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Domestic Heating Data from the Energy Systems Catapult Living Lab
Energy Systems Catapult
  The Domestic Heating Data from the Energy Systems Catapult Living Lab covers approximately 100 domestic properties and includes data collected directly from sensors in each room: room temperature, room humidity, gas usage, electricity usage, radiator temperatures, boiler temperatures and water temperatures (hot and cold). Also data on how participants use their heating system: the times they request heating, the target temperatures requests and the type of schedule changes made. Also included are local weather data, including forecasts and local observations.
Energy Performance of Buildings Data
UK Government
  The Energy Performance of Buildings provides access to Energy Performance Certificates and Display Energy Certificates data for buildings in England and Wales by search and browsing, or via and API, and for individual or bulk download.
GB Postcodes off the mains gas grid
Centre for Sustainable Energy
  Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has published a complete list of Great Britain postcodes that are not connected to the mains gas grid, up-to-date for 2017. Also included are the census area and the co-ordinates of the centre of each postcode on the list.
NEED - National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework
UK Government
  A sample of 49,815 records selected to be representative of the housing stock (based on Region, property age, property type and floor area band) representative of the national NEED data set (over 27 million records) of energy use and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings in Great Britain.
NEED-Framework, 2014 - anonymous registered users' sample
UK Government
  Large anonymised sample of 4 million records from the national NEED dataset of energy use and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings in Great Britain. The data framework matches gas and electricity consumption data collected for UK Government sub-national energy consumption statistics and records of energy efficiency measures from HEED. It also includes typographic data about dwellings and households obtained from a variety of sources.
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National Energy Efficiency Database (NEED)
UK Government
  A national dataset of energy use and energy efficiency in domestic and non-domestic buildings in Great Britain. The data framework matches gas and electricity consumption data collected for UK Government sub-national energy consumption statistics and records of energy efficiency measures from HEED. It also includes typographic data about dwellings and households obtained from a variety of sources.
Non-gas map of Great Britain
Kiln, Affordable Warmth Solutions, BEIS
  The non-gas map is a detailed map of Great Britain showing the distribution of properties without a gas grid connection across local authorities, LSOAs (lower-level super output areas) and, for registered users, postcodes. It also provides other information about properties and residents, from the type of house or flat to the type of heating and tenure.
Northern Ireland Housing Statistics
Government of Northern Ireland
  Quarterly bulletin and annual compendium of housing statistics and the ongoing review of data including housing publications and the changes proposed.
One-Minute Resolution Domestic Electricity Use Data (2008-2009)
I. Richardson and M. Thomson, Loughborough University
  Electricity data measured at one-minute resolution in 22 dwellings over two complete years (2008 and 2009). Each dwelling was fitted with a single meter covering electricity use of the whole dwelling, however, the one-minute resolution allows the switching of individual domestic appliances to be observed. The meters conform to BS EN 62053-21:2003 and measure true active power (taking proper account of the voltage). The study also includes the results of a dwelling characteristics survey which was completed for each dwelling detailing its characteristics and the types of appliances and lighting installed.
Renewable Heat Incentive statistics
UK Government
  Deployment data for the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and the domestic RHI.
Scottish Household Survey
Scottish Government
  The Scottish Household Survey (SHS) is an annual, cross-sectional survey on the composition, characteristics, attitudes and behaviour of private households and individuals as well as evidence on the physical condition of Scotlands homes.
Scottish Housing Conditions Survey (SHCS)
Scottish Government
  The Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS) combines both an interview with occupants and a physical inspection of dwellings to build up a picture of Scotlands occupied housing stock.
Smarter homes: Experiences of living in low carbon homes 2013-2018
Louise Reid
  Interview transcripts from the Smarter Homes project which explored experiences of living in low carbon homes with a particular focus on the experience of living with micro-generation heating systems.
Survey of English Housing (SEH)
UK Government
  The Survey of English Housing (SEH) was a continuous annual survey series, which began in 1993 and covered a sample of 20,000 responding households each year. The survey provided key housing data on tenure, owner occupation and the social rented sector, and regular information about the private rented sector. It was a multi-purpose housing survey which provided a comprehensive range of basic information on households and their housing and full information on the private rented sector. The SEH was subsumed into the English Housing Survey (EHS) in 2008.
UK Household Energy Efficiency Statistics
UK Government
  Green Deal, Energy Company Obligation and Insulation statistics for UK housing.
Welsh Housing Conditions Survey 2017-2018
Welsh Government
  The Welsh Housing Conditions Survey, 2017-2018 (WHCS) provides an estimate of the condition and energy efficiency/performance of the housing stock in Wales. The survey covered all types of housing and all tenures but not vacant properties.
Welsh Housing Statistics
Llywodraeth Cymraig (Welsh Government)
  Statistical information on all aspects of housing in Wales