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Reference Number ES/Y010531/1
Title (ENACT 15mC) Envisioning Neighbourhoods and Co-Creating Thriving Communities in the 15mC
Status Started
Energy Categories Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research (Demographics) 10%;
Energy Efficiency (Residential and commercial) 40%;
Energy Efficiency (Transport) 40%;
Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research (Energy Economics) 10%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields SOCIAL SCIENCES (Town and Country Planning) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Professor T Jones

Faculty of Tech, Design and Environment
Oxford Brookes University
Award Type Standard
Funding Source ESRC
Start Date 01 October 2023
End Date 30 September 2026
Duration 36 months
Total Grant Value £220,933
Industrial Sectors
Region South East
Programme Economic Performance & Environment - Strategic Programme
Investigators Principal Investigator Professor T Jones , Faculty of Tech, Design and Environment, Oxford Brookes University (99.996%)
  Other Investigator Dr A A Almukhtar , Faculty of Tech, Design and Environment, Oxford Brookes University (0.001%)
Dr J Carpenter , Kellogg College, University of Oxford (0.001%)
Ms AM Chisholm , Research Division, The Picker Institute (0.001%)
Dr BRT Spencer , Faculty of Tech, Design and Environment, Oxford Brookes University (0.001%)
Web Site
Objectives ENACT 15mC objectives1. To understand how co-creation methods and state-of-the-art tools can be used in combination to achieve moreinclusive, accessible, attractive and sustainable public spaces, streets and neighbourhoods.2. To develop, test and validate physical and operational interventions that will influence people's ability to useactive transport in (sub)urban areas within the context of four different Urban Living Labs (ULL).3. To disseminate recommendations for realising the 15mC and identify how barriers to their implementation can be overcome, to maximise transferability and scalability.
Abstract ENACT 15mC responds to the need for local and central governments to engage in dialogue with their citizens on how to make urban areas more sustainable in land use and transport terms. The ENACT 15mC project consortium will combine its expertise in co-creation with state-of-the-art innovations in digital visualising technologies for urban planning and placemaking. The potential for developing neighbourhoods and districts within the 15mC will be actively tested through demonstration of possible land-use interventions using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Currently, available AR technologies, alongside new ones to be developed by our industry partners, will be made available for use in co-creation workshops and the wider public in four different case study sites located in Norway, Poland, Spain, and the UK. By utilising this approach, the ENACT 15mC partnership will understand the characteristics of inclusive, accessible and attractive 15mCs and the processes that can help create them, through robust research and experimentation with innovative and accessible technologies. The project outputs will lead to guidelines for engaging communities that can be used throughout Europe and beyond

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