A harmonised, high-coverage, open dataset of solar photovoltaic installations in the UK Dan Stowell, Jack Kelly, Damien Tanner, Jamie Taylor, Ethan Jones, James Geddes and Ed Chalstrey |
Open geographic data for over 260,000 solar PV installations across the UK, covering an estimated 86% of the capacity in the country, arising from a major crowd-sourcing campaign. The data set focuses in particular on capturing small-scale domestic solar PV, which accounts for a significant fraction of generation but has been poorly documented. |
BEIS Electrification of Heat Project - Property, Design and Installation Information ESC, Oxford Commputer Consultants and Delta-EE |
The Electrification of Heat (EoH) demonstration project is funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and seeks to better understand the feasibility of a large-scale roll-out of heat pumps in homes across the UK. It aims to demonstrate that heat pumps can be installed in a wide variety of homes and deliver high customer satisfaction across a range of customer groups.
This dataset provides data collected by the Delivery Contractors during the participant recruitment, home survey, system design and installation phase of the project. It also contains a unique property ID number which can be used to link this data to future published project datasets. All users are directed to the "Heat Pump Installation Statistics", "Participant Recruitment Report", and "Home Surveys and Install Report" for more information and analysis relating to this data. Additional documentation is also provided as outlined below which indicates what the data is, how the data was collected, and how it may be used. https://es.catapult.org.uk/project/electrification-of-heat-demonstration/ |
Crown Estate Scotland data resources Crown Estate Scotland |
Spatial and other data about the management of Scotland's sea-bed, including for wind and marine energy and for carbon capture and storage. |
DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program US Department of Energy (DOE) |
The mission of the US Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program is to reduce petroleum use, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution and to contribute to a more diverse and efficient energy infrastructure by enabling the widespread commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The Program Records area contains supporting data for DOE publications, described as Program-related, Analysis, Fuel cells, Production/delivery, Safety codes, and standards and Storage |
EOLTECH Wind Energy Index (IREC) EOLTECH |
Since 2011, Eoltech has published its wind energy index on 3 major regions of wind power development in France. Today, this indicator of regional wind resource is updated each month on 7 major regions, to allow operators and financial partners of projects to put their park production into the general perspective of the available wind resource. |
Feed-in-Tariff statistics UK Government |
Annual, quarterly and monthly feed-in tariff statistics. Solar photovoltaic deployment and costs. Load factors. The feed-in-tariff is a payment made to some renewable energy generators. |
Global Solar Atlas Solargis |
Global spatial data on solar resource and photovoltaic power potential over land. |
Global Wind Atlas DTU Wind Energy and others |
Global wind speed data for onshore and offshore, up to 200km from the coast. 250m grid wind speeds at 10, 50, 100, 150 and 200m above ground or sea level. |
Global Wind Atlas Science Portal Technical University of Denmark (DTU) |
Spatial wind speed data and wind farm siting parameters. Wind speed measurements from satellite data (SAR and scatterometer) and from re-analysis data (MERRA). |
JRC Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS) EU Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and Transport |
Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS) provides a map-based inventory of solar energy resource and assessment of the electricity generation from photovoltaic systems in Europe, Africa, and South-West Asia. It is a part of the SOLAREC action that contributes to the implementation of renewable energy in the European Union as a sustainable and long-term energy supply |
MEDIN (Marine Environmental and Information Network) Various data archives |
MEDIN is public-private alliance to provide a marine environmental data centre. Dataset metadata can be searched by keyword or interactive map using the data discovery portal, providing a federated search across other data repositories. Searches can also be done by themes via the reference layers. Data can also be lodged in MEDIN with standardised metadata |
Marine Data Exchange The Crown Estate |
The Marine Data Exchange provides access to survey data and reports collated during the planning, building and operating of offshore renewable energy projects. There are two divisions: Wind and Aggregates. Wind consists of raw, cleaned and modelled wind datasets from various meteorological masts, LiDAR systems and meteorological buoys around the UK. Aggregates includes Marine ALSF Regional Environmental Characterisation Surveys (RECs). |
OES Ocean Energy in the World Ocean Energy Systems Energy Technology Initiative (OES) |
GIS map of all known wave and tidal energy installations in the world. Annual detailed reports per country are also available for the 29 member countries. The Ocean Energy Systems Implementing Agreement (OES) is an intergovernmental collaboration between countries, operating under the framework of the International Energy Agency (IEA). |
Phyllis2: Database for biomass and waste ECN Biomass & Energy Efficiency (Energy research Centre of the Netherlands) |
Phyllis is a database containing information on the composition of biomass and waste. From Phyllis you can obtain analysis data of individual biomass or waste materials or average values for a group of materials. |
Platform for Operational Data from ORE Catapult Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult |
POD (Platform for Operational Data) from ORE (Offshore Renewable Energy) Catapult allows requests for data sets arising from ORE Catapult and partners' innovation projects and operational assets. Includes demonstration turbine data, system performance analysis and floating turbine design cases. |
Renewable energy planning database (REPD) and Heat Networks Planning Database UK Government |
The Renewable Energy Planning Database (REPD) and the Heat Networks Planning Database are updated and published every quarter. The Renewable Energy Planning Database tracks the progress of renewable electricity and heat networks projects. The Heat Networks Planning Database covers district as well as communal heat network projects. |
Renewables.ninja Stefan Pfenninger of ETH Zrich and Iain Staffell of Imperial College, London. |
Renewables.ninja allows users to run simulations of the hourly power output from wind and solar power plants located anywhere in the world. |
The Crown Estate Open Data Crown Estate |
Geographic data of the Crown Estate's offshore leasing to renewable energy and other users. |
The Wind Power The Wind Power |
The Wind Power is a set of databases covering wind farms, turbines, manufacturers, developers, operators and owners worldwide, with market information. Downloads are available for each database, plus photographs and maps, and analysis of the wind power market. There is an interactive map. |
UK Wind Energy Database (UKWED) RenewableUK |
The Wind Energy Database (UKWED) contains data about operational onshore and offshore wind projects of 100kW or more. Some data are available only to renewableUK members. |
Wave & Tidal Knowledge Network Various sources |
The Knowledge Network is a web-based system which facilitates data exchange in the emerging wave and tidal energy industry. |