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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   RWE npower plc
Department:   None
DTI/CC/206 O Advanced Characterisation Property Database for Chinese and Indian and Other Asian Coals.
DTI/CC/103 O Advanced Materials, Modelling and Lifeing Technologies for Gas Turbine Components Operating in Coal Gasification Plant
DTI/CC/221 O Advanced Modelling and Testing of Thick Section Welded HCM2S
DTI/CC/121 O Advanced Monitoring Using Imaging for Combustion in Power Station Boilers
DTI/CC/118 O Concurrent Measurements of Temperature and Soot Concentration of pulverised coal flames
W/64/00657/00/00 O Cost Reduction and Life Extension of Offshore Wind Farms (CORLEX)
DTI/CC/225 O FOURCRACK Development of Advanced Coal-Fired Plant Steels to Avoid Premature Failure by Weld
DTI/CC/132 O Improved Materials for Advanced PF Boilers and Steam Turbines
W/63/00661/00/00 O Offshore wind field sensor using lidar anemometer
DTI/CC/208 O UK Collaboration with Netherlands and Australian NOx Reduction Research Using Overfire Air Staging.
DTI/CC/9999 O Virtual plant demonstration model basic framework
EP/F023316/1 I Combined remote thermography and non-contact ultrasonic inspection techniques using pulsed laser excitation
EP/F024096/1 I Combined remote thermography and non-contact ultrasonic inspection techniques using pulsed laser excitation
DT/E005691/1 I Oxycoal UK
EP/F029748/1 I SUPERGEN 2 - Conventional Power Plant Lifetime Extension Consortium - CORE
EP/S00078X/1 I Supergen Energy Networks hub 2018
EP/S00078X/2 I Supergen Energy Networks hub 2018
EP/N005961/1 I Water Energy Food: Vaccinating the Nexus
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 0 19 19 38   25,680,673