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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number EP/L026686/1
Title SPONSORSHIP AWARD: Urban-scale Building Energy Network
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Residential and commercial) 100%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Civil Engineering) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Architecture and the Built Environment) 75%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Other (Energy technology information dissemination) 100%
Principal Investigator Dr J Keirstead
No email address given
Civil and Environmental Eng
Imperial College London
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 30 May 2014
End Date 29 May 2015
Duration 12 months
Total Grant Value £23,281
Industrial Sectors
Region London
Programme NC : Engineering
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr J Keirstead , Civil and Environmental Eng, Imperial College London (99.996%)
  Other Investigator Dr I Brilakis , Engineering, University of Cambridge (0.001%)
Dr C Garnier , Engineering and the Built Environment, Edinburgh Napier University (0.001%)
Dr P Skworcow , Engineering, De Montfort University (0.001%)
Dr SL Walker , Fac of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Newcastle City Council (0.000%)
Project Contact , Laing O'Rourke plc (0.000%)
Project Contact , AECOM (0.000%)
Project Contact , E.ON New Build and Technology Ltd (0.000%)
Project Contact , IRT Surveys (0.000%)
Project Contact , National Energy Action (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract The Climate Change Act 2008 requires a 34% cut in 1990 greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and at least an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050. Residential and commercial buildings account for 25% and 18% of the UK's total CO2 emissions respectively and therefore have a significant role to play in a national decarbonisation strategy. As the UK has some of the oldest and least efficient buildings in Europe, there is substantial scope for improving the efficiency of energy end-use within UK buildings. However efforts to improve building energy efficiency, specifically the thermal efficiency of the building fabric, have to date focused primarily on the analysis and assessment of single properties. The slow uptake of insulation measures through the Green Deal and Energy Companies Obligation testifies to the difficulty of achieving these changes on a house-by-house basis. If the UK is to achieve its energy and climate policy targets, then a more ambitious whole-city approach to building energy improvements is needed. Technical innovations in remote sensing and infrared thermography mean that it is now possible to conduct building efficiency surveys at a mass scale. The challenge is how such data can be improved (for example moving from 2D plan imagery to 3D models of the built environment) and combined with systems analysis tools to inform effective retrofit strategies. The Urban Scale Building Energy Network will investigate this research challenge by bringing together five academic co-investigators with disciplinary expertise from across the building retrofit value chain from remote autonomous sensing to building physics, energy systems design, consumer behaviour and policy. Working with two experienced mentors from the fields of energy systems and building energy services, the co-investigators will undertake a series of activities in collaboration with project partners from industry and government to better understand the research challenge and develop roadmaps for future research. The activities include:- Two workshops and a series of bilateral meetings for the academic team to learn about each other's expertise and how it can be coordinated and brought to bear on the research challenge. The project mentors will play a crucial role here, helping the co-investigators to create personal development plans that will build both technical and non-technical skills for successful careers. - A workshop with over 20 representatives from government and industry to discuss previous experience and the perceived obstacles to more ambitious building energy retrofits.- An active online communications strategy incorporating a project website, YouTube videos, and a Twitter hashtag campaign in order to engage the general public and understand how households and commercial building occupants understand the challenge of transforming the UK's building stock.- A feasibility study to summarize the state of the art in new sensing technologiesand analysis techniques forbuilding thermal energy performance assessment and to identify major outstanding challenges for future research proposals. The proposed network will therefore facilitate collaboration between academics, industry, government and the general public to address a question of great national importance. The project outputs will help to create a wider understanding of the specific challenges facing the UK's aspirations for the transformation of its building stock as well as highlighting potentially fruitful avenues for research. The network therefore aspires to build upon this twelve-month programme of work and develop significant long-term research collaborations with benefits for academic knowledge, society and the wider economy.

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Added to Database 11/04/14