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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   Ricardo Consulting Engineers Ltd
Department:   None
S0313/T1 P Carbon to hydrogen roadmap for passenger cars: update
PPAD 9/33/99 P Emissions performance of vegetable oil fuel
ETI-HD2004 P HDV On-Highway Market Analysis
ETI-TRANS-1 P Heavy Duty Vehicle - Efficiency
C5/P42 P Investigation of 2/4 stroke switching for optimised downsized gasoline engines (2/4 SIGHT)
ETI-TR1001 P PIVEI: Large Scale Consumer Trial S1 SP1 - Consumers and Vehicles
EP/F058942/1 I A Fundamental Study of the Novel Poppet Valve 2-Stroke Auto-ignition Combustion Engine (2-ACE)
EP/H001603/1 I Development of a new quantitative kinetic model for the analysis of heating and evaporation processes in complex hydrocarbon fuel droplets
EP/F005040/1 I Foot-LITE
EP/F005067/1 I Foot-LITE
EP/S00081X/1 I Insulation degradation and lifetime of inverter-fed machines with fast switching (high dv/dt) converters
EP/F069855/1 I Modelling of breakup processes in transient Diesel fuel sprays
EP/J006793/1 I Molecular dynamics simulation of complex molecules using quantum-chemical potentials: application to modelling fuel droplets
EP/G012334/1 I Refinement of Engine in-cycle losses of Parasitic and Errant Dynamic Nature (Encyclopaedic)
EP/E047912/1 I Vortex rings in gasoline fuel sprays
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 0 15 15 5,198,186   9,432,568