UKERC Energy Data Centre: Data Catalogue

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EDC Serial Number EDC0000286
Title Emissions from NAEI large point sources - UK manufacturing sector
Data Location
EDC Stored Dataset
Description This file provides a harmonised data for the UK main manufacturing industry based on the NAEI 2020 data, which can be used for analysis and modelling.Since the original NAEI data include sites that do not fall within the definition of manufacturing industry, we created this harmonised data for ease of use. We classified the sectors into: Iron and steel, Chemicals, Cement, Food and drink, Paper, Refining, Lime, Glass, Ceramics, Other minerals, and Other industry. We also converted the 'Easting' and 'Northing' to 'Latitude' and 'Longitude'.
Sector Commercial
Coverage United Kingdom
Start: 01/01/2020
End: 31/12/2020
Usage Rights for this Data UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Data Type Spatial
Parameter Names Spatial
Units Spatial
Number of Records 681
IEA Category Industry
Creator of the Data NAEI
Data made available by NAEI
Format Various
Language English
Project NAEI2020 Since the original NAEI data include sites that do not fall within the definition of manufacturing industry, we created this harmonised data for ease of use. We classified the sectors into: Iron and steel, Chemicals, Cement, Food and drink, Paper, Refining, Lime, Glass, Ceramics, Other minerals, and Other industry. We also converted the ’Easting’ and ’Northing’ to ’Latitude’ and ’Longitude’. It should be noted that only ’Carbon dioxide as Carbon’ is considered in this dataset. For the Iron and steel sector, we grouped the ‘Port Talbot’ and ‘Scunthorpe’ emissions in the NAEI data into one total emissions for each site. The rest is left as is. For the original ‘Other minerals industries’ in the NAEI data, we divided this into ‘Glass’, ‘Ceramics’, and ‘Other minerals’, based on a basic search for the site operators. Thus, this may not accurately describe the real sector for those sites. "
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