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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGET0127
Title EPRI Research Collaboration on Information and Communication Technology.
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Electricity Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 April 2013
End Date 01 January 2015
Duration 21 months
Total Grant Value £2,364,209
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Electricity Transmission (100.000%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_NGET0127
Objectives The overarching objective of this programme of research is to facilitate the integration of smarter network management and monitoring devices in a way that doesn’t compromise security at best value. IntelliGrid Coordination, Analysis and Technology Transfer EPRI Project PS161A: Smart Grid Standards and Communication Technology Tracking and Analysis: Track industry and government activities relating to smart grid interoperability and communications standards, and provide an analysis of how these activities could impact utilities and how they can best prepare; Track communications technology advances and their impact on utility applications; and Contribute EPRI R&D results to relevant industry and government efforts, such as the NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP), Open SG, and standards development activities. Realized Impact and Benefits from Smart Deployments To work closely with utilities that have deployed smart grid technologies or applications and capture the actual costs and realized impacts and benefits of the deployment. Utility Enterprise Architecture To capture best practices from utilities that have been successful with EA (Enterprise Architecture) and apply that learning to utilities that are just getting started to accelerate the adoption and benefits of EA. Information and Communication Technology for Smart Transmission Systems EPRI Project PS161B: Common Information Model (CIM) for Transmission - Development and Implementation Develop requirements and explore solutions for integrating data and applications that are key to effective operation of future transmission systems Synchrophasor Communication Infrastructure and Data Management Monitor and assess the adequacy of current communications infrastructure To investigate data management issues that may arise Integration of Internal and External Data Sources to Support Transmission Operations, Planning and Maintenance Identify benefits and costs of implementing each use case investigated, including any effort to restructure the data to accommodate the geospatial information linkages Specific deliverables for the whole ICT programme include newsletters that track and provide analysis on the most significant developments in interoperability and communications standards; information on the actual costs and realized impacts of advanced metering deployments; industry best practices in Enterprise Architecture; development and harmonization of the Common Information Model as well as educational material and implementation strategies of the key smart grid standards; applications based on the CIM such as the Network Model Manager, Field Force Data Visualization, and Standards-Based Data Integration; development of an overall plan to create an open and interoperable AMI system; and development of tools to help members improve the quality of Geospatial Information System (GIS) data. The outcomes from both projects are shared during the annual EPRI Dissemination Event and by National Grid through the ENA website.
Abstract The Worldwide electricity industry recognises that there are parallel challenges within the field of electricity transmission which are more economically investigated and addressed through collaborative learning and knowledge generation among key industry stakeholders. The Electric Power Research Institution (EPRI), with its wide international membership, takes a key role in determining and delivering the most impactful R&D projects. This portfolio of work is focused on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which address key aspects of National Grid’s Innovation Strategy. Utilities are increasingly deploying monitoring, communications, computing, and information technologies to enable grid modernization applications such as wide area monitoring and control, integration of bulk or distributed renewable generation, distribution automation, and demand response. Companies face significant challenges when deploying these technologies, including selecting the technologies that best meet current and future business needs and regulatory requirements, while minimizing the risk of early obsolescence and vendor lock-in; creating an overall architecture that integrates the many intelligent devices, communications networks, and enterprise systems to leverage resources and provide information to all users; mining and managing the tremendous amount of data that is generated, converting the data into actionable information, and effectively presenting the information to the people who need to take action; managing a growing network of intelligent devices that have different capabilities and use different protocols and data formats in a way that optimizes performance; and ensuring that the workforce has the skills necessary to design, operate, and maintain equipment and systems that use new technologies Research EPRI is a non-profit organization which facilitates a variety of research projects relating to ICT within the electricity industry. These collaborative projects bring together scientists, engineers and academic experts in the industry to help assess recognised challenges within the field. EPRI’s approach in managing collaborative projects is beneficial to provide National Grid with valuable information, learning and knowledge which would be more expensive to formulate on an individual basis. On an annual basis we work with EPRI to select a portfolio of projects which is made available to all collaborators; this annual portfolio review includes an overview of the project’s research value, the approach and alignment of objectives with the needs of and priorities for the GB Electricity Transmission Network. Each project that is chosen for National Grid to join is reviewed and agreed through our governance processes with authority for sanctioning innovation projects within the Company. Of the 4 Information and Communication Technology projects put forward by EPRI members for the 2013/14 programme, National Grid has identified 2 of particular value to the GB Transmission system. EPRI Project PS161A: Intelligrid Coordination, Analysis and Technology Transfer, and EPRI Project PS161B: Information and Communications Technology for Smart Transmission Systems The approach for providing value in the ICT program involves multiple strategies: Tracking and Analysis Build on IntelliGrid staff involvement in industry-related activities to provide insight and analysis. Industry Best Practices and Lessons Learned Document utility experiences as they implement early-generation technologies and applications and core grid-modernisation technologies. Experiences are captured through utility immersions, interviews and case studies. Industry Leadership Help advance the industry toward open and interoperable devices and systems. Laboratory Testing Conduct work in EPRI laboratories that enables detailed assessment of emerging standards, equipment and software performance and communications architectures. Field Demonstrations Perform full-scale deployments of emerging standards and communications technologies. Technology Transfer Utilise a variety of approaches to share research results, including technical reports, white papers, newsletters, webcasts, and workshops.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 14/08/18