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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   University of Glasgow
Department:   None
InnUK/103445/01 O ALEGRO: Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching for GaN Power Device Applications
EP/W014637/1 I An energy free pump: nanoporous gels to passively lift subsurface water
EP/X014940/1 I Developing Devices that use Biotemplated Nanoparticles for Sustainable Energy Generation
EP/N01202X/1 I EPSRC Manufacturing Fellowship in Gallium Nitride
EP/N01202X/2 I EPSRC Manufacturing Fellowship in Gallium Nitride
EP/X015742/1 I Layered Materials Research Foundry
EP/P010059/1 I Nanorad - Ultrafast, nano-scale material response to radiation and applications of ultrafast radiation sources.
InnUK/131860/01 I Open Path Analyser and Leak Localisation for unconventional gas (OPALL)
EP/C003071/1 I Performance, degradation and defect structure of MOS devices using high-k materials as gate dielectrics
EP/C003098/1 I Performance, degradation and defect structure of MOS devices using high-k materials as gate dielectrics
EP/C003101/1 I Performance, degradation and defect structure of MOS devices using high-k materials as gate dielectrics
EP/W014378/1 I Predictive multiscale free energy simulations of hybrid transition metal catalysts
EP/P015719/1 I Quantitative non-destructive nanoscale characterisation of advanced materials
EP/N034740/1 I Resilient and Sustainable Biorenewable Systems Engineering Model (ReSBio)
EP/P005667/1 I Thermal Energy Challenge Network
EP/P005667/2 I Thermal Energy Challenge Network
EP/N032861/1 I UK Fluids Network
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 4 14 18 96,964   11,308,630