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Projects: Summary of Projects by Science and Technology Field
Projects of type SOCIAL SCIENCES (Education) involving AEA Technology Environment

12 grants were found from your query. Click on a grant and see the details.

C     V1017     'Save It' videos
C     FL0214     Driver development training
C     GPCS 398     Fuel champion saves equivalent of 50 trailer loads of carbon dioxide a year - BOC Ltd
C     GPG 307     Fuel management guide
C     GPG 313     Fuel saving devices
C     RHMF 001     Fuel saving tips guide
C     TE355     In-fleet trials of fuel saving interventions for trucks
C     GPCS2116     Proactive driver performance management keeps fuel efficiency on track
C     FBP1000     Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving (SAFED) for van drivers - Guide
C     GPG 2100     The Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving (SAFED) standard
C     DFT-075-2005     Transport Energy Best Practice Programme - Freight market audit 2005
C     GPG 308     Truck aerodynamic styling

C = Completed   S = Started   F = Funded but not yet started

Project List Summary
for AEA Technology Environment
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 0 12 12 1,008,326   2,063,836