UKERC Energy Data Centre: Data Catalogue

Submit Link or Dataset
UKERC Home >> UKERC Energy Data Centre >> Data Catalogue >> Submit Link or Dataset

The UKERC-EDC has assembled a set of useful links recommended by UK energy researchers.

These have been categorised broadly according to whether they refer to international energy data or UK-specific data.

To recommend additional energy data links for these pages please contact the UKERC-EDC Data Manager

  *   = Mandatory Field

Your Name   *  
Your Affiliation   *  
Your Email Address   *  
Confirm that you have the right
to offer this data
It is your responsibility to check that you are legally and ethically permitted to offer this data
Authorise us to keep the data usable
This includes, but is not limited to, curation changes such as making extra copies and migrating the format

Title of the Dataset/Resource
e.g. UK Appliance Energy Efficiency Ratings
Max 100 characters
Please give up us as much information as possible as it will help make the data easier to find.
Max 5000 characters
Who created the Data?
This could be a person, organisation or service
Max 100 characters
if you do not know, put Unknown
Who made the data available?
This could be a person, organisation or service who either put the data into the public domain or has authorised you to send it to us
Max 100 characters
Usage Rights for this Data
Who can use this data and for what purposes?
We suggest using Creative Commons licensing where possible
  *   Open Access
Licensed data (non-commercial use only)
Licensed data (restrictions may apply)
Open access via registration account
Open Access (non-commercial use only)
Elexon P114 agreement
Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI High Hydrogen)
Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI CCS SAP)
Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI Characterisation of Feedstocks)
Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI ELUM)
Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI TEAB)
Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI UK SAP)
Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI Aquifer Brine)
Mixed access rights
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Access may be granted on request
Environment Agency Conditional Licence
Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By)
Or enter other usage rights information or licencing below:

Datasets   Link to dataset location
OR if you would like to submit dataset files for curation, please indicate this in the description.
Geographic Coverage
Choose a value from the list, and also put in as much detail as possible to narrow down the the area of coverage. For example, Thames Valley, or Reading or County Durham, or even GPS coordinates if you have them.
Enter details here:
Time Coverage
If you know the start and end dates, please put them in. If not, give some indication of the time period covered, such as Data collected in summer of 1997

yyyy or month yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy
Further information:
What kind of data is this?  
If Other, please enter here:
IEA Category Classification
Please classify the data using this list.
You can choose more than one by using the Control button while selecting

Other Information
Please give any other information about the context and meaning of the data that will help other researchers. For example, why was the data created? What was it used for? Who originally funded it? Is it related to any other project or collection of datasets? Are there any useful web links that explain the context of the data?