Publisher: Margaret Tingey, University of Edinburgh
Period: 01/01/2002 - 31/12/2015
Rights: Open Access
The Local Engagement in UK Energy Systems (LEUKES) Database is about local authority energy projects. The data being made available is a database of 458 UK local authority energy projects collated from 29 different data sources. The energy projects database was produced as part of the Local Engagement in UK Energy Systems (LEUKES) project. The database is developed from datasets published by the European Commission, UK and devolved Governments, and their agencies which included information on grants and loans which LAs use for financing energy initiatives and information on operational energy projects.The research aimed to examine the current and future contribution of local governments to changing energy production, supply and use with a primary focus on providing knowledge about the extent of local engagement in energy initiatives under current institutional structures; and, identifying local energy governance and business models being developed. This data formed one component of research in the LEUKES project and was funded by the Research Councils UK Energy Programme as part of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) research programme and the Energy Technologies Institute (the ETI) and was carried out by the University of Edinburgh.
Great Britain energy market data from the retail market, from the wholesale market, energy network indicators and customer service data. Material featured on the Ofgem website is subject to Crown copyright protection unless otherwise indicated. You may use Crown copyright information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
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