CO2 Stored provides access to overview data for over 500 potential CO2 storage sites around offshore UK. The data originate from the UK Storage Appraisal Project (UKSAP) which assessed the UKs CO2 storage capacity for carbon capture and storage (CCS). It is updated, validated and built on as part of The Crown Estate and BGSs ongoing development. The database includes derived data for each storage unit including: location, storage unit type, lithology, water depths, porosity, permeability, formation thickness, formation depth, pressures, and salinity. The original data was developed by the UK Storage Appraisal Project (UKSAP), which was commissioned and funded by the <a href="" target="_blank">Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) </a>. It is hosted and further developed by the <a href="">British Geological Survey (BGS) </a> and <a href="">The Crown Estate </a>.It contains derived geological data, storage estimates, risk data and economics for nearly 600 potential CO<sub>2</sub> storage units located offshore UK. These include oil and gas reservoir and saline aquifers. Each storage unit contains information giving storage estimates, risk data and economics. For most of the data fields a minimum, most likely and maximum values are recorded. The source of the data is recorded as well as a confidence rating in the data provided.
Rights: Open Access if terms and conditions accepted (ETI UK SAP)
The ETI-funded UKSAP (UK Storage Appraisal Project) provides a fully auditable and defensible overall estimate of UK CO2 storage capacity for CCS in offshore geological formations. <p>The whole UKSAP results have been made available in the CO2 Stored database.</p><p>Most storage reservoirs were modeled as simplified representative structures. Detailed reservoir simulation models known as Exemplar Models were created for two sites, Bunter and Forties. Both were modeled with proprietary geological simulation software Eclipse and Petrel and these models are made available here.</p>
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