Rights: Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials
This knowledge building project aims to outline a number of price scenarios for the retail price of electricity across a number of different energy vectors in 2030. This project, delivered by Baringa, builds on their existing time series of hourly supplier electricity costs for 2030. They delivered an hourly electricity price series for 2030 based on traceable assumptions for three different 2030 supply-demand scenarios. The key objectives were:
To investigate the costs that domestic electricity suppliers in Great Britain might face in 2030.
To make projections on the assumption that, unless formally announced, no changes are made to the electricity market arrangements in place today
To focus in particular on the hourly variation and seasonal shape of supplier costs
This spreadsheet provides figures for key inputs to be used for the projection of theretail cost stack in 2030. All figures refer to year 2030 unless otherwise stated. Money is in 1st January 2017 terms unless otherwise stated.
Rights: Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials
This knowledge building project aims to outline a number of price scenarios for the retail price of electricity across a number of different energy vectors in 2030. This project, delivered by Baringa, builds on their existing time series of hourly supplier electricity costs for 2030. They delivered an hourly electricity price series for 2030 based on traceable assumptions for three different 2030 supply-demand scenarios. The key objectives were:
To investigate the costs that domestic electricity suppliers in Great Britain might face in 2030.
To make projections on the assumption that, unless formally announced, no changes are made to the electricity market arrangements in place today
To focus in particular on the hourly variation and seasonal shape of supplier costs
This deliverable accompanies the slide pack Retail Supply Cost Analysis Purpose of workbook: To provide the key outputs for the three scenarios and the historical year 2017:
Hourly Prices: Detailed Retail Cost Stacks
Annual Figures ( to add ) :
Installed Capacity
Wholesale price and captured prices for renewable technologies
Imports and exports with neighbouring markets
Total carbon dioxide emissions
The three scenarios refer to the year 2030. The year 2017 has been added for comparison purposes. Money is in 1st January 2017 terms unless otherwise stated
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