Rights: Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials
This spreadsheet provides the underlying breakdown of the capital cost estimate for the the Teeside location. Note that minor changes have been made to numbers in the spreadsheet to protect commercially sensitive cost data that was used in calculating the capital cost in the main report, amd hence the total numbers in the spreadsheet may differ slightly from those presented there.
Rights: Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials
This tool presents the costs to consumers of support to different electricity generation technologies. It is designed to help show the impact of different policy / market arrangements on the required support for different generation technologies. Users can also examine the effect of amending some inputs (although due to the interdependency of the system, sensitivities such as changing variable costs will require a re-run of the underlying dispatch/investment model.
Rights: Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials
This toolkit presents the whole-system impacts of electricity generation technologies. It is designed to help show the underlying assumptions driving differences in the whole system impact calculated from a dispatch and investment model. Users can examine the effect of amending some inputs on the whole system impact (although due to interdependency of the system, sensitivities such as changing variable costs will be a re-run of the underlying dispatch/investment model). The toolkit is set up to easily accept input from EnVision/DDM, but could (with appropriate transformation of outputs) be used with another dispatch and investment model.
Rights: Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials
This spreadsheet provides the underlying breakdown of the capital cost estimate for the NE England location. Note that minor changes have been made to numbers in the spreadsheet to protect commercially sensitive cost data that was used in calculating the operating cost in D5.1. Hence the total numbers in the spreadsheet may differ slightly from those presented in D5.1.
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