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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Professor T Green
Organisation:   Imperial College London
Department:   Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EP/E003583/1 P AURA-NMS: Autonomous Regional Active Network Management System
EP/E029051/1 P Advanced modelling and operation of multiple voltage source inverters for distributed generation
EP/K006312/1 P Enhanced Renewable Integration through Flexible Transmission Options (ERIFT)
EP/I013636/1 P HubNet: Research Leadership and Networking for Energy Networks
EP/N030028/1 P HubNet: Research Leadership and Networking for Energy Networks (Extension)
EP/R045518/1 P Integrated Development of Low-Carbon Energy Systems (IDLES): A Whole-System Paradigm for Creating a National Strategy
EP/N034570/1 P RHYTHM: Resilient Hybrid Technology for High-Value Microgrids
EP/K036327/1 P Reconfigurable Distribution Networks
EP/M015025/1 P System Architecture Challenges: Supergen+ for HubNet
EP/T021780/1 P Technology Transformation to Support Flexible and Resilient Local Energy Systems
EP/I031707/1 P Transformation of the Top and Tail of Energy Networks
DT/F007590/1 P ZEFAL The Zero Fault Level Generator for Active Urban Networks
EP/G066477/1 O Control For Energy and Sustainability
EP/W027321/1 O Data-driven exploration of the carbon emissions impact of grid energy storage deployment and dispatch
EP/L015471/1 O EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids
EP/S031863/1 O Energy Revolution Research Consortium - Core - EnergyREV
EP/S031898/1 O Energy Revolution Research Consortium - Plus - EnergyREV - Next Wave of Local Energy Systems in a Whole Systems Context
EP/K006274/1 O Integrated Operation and Planning for Smart Electric Distribution Networks (OPEN)
EP/L00089X/1 O Interface and Network Infrastructure to Support EV Participation in Smart Grids
EP/P003605/1 O Joint UK-India Clean Energy Centre (JUICE)
EP/L021463/1 O MTVN: Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC Networks - Grid Control
EP/C522788/1 O PLATFORM: Decentralised polygeneration of energy: Cross-disciplinary research at Imperial College London
EP/C522788/2 O PLATFORM: Decentralised polygeneration of energy: Cross-disciplinary research at Imperial College London
EP/F037686/1 O Power Networks Research Academy
EP/R030235/1 O Resilient Electricity Networks for a productive Grid Architecture (RENGA)
EP/L014351/1 O Role of energy storage in enhancing operation and stability performance of sustainable power systems (RESTORES)
GR/S28082/01 O SUPERGEN - Future Network Technologies
EP/E04011X/1 O SUPERGEN 1 Renewal Core - FlexNet: Renewal of the Supergen consortium on Future Network Technologies
EP/K035096/1 O Underpinning Power Electronics 2012: Converters Theme
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Professor T Green
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 1 29 30 25,427,634   74,296,053