Statistics
UK Government
  Annual, quarterly and monthly electricity statistics available to download. This page brings together all the UK Government data sources that focus on electricity including historic data (1920-2012) and imports, exports and transfers of electricity
UK Government Gas Statistics
UK Government
  Annual, quarterly and monthly gas statistics available to download. This page brings together all the UK Government data sources that focus on gas including historic gas production, consumption, and fuel input (1920-2012) and information about European gas flows
UK Government Oil Statistics
UK Government
  Annual, quarterly and monthly oil statistics available to download. This page brings together all the UK Government data sources that focus on oil including changes to oil demand data, and crude oil and petroleum production, imports and exports. Includes historical data from 1890 onwards.

Energy Scenarios

Options for a Low Carbon Future
Department for Trade and Industry (DTI), now BEIS
  Summary of analyses of options for a low carbon economy (includes MARKAL model results by Future Energy Solutions). This report contains the results of a study, undertaken on behalf of DTI, DEFRA and the PIU, to develop a range of bottom-up estimates of carbon dioxide emissions from the UK energy sector up to 2050, and to identify the technical possibilities and costs for the abatement of these emissions. Three levels of abatement by 2050 have been considered: a 60% reduction relative to emissions in 2000 - approximating to the level considered by the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (RCEP 2000) - plus 45% and 70% reductions relative to 2000 levels.
Options for a Low Carbon Future: Review of Modelling Activities and an Update
Department for Trade and Industry (DTI), now BEIS
  This report summarises the modelling work undertaken for the 2003 Energy White Paper using the MARKAL energy model. It describes the scenarios andsensitivities used in the modelling work. It concludes that there is a variety of carbon abatement options across the energy supply sector, in improving energy efficiency and across the transport sector. Total abatement costs are uncertain and vary considerably by scenario andsensitivity but are unlikely to have a significant impact on GDP growth.Innovation and technical progress are key elements in reducing the costs ofcarbon abatement. The report compares the costs from the MARKAL model with those from a range of other models. Most of the studies suggest GDP losses of under 3% in 2050. It looks at the different types of economic models used to analyse abatement costs and the reasons why they might produce varying cost estimates
UK Government Energy and Emissions Projections
UK Government
  Annual energy projections, analyzing and projecting future energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in the UK to assist in monitoring progress towards meeting carbon budgets for the UK and to inform energy policy and associated analytical work across government departments.

Environment, Economics, Social

Statistics at Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
UK Government
  Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities publishes statistics relating to deprivation, housing and homelessness, local government finance, planning performance and land use. DLUHC was previously known as the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)
Atmospheric emissions: bridging tables
Office for National Statistics
  The relationships between UK Environmental Accounts measures and those of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
Atmospheric emissions: greenhouse gas emissions intensity by industry
Office for National Statistics
  Greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions intensity - the level of emissions per unit of economic output, by industry (SIC 2007 group - around 130 categories), UK.
Atmospheric emissions: road transport
Office for National Statistics
  The emissions generated from fuel sources used by road transport vehicles in the UK.
British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC)
Various sources
  The British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) is a national facility for looking after and distributing data concerning the marine environment.
CEDA Archive
Various sources
  The CEDA Archive forms part of NERC's Environmental Data Service (EDS) and is responsible for looking after data from atmospheric and earth observation research. It hosts over 18 Petabytes of data from climate models, satellites, aircraft, met observations, and other sources.
Carbon dioxide emissions intensity by industry
Office for National Statistics
  Annual data on carbon dioxide emissions intensity, measuring the level of emissions per unit of economic output.
Carbon sequestration and air filtration
Office for National Statistics
  Time series data for the carbon sequestration and air filtration ecosystem services in the urban environment.
Census Support
Three Census Agencies
  The population censuses are a vital resource for social scientific research and policy development, providing a snapshot of demographic and social life in the UK. They are collected by three census agencies. Census support gives access to:
  • 2011 Census - aggregate data, boundary data, flow data and microdata
  • 2001 Census - aggregate data, boundary data, flow data andmicrodata
  • 1991 Census - aggregate data, boundary data, flow data and microdata
  • 1981 Census - aggregate data, boundary data and flow data
  • 1971 Census - aggregate data, boundary data

Climate Watch
Climate Watch
  Climate Watch provides open climate data, visualizations and resources on national and global progress on climate change. This free platform enables users to create and share custom data visualizations and comparisons of national climate commitments.
ENV01 - Emissions of air pollutants
UK Government
  Annual update to tables on emissions of important air pollutants in the UK: sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, non-methane volatile organic compounds, ammonia and particulate matter.
ENV02 - Air quality statistics
UK Government
  An annual update of data on concentrations of major air pollutants in the UK. This data set contains data on the concentrations of major air pollutants as measured by the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN).
EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) data viewer
European Environment Agency
  The EU ETS data viewer provides access to emission trading data contained in the European Union Transaction Log (EUTL) which is the central transaction log.
Environment and Countryside statistics from the Welsh Government
Welsh Government
  Statistics from the Welsh Government on air quality, energy, flooding, fly-tipping, greenhouse gases, land, state of the environment and waste management.
Final UK greenhouse gas emissions national statistics
UK Government
  Final estimates of UK greenhouse gas emissions going back to 1990. These statistics are used to monitor progress against the UK's emissions reductions targets and take into account the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).
Fuel Poverty statistics in rural and urban areas
UK Government
  Fuel poverty statistics on households in fuel poverty in rural and urban areas (fuel poverty by rurality).
Impact - community carbon calculator
CSE and University of Exeter
  Impact is a parish-level carbon emission estimator which tells you how people in the parish travel and heat their homes, and other activities in the area that contribute to the local carbon emissions total. It shows territorial and consumption based emissions calculations.
Interactive map of CO2 totals by local authority
National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
  This interactive map shows CO2 totals by local authority from the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory.
MAGIC - geographic information about the natural environment
DEFRA, Historic England, Natural England, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, MMO
  The MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across Great Britain. It is presented in an interactive map which can be explored using various mapping tools that are included.
Marine accounts, natural capital, UK
Office for National Statistics
  Estimates of the value of marine natural capital to people in the UK.
Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets
Met Office Hadley Centre
  Researchers at the Met Office Hadley Centre produce and maintain a range of gridded datasets of meteorological variables for use in climate monitoring and climate research. This site provides access to these datasets or, in some cases, links to other places from where where they can be obtained. Each data set is provided under specific licence terms please check the terms and conditions for each data set before you use it.
Ofgem Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Eligibility System
  The Ofgem Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Eligibility System is a tool for confirming which postcodes are eligible for the Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO).
Pollution Inventory
Environment Agency
  The Pollution Inventory (PI) includes information on annual mass releases of specified substances to air controlled waters and sewers as well as quantities of waste transferred off site from large industrial sites regulated by the Environment Agency including sites in energy sectors.
Public Attitudes Tracker
UK Government
  UK Government's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), and predecessor departments, track public attitudes four times a year, in a range of its policy areas including climate change and energy.
Scottish natural capital accounts: supplementary information
Office for National Statistics
  Physical (non-monetary) and monetary estimates of services provided by natural assets in Scotland.
Statistics at Defra
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
  National and official statistics relating to the environment, rural communities, food and farming. Environment statistics including air quality and emissions statistics, environmental protection expenditure survey, sustainable development indicators,digest of waste and resources statistics; Food statistics including food transport indicators; and Land management and environmental issues.
Tourism UK natural capital
Office for National Statistics
  Physical (non-monetary) and monetary estimates of tourism services provided by natural assets in the UK.
UK AIR - Air Information Resource
Ricardo Energy & Environment
  Air pollution forecast and latest measurements and data archive.
UK Data Service Environment and Energy data sets
  UK Data Service (UKDS) data ranging from household energy use to global databanks on greenhouse gas emissions, conservation and the production and consumption of oil, gas and electricity worldwide.
UK NAEI - National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
Ricardo Energy & Environment, in collaboration with Aether, CEH, Forest Research, Hartley McMaster and Gluckman Consulting
  The NAEI compiles estimates of emissions to the atmosphere from UK sources such as cars, trucks, power stations and industrial plant.
UK natural capital accounts 2020
Office for National Statistics
  Estimates of the financial and societal value of natural resources to people in the UK
UK natural capital accounts: supplementary information
Office for National Statistics
  Physical (non-monetary) and monetary estimates of services provided by natural assets in the UK.
UK natural capital for mountains, moorlands and heath reference tables
Office for National Statistics
  Ecosystem accounts for the mountains, moorlands and heath (MMH) environment in the UK.
UK natural capital for peatlands: reference tables
Office for National Statistics
  Natural capital accounts for peatlands measures the ecosystem services which peatlands provide, including water, carbon sequestration, food and recreation.
UK's carbon footprint
UK Government
  Annual greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions relating to UK consumption. The worldwide production of goods consumed in the UK is taken into account, as well as goods produced in the UK and emissions directly generated by UK households.
UKEOF Environmental Observation Catalogue
UK Environmental Observation Framework (UKEOF)
  The UKEOF Catalogue provides access to information about environmental observations from the UK's monitoring programmes. It contains over 2000 metadata records of environmental observations undertaken and funded by public and third sector organisations.
UKERC Public Engagement Observatory
UKERC Public Engagement Observatory
  The Public Engagement Observatory of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) maps the many different ways that people are engaging with energy, climate change and net zero on an ongoing basis. It openly shares, experiments with, and undertakes these mappings with others to help make energy and climate-related decisions, innovations and participation more just, responsible and responsive to society. As part of this activity there is an interactive mapping dataset of diverse cases of public participation and engagement with energy, climate change and net zero occurring in the UK since 2010. Here you can explore multiple different cases of public engagement, and filter the case study dataset based on the form, topic, participants and location of engagement.
Woodland natural capital accounts, England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland : supplementary information
Office for National Statistics
  Woodland ecosystem services for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, supplementary information. Physical (non-monetary) and monetary estimates of services provided by natural assets in the UK.
Woodland natural capital accounts, UK: supplementary information
Office for National Statistics
  Physical (non-monetary) and monetary estimates of services provided by woodland natural assets in the UK

General Energy Statistics

Atmospheric emissions: greenhouse gases by industry and gas
Office for National Statistics
  The emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydro-fluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, nitrogen trifluoride and total greenhouse gas emissions, by industry (SIC 2007 group - around 130 categories), UK.
AusH2 - Australia's Hydrogen Opportunities Tool
Geoscience Australia
  The Australia Hydrogen Opportunities Tool (AusH2) provides free access to geoscience data and tools for mapping and understanding the potential for hydrogen production in Australia.
CSE DIMPSA UK energy consumption by household income
Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE)
  UK household energy consumption (quantiles) aggregated by household income (quantiles) developed by Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) for the Distributional Impacts Model for Policy Scenario Analysis (DIMPSA), also used under license by the UK Government for assessment of the distributional impacts of Government policy.
CSE Fuel Poverty Calculator
Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE)
  The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) Fuel Poverty Calculator has been updated to account for the new definition of fuel poverty: Low Income Low Energy Efficiency (LILEE).

Fuel poverty is when people have to spend a high proportion of their income to keep their home warm due to a combination of poor housing with inadequate insulation and heating, expensive energy tariffs, and low incomes. One outcome for those in fuel poverty is poor physical and mental health. NICE, which provides evidence-based guidance for NHS and social care professionals, recognises that living in a cold home will make most health conditions worse from childhood asthma to heart disease.

CSE Heating and housing census data (at smallest output area level - LSOA)
Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) using data from the Office for National Statistics
  The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has downloaded and compiled selected data relevant to housing and energy use at the lowest available geographical area level from the UK Office for National Statistics 2011 census summary data. Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA) typically contain 70 to 150 households and so cover a relatively small geographical area.
Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC) participant information
Environment Agency
  Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC) participant information on the basis of their annual reports plus details submitted when they registered for the scheme.
Climate Change Levy and Carbon Price Floor Bulletin and Statistics
UK Government
  The Climate Change Levy (CCL) and Carbon Price Floor (CPF) Bulletin National Statistics present statistics from the different rates of CCL and CPF administered by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
Community Energy State of the Sector
Community Energy England, Community Energy Wales, Community Energy Scotland
  The annual State of the Sector report is a dataset about the community energy sector. It has always covered England and Wales, and in 2021 include Scottish data for the first time.
Customer Led Network Revolution (CLNR)
Customer Led Network Revolution (CLNR) project team led by Northern Powergrid and Durham University
  The Customer-Led Network Revolution project assessed the potential of novel smart grid network technologies, new commercial arrangements and customer flexibility solutions to find cost-effective ways to prepare UK electricity networks for the future. Datasets include Enhanced profiling of domestic customers electric hot water immersion heating & storage heating; Real-Time Thermal Rating for Extra High Voltage Underground Cables; Enhanced Automatic Voltage Control for Low Voltage Network Regulator; and many more
Database of the European energy storage technologies and facilities
  The database of European energy storage technologies and facilities includes: energy storage technologies and their characteristics; front of the meter energy storage facilities in the EU-28, operational or in project, that are connected to the generation and the transmission grid; behind the meter energy storage installed capacity per country.
David MacKays Map of the World
Prof David J.C. MacKay
  A set of maps, graphs and other figures showing countries power consumptions, population densities, and areas, and comparing power consumptions per unit area with the power production per unit area of various renewables.
Digest of UK Energy Statistics (DUKES)
Department of Energy & Climate Change
  DUKES is an extensive collections of tables, charts and commentary with separate sections on coal, petroleum, gas, electricity, renewables and combined heat and power, providing a comprehensive picture of energy production and use over the last five years, with key series taken back to 1970. 2013 to date are online here, while older data is available at the National Archive. NB There is a pdf containing an useful index to the archived data.
EirGrid High Voltage Electricity Network Data for island of Ireland
EirGrid, SONI and SEMO
  High voltage electricity network data for Ireland, Northern Ireland and for all island of Ireland. Data include system demand and generation, wind generation, interconnection, balancing and prices, frequency, system non-synchronous penetration, carbon intensity and network maps.
Electricity North West Network Data
Electricity North West
  Electricity North West is a distribution network operator. Data available includes network data, network assets, capacity and embedded generation.
Embodied Carbon - The ICE Database
Circular Ecology
  Inventory of Carbon & Energy (ICE) database of embodied carbon data in main construction materials.
Energy Consumption in the United Kingdom (ECUK)
UK Government
  Energy Consumption in the United Kingdom (ECUK) is an annual statistical publication that provides a comprehensive review of energy consumption and changes in efficiency, intensity and output since the 1970s, with particular focus on trends since 2000. ECUK is split into five chapters: (1) Overall energy consumption in the UK; (2) Transport sector energy consumption; (3) Domestic sector energy consumption; (4) Industrial sector energy consumption; (5)Services sector energy consumption. Each chapter contains an Excel workbook and a factsheet summarising key trends and information within that sector.
Energy Data Info - Open Energy Data and Analytics
  ENERGYDATA.INFO is an open data platform providing access to datasets and data analytics that are relevant to the energy sector. Data on energy access, transmission and distribution, renewable energy and resource assessment.
Energy Networks Association Databases
Energy Networks Association
  Energy Networks Association databases including statutory data, safety statistics, engineering standards and terms, and an Energy Data Request Tool for requesting any type of network data.
Energy Storage Cost and Performance Database
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  Cost and performance metrics for individual energy storage technologies which track: cost to procure, install, and connect an energy storage system; associated operational and maintenance costs; and end-of life costs. Technologies are: lithium-ion (lithium iron phosphate and nickel manganese cobalt chemistries); vanadium redox flow; lead acid; pumped storage hydropower; compressed air energy storage; and hydrogen.
Energy infrastructure development: applications under consideration
UK Government
  A list of UK energy infrastructure development applications currently under consideration, it is regularly updated.
Energy use by industry, source and fuel
Office for National Statistics
  The UK's energy use by industry (SIC 2007 group - around 130 categories), source (for example, industrial and domestic combustion, aircraft, road transport and so on - around 80 categories) and fuel (for example, anthracite, peat, natural gas and so on - around 20 categories).
Energy use: bridging table
Office for National Statistics
  The relationship between the UK Environmental Accounts and the Digest of UK Energy Statistics (DUKES)
Energy use: by industry reallocated to final consumer and energy intensity
Office for National Statistics
  The UK's reallocated energy use and energy intensity - the level of usage per unit of economic output, by industry (SIC 2007 group - around 130 categories). Reallocated energy consumption is where losses incurred during transformation and distribution are allocated to the final consumer of the energy rather than the electricity generation industry.
Energy use: fossil fuels by fuel type
Office for National Statistics
  The UK's fuel use by type (coal, natural gas, petrol, diesel oil for road vehicles (DERV), fuel oil, gas oil, aviation fuel and other). This table excludes biofuels and waste.
Energy use: fossil fuels by fuel type and industry
Office for National Statistics
  The UK's fuel use by industry (SIC 2007 group - around 130 categories) and type (coal, natural gas, petrol, diesel oil for road vehicles (DERV), fuel oil, gas oil, aviation fuel and other); UK level fuel use of nuclear, hydro, wind, solar, geothermal aquifers and net imports. This table excludes biofuels and waste.
Energy use: generation of heat from renewable sources
Office for National Statistics
  The UK's energy use from renewable sources used to generate heat (active solar heating, heat pumps, geothermal aquifers)
English House Condition Survey (EHCS)
UK Government
  The English House Condition Survey (EHCS) was a national survey of housing in England. It was originally called the National House Condition Survey and covered England and Wales. From April 2008, the EHCS merged with the Survey of English Housing (SEH) to form the English Housing Survey (EHS).
English Housing Survey (EHS)
Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
  The English Housing Survey (EHS) began in 2008 as a continuous national survey collecting information about people's housing circumstances and the condition and energy efficiency of housing in England. The EHS brought together two previous survey series - the English House Condition Survey (EHCS) and the Survey of English Housing (SEH) - into a single fieldwork operation. The EHS covers all housing tenures and provides valuable information and evidence to inform the development and monitoring of government housing policies.
English Housing Survey 2012: Fuel Poverty Dataset
UK Government
  The English Housing Survey (EHS), 2012: Fuel Poverty Dataset is derived from the 2012 EHS database. The dataset is the outcome of analysis conducted to produce estimates of the number of households living in fuel poverty in England in 2012. Previously, a household was defined as being fuel poor if they spent more than 10% of their income on fuel.
Environmental Taxes Bulletin
UK Government
  The Environmental Taxes Bulletin National Statistics presents statistics on Climate Change Levy (CCL) and Carbon Price Floor (CPF) (which are grouped under total CCL and CPF receipts), Aggregates Levy (AGL), and Landfill Tax (LFT) administered by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
European Industrial Emissions Portal
European Environment Agency
  The Industrial Emissions Portal covers over 60,000 industrial sites from 65 economic activities across Europe. These activities cover a range of sectors including energy.
Fuel Cell Hydrogen Observatory
Fuel Cell Hydrogen Observatory
  The Fuel Cell Hydrogen Observatory (FCHO) provides data (statistics, facts and analysis) and up to date information about the entire hydrogen sector. The FCHO focuses on technology and market statistics, socio-economic indicators, policy and regulation, and financial support.
Fuel poverty statistics
UK Government
  Statistics relating to the demographics of fuel poverty in England, where fuel poverty is defined by the Low Income / High Costs balance, which considers a household to be in fuel poverty if: (i) the household has required fuel costs above average (national median level) and (ii) was the household to spend that amount it would be left with a residual income below the official poverty line.
Global Energy Statistical Yearbook
  Global energy transition statistics: production, consumption and trade of oil, gas, coal, power and renewables; CO2 emissions from fuel combustion.
Harmonised global datasets of wind and solar farm locations and power
Sebastian Dunnett, Alessandro Sorichetta, Felix Eigenbrod, Gail Taylor.
  Global, open-access, harmonised spatial datasets of wind and solar installations from OpenStreetMap data. Also included: user friendly code to enable users to easily create newer versions of the dataset; first order estimates of power capacities of installations.
Household Electricity Survey (HES) - Sample
UK Government
  The HES measured electricity consumption at an appliance level in 250 owner-occupied households across England from 2010 to 2011, the most detailed monitoring of electricity use ever carried out in the UK. Extensive analysis has been undertaken on appliance ownership, labels, actual efficiencies and potential for savings in different social groups. The study has also examined the scope for reducing peak electricity demand.
Hydrogen Materials Advanced Research Consortium Data Hub
  HyMARC assembles expertise in hydrogen science, large-scale computational modeling, and state-of-the-art characterization tools to accelerate discovery of solid-state materials for on-board vehicular hydrogen storage. Some data and tools are shared here.
IEA Clean Energy Projects Database
International Energy Agency
  The International Energy Agency's Demonstration Projects Database seeks to map major demonstration projects of clean energy technologies, globally. For each project, it provides information on location, sector and technology grouping, status, capacity, timing and funding, when available.
International Aluminium Statistics
International Aluminium Institute
  Aluminium production statistics, including energy intensity and fuel and power consumption
Low Carbon Contracts Company Data Portal
Low Carbon Contracts Company
  The LCCC manages Contracts for Difference (CfD) and the Supplier Obligation Levy that supports low carbon electricity generation in the UK. The portal provides access to CfD, levy and capacity market data.
Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) data with eligibility data for CESP
Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE)
  The Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) was designed to target the lowest income households living in homes that need significant investment in energy saving measures and low carbon technologies. CSE mined the CESP data stores to develop and publish a database of useful information to assist with this targeting.
METER: UK Household Electricity and Activity Survey, 2016-2019
P. Grunewald, M. Diakonova.
  Measuring and Evaluating Time-use and Electricity-use Relationships (METER) data on UK household electricity use, activities and other contextual and demographic information. High-resolution household electricity readings with simultaneous activity records of household members.
National Grid ESO Data Portal
National Grid ESO
  Data Portal for National Grid Electricity System Operators (ESO) in Great Britain. Data available include: ancillary services, balancing costs, carbon intensity, connection registers, constraint management, demand, generation, network charges, system-wide data, trading, plans, reports and Future Energy Scenarios.
National Grid Gas Transmission Data
National Grid
  National Grid gas transmission data for Great Britain. A wide range of data available on balancing, calorific value, demand, flows, linepack, LNG, price, storage, supplies and trading.
Northern Power Grid Network Data
Northern Power Grid Holdings Company
  Northern Power Grid is a distribution network operator. Their network data includes Distribution Future Energy Scenarios, Auto Design connection tool, embedded generation capacity register, long-term development statement (including network information), generation and demand heat maps, and contracted capacity register.
Odyssee-Mure Energy Efficiency and Policy Databases
ADEME - Agency for Ecological Transition
  The Odyssee database contains detailed energy efficiency and CO2-indicators with data on energy consumption, their drivers (activity indicators) and their related CO2-emissions. The Mure database contains a description, with their impact evaluation whenever available, of all energy efficiency measures implemented at EU or national level.
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Office for National Statistics
  ONS main responsibilities are collecting, analysing and disseminating statistics about the UKs economy, society and population. This resource contains a large number of detailed datasets covering subjects such as
  • The UKs national accounts (such as GDP, national income and expenditure)
  • the UK balance of payments
  • population, demography and migration statistics
  • government output and activity
  • business output and activity
  • prices statistics (such as consumer prices and producer prices)
  • the labour market (such as employment, unemployment and earnings)
  • vital events statistics (such as births, marriages and deaths)
  • social statistics (for example, about neighbourhoods and families)
  • economic, societal and personal well-being

Oil and gas: reserves and resources
Office for National Statistics
  Estimates of the UK's remaining recoverable oil and gas reserves and resources.
Open Geography Portal of the Office for National Statistics
Office for National Statistics
  The Open Geography portal from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) provides free and open access to the definitive source of geographic products, web applications, story maps, services and APIs. Data include boundaries, administrative areas, classifications of a range of parameters as maps.
Open Power System Data
Neon Neue Energiekonomik, Technical University of Berlin, ETH Zrich and DIW Berlin.
  A free and open data platform for energy system modelling. OPSD collect, check, process, document, and publish data that are publicly available but currently inconvenient to use.
Our World in Data - Energy
Global Change Data Lab
  Energy data for countries, different energy sources, energy mix data, production, consumption and access data. Data from Global Change Data Lab in partnership with Oxford University's Oxford Martin School
Perception Spillover From Fracking, 2022
Cox, E, Cardiff University
  Public opposition to new energy technology can harm the chances of successful deployment. Less is known about knock-on effects on the wider energy system, including whether such opposition impacts public perceptions of other technologies. Here we present a mixed-methods study into perception spillover, examining whether the controversy over fracking for oil and gas affects public attitudes to two novel low-carbon energy technologies: deep enhanced geothermal systems, and green hydrogen. We argue that perception spillover is multi-faceted, and we conceptualise and test spontaneous, prompted and primed forms, examining how and why particular types occur. Using a nationally-representative UK survey and two focus groups, we show that perception spillover from fracking could lead to widespread negative perceptions of deep geothermal energy, influencing the conditions which deep geothermal would be expected to meet. Conversely, a minority of participants expressed more positive perceptions of green hydrogen because they deemed it dissimilar to fracking. Flexible fund project under the UK Unconventional Hydrocarbons project. Aims to understand the impact of fracking on public perceptions of other energy technologies
Place-based Carbon Calculator
  The Place-based Carbon Calculator (PBCC) is a free tool which estimates the per-person carbon footprint for every Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) in England. LSOAs are small statistical areas with a population of about 1,500 - 3,000. Includes data on housing, transport and other consumption emissions.
Provisional UK greenhouse gas emissions national statistics
UK Government
  The latest provisional estimates of UK greenhouse gas emissions based on provisional inland energy consumption statistics.
Public Perceptions of Energy Disruptions
Cox, E, Cardiff University
  Energy systems are changing rapidly, bringing new types of risks, and new forms of potential disruption to energy supplies. Our growing dependence on energy, particularly electricity, means that more than ever we need to plan for disruptions and be prepared for them. What happens during the disruption is important: we need to understand how individuals, communities and organisations experience the event, and what measures can be taken to reduce the overall impacts. This study investigates how people and communities in the city of Glasgow (Scotland) might be expected to respond to a lengthy, widespread disruption to energy supplies. A novel three-stage diary-interview methodology was used to explore energy practices and expectations dependency, and to understand the ways in which peoples experience of disruptions may change in the coming decade. The results show that the most consistent determinant of participants perceived resilience, over and above socio-demographic factors, is their expectations and their degree of dependency on routine. In addition, the results suggest that common assumptions regarding peoples vulnerability may be misplaced, and are shifting rapidly as digital dependency grows, and are sometimes misplaced: in particular, determinants such as age and income should not be seen as straightforward proxies for vulnerability. A new set of indicators of vulnerability are identified. For longer outages, peoples ability to cope will likely decrease with duration in a non-linear step-change fashion, as interdependent infrastructures and services are affected. Community-level actions can improve resilience, and local scales may be more appropriate for identifying vulnerabilities than socio-demographic proxies, but this is only feasible if organisations and institutions are adequately resourced. Recent events have highlighted the potential impact of long, widespread energy supply interruptions, and the need for resilience is likely to create a requirement for greater flexibility from both the electricity and gas systems. This project will examine the engineering risks, and assess the need for new industry standards to drive appropriate action; and conduct a systematic assessment of the impacts of a serious energy disruption on consumers and critical services, such as heating, water, communications, health and transport.
Residual fuel consumption at regional and local authority level
UK Government
  Local authority level residual fuel (ie non-gas, non-electricity, non-road transport) consumption statistics. This includes: the full dataset and a factsheet summarising the key points of the dataset.
SP Energy Networks Energy Data Hub
SP Energy Networks
  SP Energy Networks is a distribution and transmission network operator. The data hub includes mapping data, strategic documentation, asset data and stakeholder data.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Embedded Capacity Register
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
  Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a distribution and transmission network operator. The embedded capacity register includes generation and storage resources (1MW) that are connected, or accepted to connect. It includes information on the flexibility services that are being provided by connected resources.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Network Information
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
  Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a distribution and transmission network operator. Data available include network assets maps, generation availability map, demand heat map, loading and rating information and high voltage schematics, long-term development statement and technical specifications.
Smart meter installation statistics
UK Government
  Quarterly statistics on the roll-out of smart meters in Great Britain, covering meters operating and meters installed.
Statistics at BEIS
UK Government
  BEIS produce a wide range of official statistics including downloadable datasets, projections and trend information on a range of energy, environmental and social topics. Official Statistics are produced impartially and free from political influence. Due to organisational change, this webpage is no longer updated after May 2023
Sub-national Gas Consumption Data
UK Government
  Local authority, lower super output area (LSOA), middle super output area (MSOA) and experimental postcode level data on gas consumption.
Survey of regretted purchases
  Survey of the tendency to regret purchases across 20 product groups. Conducted by YouGov for the wholeSEM project, 19th-20th March 2015. 2,036 responses to an online survey. Results have been weighted and are representative of GB adults.
The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan
Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)
  The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan plots how the UK will meet its targets on emissions reduction. Original (archived May 2010) - targetting 34% cut in emissions on 1990 levels by 2020, set out in the 2009 budget This publication was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The numbers behind the CCC sixth carbon budget
Climate Change Committee
  The numbers behind the Climate Change Committee's (CCC) sixth carbon budget. The sixth carbon budget provides UK ministers with advice on the volume of greenhouse gases that the UK can emit between 2033 and 2037 and has now been adopted in UK law.
UK Energy Trends
UK Government
  Energy trends is a quarterly bulletin containing statistics on all major aspects of energy in the UK.
UK Government Conversion Factors for Company Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
UK Government
  The UK government conversion factors for greenhouse gas reporting are for use by UK and international organisations to report on greenhouse gas emissions.
UK Power Networks Open Data
UK Power Networks
  UK Power Networks distribution network operator's open data include data about their networks, operations, embedded generation and market intelligence data.
UK Quarterly Energy Prices
UK Government
  Quarterly Energy Prices is a quarterly bulletin covering energy prices, to domestic and industrial consumers, for all the major fuels, as well as comparisons of fuel prices in the EU and G7 countries.
UK Sub-national Total Final Energy Consumption
UK Government
  The total final energy consumption data is an aggregation of the electricity, gas, road transport and residual fuels datasets. Statistics provided at regional and local authority level.
UK Total Energy Use by Industry
Office for National Statistics
  The UK's direct use of energy from fossil fuels and other sources (nuclear, net imports, renewables, biofuels and waste) and reallocated use of energy by industry.
UK and world mineral statistics datasets from BGS
British Geological Survey
  One of the largest databases in the world on the production and trade of minerals, provided by the British Geological Survey (BGS).
UK local authority and regional carbon dioxide emissions national statistics
UK Government
  Statistics and breakdown of CO2 emissions across the country, using nationally available data sets going back to 2005.
UKGEOS Data Catalogue
  Data collected at the UKGEOS (UK Geoenergy Observatories) facilities including drilling data packs, ongoing monitoring data and experiment results.
US National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Data and Tools
  NREL develops data sets, maps, models, and tools for the analysis of energy and energy efficiency technologies. Research areas include bioenergy, buildings, conentrating solar power, energy analysis, grid modernisation, geothermal, hydrogen and fuel cells, integrated energy solutions, transportation and mobility, water and wind.
US National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Geospatial Data and Tools
  NREL geospatial data sets and tools for biomass, geothermal, hydrogen, marine, solar, wind and cross-cutting energy research.
United Nations Energy Statistics Database
United Nations Statistics Division
  UNSD maintains the Energy Statistics Database, which provides annual statistics on production, trade, transformation and consumption (end-use) for solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels, electricity, and heat. It contains basic statistics for more than 230 countries/territories from 1950 year onwards and is updated annually.
Western Power Distribution Connected Data Portal
Western Power Distribution Plc
  Western Power distribution network operator's Connected Data Portal includes data about their networks, operations, generation included embedded generation, flexibility and trial projects.


NUCLEUS Information Resources
  The IAEA's NUCLEUS information resource portal provides access to over 100 scientific, technical and regulatory resources, including databases, applications, publications and training material. As it is mainly meant for IAEA counterparts in the government, industry and scientific community, NUCLEUS hosts a number of resources that require registration. Many sites, however, can be accessed without a password.
Power Reactor Information System (PRIS)
  The Power Reactor Information System (PRIS), developed and maintained by the IAEA for over five decades, is a comprehensive database focusing on nuclear power plants worldwide. PRIS contains information on power reactors in operation, under construction, or those being decommissioned.

Renewable Energy Technologies

A harmonised, high-coverage, open dataset of solar photovoltaic installations in the UK
Dan Stowell, Jack Kelly, Damien Tanner, Jamie Taylor, Ethan Jones, James Geddes and Ed Chalstrey
  Open geographic data for over 260,000 solar PV installations across the UK, covering an estimated 86% of the capacity in the country, arising from a major crowd-sourcing campaign. The data set focuses in particular on capturing small-scale domestic solar PV, which accounts for a significant fraction of generation but has been poorly documented.
BEIS Electrification of Heat Project - Property, Design and Installation Information
ESC, Oxford Commputer Consultants and Delta-EE
  The Electrification of Heat (EoH) demonstration project is funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and seeks to better understand the feasibility of a large-scale roll-out of heat pumps in homes across the UK. It aims to demonstrate that heat pumps can be installed in a wide variety of homes and deliver high customer satisfaction across a range of customer groups. This dataset provides data collected by the Delivery Contractors during the participant recruitment, home survey, system design and installation phase of the project. It also contains a unique property ID number which can be used to link this data to future published project datasets. All users are directed to the "Heat Pump Installation Statistics", "Participant Recruitment Report", and "Home Surveys and Install Report" for more information and analysis relating to this data. Additional documentation is also provided as outlined below which indicates what the data is, how the data was collected, and how it may be used.
Crown Estate Scotland data resources
Crown Estate Scotland
  Spatial and other data about the management of Scotland's sea-bed, including for wind and marine energy and for carbon capture and storage.
DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program
US Department of Energy (DOE)
  The mission of the US Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program is to reduce petroleum use, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution and to contribute to a more diverse and efficient energy infrastructure by enabling the widespread commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The Program Records area contains supporting data for DOE publications, described as Program-related, Analysis, Fuel cells, Production/delivery, Safety codes, and standards and Storage
EOLTECH Wind Energy Index (IREC)
  Since 2011, Eoltech has published its wind energy index on 3 major regions of wind power development in France. Today, this indicator of regional wind resource is updated each month on 7 major regions, to allow operators and financial partners of projects to put their park production into the general perspective of the available wind resource.
Feed-in-Tariff statistics
UK Government
  Annual, quarterly and monthly feed-in tariff statistics. Solar photovoltaic deployment and costs. Load factors. The feed-in-tariff is a payment made to some renewable energy generators.
Global Solar Atlas
  Global spatial data on solar resource and photovoltaic power potential over land.
Global Wind Atlas
DTU Wind Energy and others
  Global wind speed data for onshore and offshore, up to 200km from the coast. 250m grid wind speeds at 10, 50, 100, 150 and 200m above ground or sea level.
Global Wind Atlas Science Portal
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
  Spatial wind speed data and wind farm siting parameters. Wind speed measurements from satellite data (SAR and scatterometer) and from re-analysis data (MERRA).
JRC Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS)
EU Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and Transport
  Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS) provides a map-based inventory of solar energy resource and assessment of the electricity generation from photovoltaic systems in Europe, Africa, and South-West Asia. It is a part of the SOLAREC action that contributes to the implementation of renewable energy in the European Union as a sustainable and long-term energy supply
MEDIN (Marine Environmental and Information Network)
Various data archives
  MEDIN is public-private alliance to provide a marine environmental data centre. Dataset metadata can be searched by keyword or interactive map using the data discovery portal, providing a federated search across other data repositories. Searches can also be done by themes via the reference layers. Data can also be lodged in MEDIN with standardised metadata
Marine Data Exchange
The Crown Estate
  The Marine Data Exchange provides access to survey data and reports collated during the planning, building and operating of offshore renewable energy projects. There are two divisions: Wind and Aggregates. Wind consists of raw, cleaned and modelled wind datasets from various meteorological masts, LiDAR systems and meteorological buoys around the UK. Aggregates includes Marine ALSF Regional Environmental Characterisation Surveys (RECs).
OES Ocean Energy in the World
Ocean Energy Systems Energy Technology Initiative (OES)
  GIS map of all known wave and tidal energy installations in the world. Annual detailed reports per country are also available for the 29 member countries. The Ocean Energy Systems Implementing Agreement (OES) is an intergovernmental collaboration between countries, operating under the framework of the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Phyllis2: Database for biomass and waste
ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency (Energy research Centre of the Netherlands)
  Phyllis is a database containing information on the composition of biomass and waste. From Phyllis you can obtain analysis data of individual biomass or waste materials or average values for a group of materials.
Platform for Operational Data from ORE Catapult
Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
  POD (Platform for Operational Data) from ORE (Offshore Renewable Energy) Catapult allows requests for data sets arising from ORE Catapult and partners' innovation projects and operational assets. Includes demonstration turbine data, system performance analysis and floating turbine design cases.
Renewable energy planning database (REPD) and Heat Networks Planning Database
UK Government
  The Renewable Energy Planning Database (REPD) and the Heat Networks Planning Database are updated and published every quarter. The Renewable Energy Planning Database tracks the progress of renewable electricity and heat networks projects. The Heat Networks Planning Database covers district as well as communal heat network projects.
Stefan Pfenninger of ETH Zrich and Iain Staffell of Imperial College, London. allows users to run simulations of the hourly power output from wind and solar power plants located anywhere in the world.
The Crown Estate Open Data
Crown Estate
  Geographic data of the Crown Estate's offshore leasing to renewable energy and other users.
The Wind Power
The Wind Power
  The Wind Power is a set of databases covering wind farms, turbines, manufacturers, developers, operators and owners worldwide, with market information. Downloads are available for each database, plus photographs and maps, and analysis of the wind power market. There is an interactive map.
UK Wind Energy Database (UKWED)
  The Wind Energy Database (UKWED) contains data about operational onshore and offshore wind projects of 100kW or more. Some data are available only to renewableUK members.
Wave & Tidal Knowledge Network
Various sources
  The Knowledge Network is a web-based system which facilitates data exchange in the emerging wave and tidal energy industry.


Department for Transport Statistics
Department for Transport
  Large collection of statistics on many transport-related subjects, many of which are updated on a monthly basis. This includes the Transport Statistics for Great Britain; in many cases statistics publications during the year provide the first release of data and these are consolidated into the TSGB tables. TSGB is a snapshot of the latest data available at the time of publication. It is published annually
Emissions factors for Transport
National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
  Emissions factors for road transport atmospheric pollutants and vehicle fleet projections data.
Noise exposure contours around London airports
Environmental Research and Consultancy Department
  Reports outlining average summer day and night noise exposure contours for Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports.
Office of Rail and Road Data Portal
Office of Rail and Road (ORR)
  The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) Data Portal provides statistics and information about the UK railway industry.
Road transport energy consumption at regional and local authority level
UK Government
  Consumption statistics for fuels used in road transport at regional and local levels are available below. In March 2008, this dataset gained National Statistics status. This applies to all data from 2005 onwards.
Sub-National Road Transport Consumption Data
UK Government
  Consumption statistics for fuels used in road transport at regional and local levels.
TRIMIS - Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System
European Commission
  The Transport and Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System (TRIMIS) maps and analyses technology trends and research and innovation capacities in the transport sector in Europe providing open-access information.
Transport Energy and Environment Statistics
Department for Transport
  Statistics on the impact of transport on the environment, including greenhouse gas emissions from transport, air quality and electric vehicles, plus new experimental statistics comparing greenhouse gas emissions for individual journeys.
Weekly road fuel prices
UK Government
  UK Government publishes weekly prices for road fuels. The weekly road fuel prices table reports on the cost of unleaded petrol (ULSP) and unleaded diesel (ULSD).