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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   Imperial College London
Department:   Chemistry
C5/P52 P MIId Hybrid (HGV) POWertrain (MIHPOW)
InnUK/133723/01 O A holistic battery design tool: From materials to packs (MAT2BAT)
F/01/00285/00/00 O A lightweight array plate with integrated reformer for a metal supported SOFC stack
InnUK/133375/01 O ATTESTS (Automotive Technology Transfer of Energy Storage Thermal Strategies)
InnUK/133376/01 O Advance Battery Life Extension (ABLE)
InnUK/102655/01 O Advanced Lithium Ion Capacitors and Electrodes (ALICE)
DTI/CC/103 O Advanced Materials, Modelling and Lifeing Technologies for Gas Turbine Components Operating in Coal Gasification Plant
DTI/CC/325 O Assessment of Ash Refiring and Mineral Addition on Plant Performance and Ash Disposal
ETI-BIO-2 O Biomass to Power with Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) Flexible Research
2002-7-28-1-6 O Building mounted wind turbines
ETI-CCS-4 O CCS Next Generation Coal Capture Technology
DTI/CC/226 O Carbon Burnout - Coal Fineness effects
DTI/CC/407 O Coal-Fired Advanced Supercritical Boiler/Turbine Retrofit Technology with CO2 Capture Options
DTI/CC/328 O Combustion of Low Volatile Coals in Wall Fired Plant - Phase 2
DTI/CC/134 O Combustion of Low Volatile Coals in Wall-Fired Plant
InnUK/131861/01 O Delivering water security for all during shale gas production
DTI/CC/411 O Development of Advanced Burner Technology for Difficult Coals
InnUK/102228/01 O Highly Personalised Energy Advice
DTI/CC/139 O Improvement in Combustion Efficiency in Utility Boilers
InnUK/113059/01 O Low CO2 Technologies for Accelerated Next Generation Caterpillar 4-7L Engines
InnUK/101578/01 O Mobile Organic Rankine Cycle Powersystem with Electrified Ancillaries for Reduced Parasitics
InnUK/102211/01 O OCTOPUS
ETI-TR1002 O PIVEI: Large Scale Consumer Trial S1 SP2 - Electricity Distribution and Intelligent Infrastructure
DTI/CC/218 O Predictive and Remedial Measures for Particle Impact Erosion and Abrasion Wear in Cleaner Coal Energy Conversion Technologies
DTI/CC/127 O Proposal for Advanced Coal Modelling
DTI/CC/418 O Reducing Slagging and Fouling Constrants on High Levels of Biomass Co-Firing
DTI/CC/408 O Towards Zero Emissions of NOx and Mercury from Coal-Fired Power Plant
ETI-CC1001 O UK Storage Appraisal Project (UKSAP)
InnUK/102283/01 O Zero Emissions Bus by Range Extension with Fuel Cells and Hydrogen
UKERC13 I Nuclear energy and policy research
InnUK/102239/01 I SWEPT2
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 0 31 31 2,598,846   33,586,199