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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   Tata Group UK
Department:   None
EP/J011460/1 I A Novel Electropulse-based Clean Steel Green Processing Method
EP/J011460/2 I A Novel Electropulse-based Clean Steel Green Processing Method
EP/S001336/1 I ACceleration of Circular Economy for Printable Photovoltaics Through Eco-Design (ACCEPTED)
EP/M014002/1 I ASSURE - Advanced Steel Shaping Using Reduced Energy
EP/N007557/1 I Active-LIVing Envelopes (ALIVE)
EP/T028513/1 I Application Targeted and Integrated Photovoltaics - Enhancing UK Capability in Solar
EP/X03884X/1 I Artificial Intelligence X-ray Imaging for Sustainable Metal Manufacturing (AIXISuMM)
EP/S030654/1 I Boosting Reduction of Energy Intensity in cleaN STeelwork platfORM
EP/K503228/1 I COATED: Centre Of Advanced Training for Engineering Doctorates
EP/P007767/1 I Centre for Advanced Materials for Integrated Energy Systems (CAM-IES)
EP/S036237/1 I Circular Economy Network+ in Transportation Systems (CENTS)
EP/N001745/1 I Consortium for Modelling and Analysis of Decentralised Energy Storage (C-MADEnS)
EP/S013318/1 I Critical Technological Assessment of the Viability of Future UK Steel Production
EP/R01910X/1 I Defect-engineered metal-organic frameworks for carbon dioxide capture
EP/L025213/1 I Designing alloys for resource efficiency (DARE)- a manufacturing approach
EP/M014096/1 I Development of Roll Formable Ultra High Strength Steels for Energy Efficient Manufacture of Lightweight Crash Resistant Automotive Structures
EP/S021892/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Enhancing Human Interactions and Collaborations with Data and Intelligence Driven Systems
EP/L015099/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Industrial Functional Coatings: COATED2
EP/L016206/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Innovative Metal Processing IMPaCT
EP/L016303/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Renewable Energy Marine Structures (REMS)
EP/M002403/1 I Engineering Fellowships for Growth: Development of SimCells as building blocks for synthetic biology
EP/L014742/1 I Hydrogen in metals - from fundamentals to the design of new steels (HEmS)
EP/P003605/1 I Joint UK-India Clean Energy Centre (JUICE)
EP/N009746/1 I Liquid Fuel and bioEnergy Supply from CO2 Reduction
EP/N009746/2 I Liquid Fuel and bioEnergy Supply from CO2 Reduction
EP/S001492/1 I MaxImiSing flexibility through multi-Scale IntegratiON of energy systems (MISSION)
EP/L018632/1 I Micro-structuring micro-alloyed steels via non-metallic precipitate formation
EP/P004636/1 I Optimising Energy Management in Industry - 'OPTEMIN'
EP/I002162/1 I Re-Engineering the City 2020-2050: Urban Foresight and Transition Management
EP/P027210/1 I Real-time In-line Microstructural Engineering (RIME)
EP/N020863/1 I SPECIFIC IKC Phase 2
EP/S018107/1 I SUSTAIN Manufacturing Hub
EP/P032591/1 I Strategic University Network to Revolutionise Indian Solar Energy (SUNRISE)
EP/S00078X/1 I Supergen Energy Networks hub 2018
EP/S00078X/2 I Supergen Energy Networks hub 2018
EP/S000763/1 I Supergen Solar Network+
EP/K039377/1 I SusTEM Network: Sustainhermal Energy Management Network
EP/S016627/1 I The Active Building Centre
EP/J010200/1 I The Effects of Realistic Tidal Flows on the Performance and Structural Integrity of Tidal Stream Turbines
EP/N011368/1 I Uncovering Fundamental Mechanisms to Enable Sustainable Steel Manufacturing
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 5 35 40 0   121,055,444