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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD)
Department:   None
NIA_SSEPD_0029 P 11kV power electronics providing reactive compensation for voltage control
NIA_SSEPD_0011 P ACCESS - Local Constraint Management (Mull)
NIA_SSEPD_0016 P Alternative Cable Installation Methods (ACIM) - Phase 1 (Feasibility Study)
NIA_SSEN_0054 P Alternative Jointing Techniques
NIA_SHET_0016 P Alternative to Wood Poles - Feasibility Study
NIA_SSEPD_0025 P Applied Integrated Vegetation Management
NIA_SSEPD_0018 P Assessment of Remotely Operated Mulching Methods
NIA_SSEPD_0009 P Automated Loop Restoration
NIA_SHET_0019 P Automatic Thermovision Surveys (ACTS)
NIA_SSEN_0058 P CageCapture™ SF6 Flange Guard
NIA_SSEN_0059 P CageCapture™ ™ SF6 Paint Detection
NIA_SHET_0021 P Composite Core (ACCC) Inspection
NIA_SHET_0015 P Controlled Backfill for Peat Land
NIA_SSEN_0062 P Customer Led Electric Vehicle Early Registration (CLEVER)
NIA_SHET_0009 P DC/DC Converter
NIA_SSEN_0057 P Decarbonising Utility Transport using Whole System Thinking
NIA_SPT_1502 P Distributed Photonic Grid Instrumentation
NIA_SHET_0004 P Dynamic Line Rating CAT1
NIA_SSEPD_0022 P Ester Fluid Transformer Re-Design
NIA_SSEPD_0023 P Fault Passage Indicators for Sensitive Earth Faults
NIA_SSEPD_0007 P Field Team Support Tool
NIA_SSEN_0061 P HOMEflex (Household or Microbusiness Energy Flexibility)
NIA_SSEPD_0006 P Impact of Electrolysers on the Distribution Network
NIA_SSEN_0056 P Inertia Measurement in Island Networks
NIA_SHET_0007 P Insulated Cross Arms - 132kV Trials
NIA_SHET_0006 P Insulated Cross Arms - Lecht & St Fergus Trials
NIA_SSEPD_0015 P LV Connectivity Modelling
NIA_SHET_0011 P Lightning Protection
NIA_SSEPD_0002 P Locamation SASensor High-Medium Voltage (HMV) Primary Substation Protection
NIA_SSEPD_0027 P Low Cost LV Substation Monitoring
NIA_SHET_0012 P Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactor (MCSR)
NIA_SSEPD_0010 P Mobile Generation Re-Sync at 11kV and 33kV
NIA_SHET_0013 P Modular Approach to Substation Construction - Design Development
NIA_SSEN_0055 P Net Zero Service Termination Project
NIA_SSEPD_0003 P Network Damage Reporter
NIA_SSEPD_0024 P Network Optimisation Project (NOP)
NIA_SHET_0010 P New Suite of Transmission Structures
NIA_SSEPD_0020 P Overhead Line Monitoring System
NIA_SSEPD_0017 P Overhead Line Vibration Monitoring Phase 2
NIA_SSEPD_0008 P Parade (Polemounted Auto-Recloser Automated Distribution Evaluation)
NIA_SHET_0014 P Partial Discharge Monitoring to Reduce Safety Criticality
NIA_SHET_0017 P Pole Reclassification System Evaluation
NIA_SSEN_0060 P Portable – Low Voltage Fault Passage Indicators (Portable – LV FPI)
NIA_SHET_0002 P Prognostics and Health Monitoring of Grid Connected Assets
NIA_SHET_0020 P Remote Asset INertial Monitoring & Alerting Network (RAINMAN)
NIA_SHET_0001 P Sustainable Commercial Model For Networks
NIA_SSEPD_0021 P Thermal imaging Observation techniques for Underground CAble Networks (TOUCAN)
NIA_SHET_0005 P Transformer Intrascope
NIA_SHET_0018 P Transformer Intrascope Phase 2
NIA_SHET_0022 P Transmission System Fault Level Monitoring
NIA_SPT_1603 P Trialling Long-Lasting Tower Paints
NIA_SSEPD_0004 P Ultrapole
NIA_SSEPD_0014 P Underground Cable Overlay Cost Reduction
NIA_SSEN_0063 P VFES - Vulnerability Future Energy Scenarios
NIA_SSEPD_0019 P Western Isles Network Resilient Zone Utilizing Embedded Generation - Feasibility Study
NIA_SSEN_0054 O Alternative Jointing Techniques
NIA_SSEN_0058 O CageCapture™ SF6 Flange Guard
NIA_SSEN_0059 O CageCapture™ ™ SF6 Paint Detection
NIA_NGET0024 O Composite Cross-Arms Study
NIA2_NGESO001 O CrowdFlex
NIA_SSEN_0062 O Customer Led Electric Vehicle Early Registration (CLEVER)
NIA_SSEN_0057 O Decarbonising Utility Transport using Whole System Thinking
NIA_SSEN_0038 O E Tourism
NIA_SSEN_0061 O HOMEflex (Household or Microbusiness Energy Flexibility)
NIA_SHET_0008 O HVDC Nanocomposite Insulation
NIA_SSEN_0056 O Inertia Measurement in Island Networks
NIA_SSEPD_0026 O Management of plug-in vehicle uptake on distribution networks
NIA_SSEN_0050 O Near Real-time Data Access (NeRDA)
NIA_SSEN_0055 O Net Zero Service Termination Project
NIA_SPEN_55 O On-Site Non-Intrusive Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Tester
NIA_SSEN_0060 O Portable – Low Voltage Fault Passage Indicators (Portable – LV FPI)
NIA SPEN 0057 O Re-Heat: Enabling Renewable Heat
NIA_NGN_338 O Street Score 2
NIA_SSEN_0063 O VFES - Vulnerability Future Energy Scenarios
EP/X031144/1 I Accelerating the deployment of offshore wind using DC technology
EP/X025322/1 I ENSIGN: ENergy System dIGital twiN
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 7 69 76 21,790,907   34,123,686