Automated Demand Response trials within the New Thames Valley Vision (NTVV) project installed Building Management Systems within 27 commercial buildings within the Bracknell area. The project was then able to enact load shed events on the building with differing notice periods. Background information on the NTVV project and the ADR trial can be found in report SDRC_9.1c_Demand_Side_Response_Evidence_Report_1.0.pdf
The data set records EMMA thermal storage devices trialed in the New Thames Valley Vision (NTVV) project and includes PV and grid data for 73 households. The EMMA unit is a device which is fitted in conjunction with Solar PV installs in properties that have an immersion heater. The device diverts any excess generation energy, into the immersion heater to heat water, rather than send the excess electricity back onto the grid. The data set records EMMA, PV and grid data for 73 households. Background information on the NTVV project and the EMMA trial can be found in report SDRC_9.4b_Evidence_Report_1.0.pdf. Data format information is in EMMA_readme.txt.
End point monitoring of household electricity demand and generation carried out within the New Thames Valley Vision (NTVV) project. End Point Monitoring in domestic households was carried out with two types of devices with 30 minute granularity. The data are described in EPM_readme.txt. Background information on the NTVV project and end point monitoring with the EDMI units can be found in SDRC_9.2a_Evidence_Report_Rev_1.0_Final.pdf.
Data from a trial of an Ice Bear cold thermal energy storage unit in one building during the New Thames Valley Vision (NTVV) project. This data records the trial of one Ice Bear unit in the New Thames Valley Vision (NTVV) project. The Ice Bear unit provides a block of ice, which is installed as part of an air conditioning system. During the day, the air conditioning unit will blow air through the ice, creating cool air. During the night, the Ice Bear will freeze the ice again, ready for use the next day, so deferring energy usage from the day time, to the night time. The data format is described in Ice_Bear_readme.txt. Background information on the NTVV project and the Ice Bear unit can be found in report SDRC_9.8a_4_Cold_Thermal_LV_Network_Energy_Storage.pdf.
Monitoring data from 4 primary and 316 secondary substations in the New Thames Valley Vision (NTVV) project. Information about the substations data can be found in Substations_readme.txt. Background information on the NTVV project and substation monitoring can be found in SDRC_9.2b_Evidence_Report_Rev_1.0.pdf.
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