UKERC Energy Data Centre: Data Catalogue

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EDC Serial Number EDC0000100
Title CEDA Archive
Data Location
Linked Dataset outside of EDC
Description The CEDA Archive forms part of NERC's Environmental Data Service (EDS) and is responsible for looking after data from atmospheric and earth observation research. It hosts over 18 Petabytes of data from climate models, satellites, aircraft, met observations, and other sources.
DOI (none given)
Sector Other
Coverage World
Start: 01/01/1985
End: 31/12/2049
Frequent additions of new datasets
Usage Rights for this Data Licensed data (non-commercial use only)
Registration required (refer to end user license agreement for full conditions)
You may have to register with the data provider
Data Type Website
Parameter Names
Units (none given)
Number of Records (none given)
IEA Category Wind Energy
Other Supporting Data
Creator of the Data Various sources
Data made available by Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Format Various
Language English
Project Climate
Related Datasets The aim of the CEDA Archive is to provide a long-term home for data produced by environmental research and to facilitate use of data that research needs.See all related datasets
Other Information (none given)