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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_CAD0068
Title I-0342 Cumbrian Hydrogen vision and pathway – Phase 1 Feasibility
Status Completed
Energy Categories Hydrogen and Fuel Cells(Hydrogen, Other infrastructure and systems R&D) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 40%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Environmental dimensions) 20%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Consumer attitudes and behaviour) 20%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Technology acceptance) 20%;
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Cadent Gas
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 January 2021
End Date 31 July 2021
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £43,158
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Cadent Gas (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (0.001%)
Project Contact , Cadent Gas (99.999%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Cadent Gas (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_CAD0068
Objectives This project looks to use experienced contractors who have been responsible for initiating and subsequently developing the HyNet NW hydrogen/CCUS into one of the UKs leading clusters to develop a vision and subsequent pathway for hydrogen in Cumbria. This vision will encompass hydrogen production, consumption, storage and infrastructure. Subsequently the Pathway will lay out a credible and achievable plan in stages taking account of existing plans and projects in the county and NW, technology readiness, location availability, anticipated consenting challenges, and Government policy to support hydrogen and therefore underpin investment. This project can be broken down into two main work packages which are:1. An initial stage which will consider the future Vision for Hydrogen supply and demand in Cumbria, economic and technical viability, and the deliverability and potential economic viability of that Vision2. A more detailed analysis of physical and natural assets, site locations, utilisation of existing distribution and transmission networks including potential repurposing and broader capability, leading to a proposed development Pathway of enabling policy, strategy, action and deliverable projects that will enable growth of supply and enable demand. o Generate a Pathway of actions, enablers and projects that will form the future hydrogen economy for Cumbriao Will propose how an integrated partnership of industrial and regional stakeholders and businesses can take forward the identified opportunitieso And quantify the regional economic and social value generated by the growth of a new hydrogen economy in Cumbria. The Phase 1 initial study will comprise analysis of;Potential hydrogen demand in Cumbria and the wider North / North West / UK Preliminary options for Hydrogen production in Cumbria; Blue hydrogen production Green hydrogen production from offshore wind and other renewables Hydrogen production from nuclear Hydrogen storage opportunities and optionsHydrogen infrastructure – connecting the opportunities for repurposing/linking networksCumbria and beyond including connection to HyNetUnderstanding the natural clusters in Cumbria and linkagesIdentify Safety and Environmental concerns that are anticipated to be prevalent within the group of stakeholders and communities most affected, and how these will be addressedSupply Chains, Skills and Capability – high level view of existing and future needs High level view of the potential economic and social value for Cumbria Creation of a Vision document that builds on this preliminary analysis, with the engagement of local stakeholders Planning for the Part 2 Study to develop the forward Roadmap in more detail.Subject to positive outcomes from the Phase 1 study a second subsequent phase, building on that work will be initiated. It will be funded separately and its scope will compromise of; To confirm the potential sub regional hydrogen demand in Cumbria and the wider North / North West / UK identifying how a Cumbrian hydrogen network would link with the wider NW; Provide a clear view of current infrastructure in the different parts of Cumbria which might be established or repurposed to enable supply, transport, storage and industrial use of hydrogen and associated carbon; Based on the analysis of existing infrastructure, to determine which areas represent the most attractive for the development of sources of hydrogen supply and a hydrogen network; Explore the technical and organisationalissues associated with the use of hydrogen to reduce CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and to provide guidance on its potential as an emissions reduction approach; Determine how the use of hydrogen in industry might function as an enabler for the wider use of hydrogen in the natural gas network to supply both the commercial and domestic sectors; Consider the alignment with R&D and Innovation activity associated with Hydrogen in the North that will enable the programme, in particular the NP11 Clean Growth Strategy and N8 Universities Hydrogen focus; Determine the potential for the use of hydrogen in power generation (large and small local scale) and to give consideration to the role this might have in managing seasonal and daily supply and demand fluctuations; Provide guidance on the most cost-effective configuration for low carbon hydrogen production, supply and transport in the selected area, recognising technical, commercial, market and financing issues; Scope the practicality of CCS infrastructure for a standalone project not predicated on major infrastructure created as part of a major power generation scheme, given the uncertainty in current policy; and Outline the next steps to advance towards first deliverable projects proposition; o Pathway of actions, enablers and projects that will form the future Hydrogen economy for Cumbria taking account of other Clean Energy developments (Offshore wind, nuclear, community energy)o Will propose how an integrated partnership of industrial, academic and regional stakeholders and businesses can take forward the identified opportunitieso And quantify the regional economic and social value, and carbon and emissions reduction benefits generated by the growth of a new Hydrogen Economy in Cumbria. The objective of this project is to create a vision and a pathway that assesses the key drivers for the creation of a hydrogen system in Cumbria. This projects objectives are to look at and develop the following areas, which are: The potential for substantial local value creation as a regional supplier of HydrogenThe Irish Sea and coastline offer opportunities for generation at scale of “blue” hydrogen with CCUS and “green” hydrogen from intermittent renewablesThe nuclear energy heritage, capability and presence of key stakeholders provides an opportunity to deploy new technology (eg SMR, AMR, HTR) for both baseload power and hydrogen generation And, opportunities for hydrogen infrastructure given existing physical assetso Local hydrogen and CO2 storage site development in geological structureso Adjacency opens the potential to connect to HyNet being developed in the Cheshire-Liverpool-Manchester-North East Wales regionso National Grid GT infrastructure running through the county could be repurposed for long distance hydrogen transmission in the futureo And mitigation options given the relative weakness in the existing electricity power grid networkClean Energy investments in offshore wind, nuclear and hydrogen will enable a whole energy system “Clean Energy Cluster” which will stimulate new growth in jobs, skills and investment throughout the Clean Energy and Hydrogen supply chains. The objective to create an ambitious coherent Vision and Pathway towards a hydrogen economy in Cumbria, which will demonstrate the viability of hydrogen as a feasible and affordable route to decarbonising a predominantly rural and physically large county. The project will identify the actions for stakeholders and investors to accelerate progress towards making this happen and establish what next steps could look like.
Abstract The objective of this project is to create a vision and a pathway that assesses the key drivers for the creation of a hydrogen system in Cumbria.

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Added to Database 02/11/22