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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   Cardiff University
Department:   None
EP/M022382/1 I A CCP on Wave/Structure Interaction: CCP-WSI
EP/W028905/1 I Aviation-to-Grid: Grid flexibility through multiscale modelling and integration of power systems with electrified air transport
EP/T026782/1 I CCP-WSI+ Collaborative Computational Project on Wave Structure Interaction +
EP/X035751/1 I High End Computing Consortium for Wave Structure Interaction HEC WSI
EP/R034664/1 I Improving Methods of Characterising Resource, Interactions and Conditions (METRIC)
EP/X020789/1 I Intelligent instrumentation for assessment and monitoring of hydrogen blend fuels in domestic boilers
EP/R010765/1 I ORE SuperGen Leader Deborah Greaves
EP/P026109/1 I Partnership for Research In Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMaRE)
EP/W014378/1 I Predictive multiscale free energy simulations of hybrid transition metal catalysts
EP/T009314/1 I Storage of Ammonia For Energy (SAFE) - AGT Pilot
EP/S00078X/1 I Supergen Energy Networks hub 2018
EP/S00078X/2 I Supergen Energy Networks hub 2018
EP/K039377/1 I SusTEM Network: Sustainhermal Energy Management Network
EP/W004291/1 I TESiC-SuperJ - Trench Epitaxy for SiC Superjunctions: technology enabling low loss HVDC power electronics.
EP/V000659/1 I Towards Zero Carbon Aviation (TOZCA)
EP/V006614/1 I Utilising a Naturally Occurring Drag Reduction Method
EP/V006614/2 I Utilising a Naturally Occurring Drag Reduction Method
EP/X014924/1 I Vertical GaN-on-Si membrane power transistors: Efficient power electronics for mass-market applications (VertiGaN)`
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 9 9 18 0   16,272,354