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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Dr R Gottschalg
Organisation:   Loughborough University
Department:   Electronic and Electrical Engineering
EP/D078431/1 P Fast Energy Rating for Photovoltaic Devices and Modules (FENRA)
TS/G001464/1 P Lower-cost Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems Using III-V Cells (III-V CPV)
GR/T03307/01 P Optimised Efficiency of Thin Film Photovoltaic Device
GR/T03314/01 P Optimised Efficiency of Thin Film Photovoltaic Device
EP/K02227X/1 P PV2025 - Potential Costs and Benefits of Photovoltaics for UK-Infrastructure and Society
EP/H040331/1 P Stability and Performance of Photovoltaics (STAPP)
EP/M014797/1 O Improved Understanding, Development and Optimisation of Perovskite-based Solar Cells
EP/L017792/1 O Photovoltaic Technology based on Earth Abundant Materials - PVTEAM
EP/J017361/1 O SUPERSOLAR Solar Energy Hub
EP/P02484X/1 O SuperSolar Hub Extension
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Dr R Gottschalg
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 0 10 10 4,403,740   12,162,311