UKERC Energy Data Centre: Data Catalogue

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EDC Serial Number EDC0000137
Title UK Domestic Appliance Level Electricity(UK-DALE-2017)-Disaggregated appliance/whole house power
Data Location
EDC Stored Dataset
Description Appliance-by-appliance and whole-home power demand for 5 UK homes recorded approximately once every 6s. Each appliance has a separate time series file channel_nn.dat and most have a channel_nn_button_press.dat file indicating switching events. This data set includes and extends UK-DALE-2015 disaggregated.
Sector Domestic
Coverage England
Start: 09/11/2012
End: 26/04/2017
Usage Rights for this Data Open Access
This data may be freely used for any purpose
Data Type Time Series
Parameter Names Detailed metadata (using the NILM Metadata Schema) relating to the houses and their meters is available at
Units 25 x Appliances
Number of Records > 970,000,000
IEA Category Residential and commercial
Creator of the Data Jack Kelly, Imperial College
Data made available by Jack Kelly, Imperial College
Format Various
Language English
Project Domestic Energy Use
Related Datasets See all related datasets
Other Information

NOTE to UK-DALE data users: the UK-DALE data sets are large. It may not be possible to download all the data in one go.

This data set includes and extends UK-DALE-2015 disaggregated. The disaggregated UK-DALE-2015 data are available as separate .dat files. This data set is available as a single zip file of the full set of plain text .dat files or as a single zip of the full set of HDF5 format data.
There is further information on UK-DALE-2015, which is also relevant to this data set, in Kelly, J. and Knottenbelt, W. The UK-DALE dataset, domestic appliance-level electricity demand and whole-house demand from five UK homes. Sci. Data 2:150007 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2015.7 (2015). arXiv:1404.0284 (2015).
This data is made freely available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). See more at
There is a README associated with these data at ReadMe_DALE-2017 (#Disaggregated section) and further meta data on the houses and appliances at

Data are available for each house as follows:
House 1: start 09/11/2012, end 26/04/2017
House 2: start 17/02/2013, end 10/10/2013
House 3: start 27/02/2013, end 08/04/2013
House 4: start 09/03/2013, end 01/10/2013
House 5: start 29/06/2014, end 13/11/2014