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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number EP/K001620/1
Title Carrier lifetime measurement at grain boundaries in thin-film solar cells
Status Completed
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources(Solar Energy, Photovoltaics) 100%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Physics) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Dr B Mendis
No email address given
Durham University
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 09 November 2012
End Date 01 January 2014
Duration 14 months
Total Grant Value £25,425
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region North East
Programme Energy : Physical Sciences
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr B Mendis , Physics, Durham University (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , University of Liverpool (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract The total solar energy reaching the Earth in less than an hour is greater than the annual global energy demand. Solar cells provide valuable renewable energy by converting sunlight into electricity. Silicon currently dominates solar cell technology, although it is an intrinsically poor absorber of light. On the other hand thin-film solar cells utilise strongly absorbing materials so that the material volume is reduced to a thin layer a few micrometers in thickness, thereby lowering cost. Examples include CdTe and CIGS, the former being commercially produced with an annual output exceeding 1 Giga Watt.A common feature of thin-film solar cells is the high density of crystal defects known as 'grain boundaries'. A grain boundary demarcates the region where two crystals (i.e. grains) of different orientation impinge on one another. They typically reduce the overall solar cell efficiency and need to be passivated for optimum device operation. Indeed in CdTe solar cells a 'chlorine activation' step is used post-deposition where the device is annealed in a chlorine-rich environment leading to a ten-fold improvement in efficiency. It is thought that chlorine segregates to the grain boundaries thereby passivating them, although the precise mechanism is unknown.In this project we will use state-of-the-art measurements of carrier lifetimes at individual grain boundaries to explore the fundamental mechanism(s) behind chlorine activation. The carrier lifetime is an important parameter specifying the electrical activity of a given grain boundary and its effect on device operation. In order to carry out such measurements a high spatial resolution (few nanometres) must be combined with excellent temporal resolution (a few picoseconds) the technical demands for which have only recently been overcome. We will carry out the very first measurements of grain boundary carrier lifetimes in CdTe thin-film solar cells using the new Attolight scanning electron microscope recently installed at EPFL, Switzerland. This is the only scientific instrument of its kind in the world capable of carrying out such analyses. We will also explore the relative effectiveness of different chlorine activation routes (i.e. standard activation using solid CdCl2 and gas activation methods) for passivating grain boundaries. This has important long term commercial benefits such as the production of efficient CdTe thin-film solar cells as well as reducing the environmental impact of the chlorine activation process

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