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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGGT0174
Title CH4RGE – Methane Reduction from Gas Equipment (Stage 2)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Electricity Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 May 2021
End Date 31 March 2022
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £82,098
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Electricity Transmission (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Electricity Transmission (0.001%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NGGT0174
Objectives The scope and deliverables which form this PEA application comprise 4.2 Options Selection, progressing into early 4.3 Conceptual Design Development; these are the next incremental stages of what is planned to be a long-term engineering project programme aligned to the ND 500 delivery model. The overall programme will assess the feasibility, conceptual and detailed design requirements of prospective BAU emissions capture solutions, leading to a pilot on the NTS, allowing full evaluation of effectiveness/costs and development of a roll out plan. This second stage will apply a continuation of the successful first stage methodology and utilise the same delivery team. The stage 2 funding will enable all elements commenced in stage one to be developed further and allow work to start on key new tasks which will enable continuation of the overall objective.Scope elements (divided into Work Packages):1. Project management and Stage 2 launch / engagement workshop, including refresh of steering group membership and terms of reference.2. Final FEED (Front End Engineering Design) scoping workshop (with Design Assurance Engineers), including management of the process to completion, launch and evaluate the FEED call-off tender and subsequently working with the identified FEED partner organisation to support their PEA application.3. Ongoing programme management, including holding an ND 500 Process Workshop, to conclude the required alignment and governance of the project under the hybrid ND 500 innovation model; this being the first innovation project to target delivery under this approach. This will also be a key stage to secure buy-in from the necessary stakeholder groups including the project delivery team.4. Continued refinement and development of the Project Scope Document for issue as part of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) call-off. This will be updated with Stage 2 learning and the detailed outputs of the ND500 mapping workshop. 5. Development and launch of the OEM Request For Proposal (RFP), which will be focused on a gap analysis of the Request For Information (RFI) returns received to date to minimise time required to prepare and also reduce the input requirements for the participants. Global Procurement have advised a framework call-off as being the most efficient way to do this; we will manage the steering group inputs to review and evaluate the return and collate and present recommendations for approval. The potential impact of hydrogen, and the future transition of the NTS, on the equipment proposed will be considered and a high-level evaluation undertaken.6. Engagement with NGs digital team to commence corporate and social media messaging around the CH4RGE project, including external CH4RGE sub-pages on the gas website. This will support corporate messaging around the journey towards Net Zero and help CH4RGE to achieve brand presence as a key part of NGs Net Zero roadmap.7. Continued development of venting calculator public beta including further site data gathering, analysis and service support in preparation of embedding the new tool as BAU.8. Consideration of how a potential transition to a hydrogen based NTS could impact on supplier equipment and how CH4RGE solutions can be future-proofed against such a transition. 9. Review of potential future funding mechanisms which could be deployed to ensure a successful pilot of one or more technologies, and any future wider roll out as BAU.10. Preparation of NIA Project Summary Report (Stage 2). 11. Project stage close-out and review of lessons learnt.12. Production of dissemination materials. Regular engagement and decision workshopping with NGG project teams at key stages to determine the direction of the project and its ongoing viability. N.B. the desk-based nature of the work minimises the risk of any continuing COVID-19 delays or programme impact.  The scope of this study is to continue to develop the successful CH4RGE programme through feasibility and into conceptual design, as part of a programme to deliver innovative technologies designed to reduce methane emissions from gas compressor machinery trains (CMTs) (and associated ancillary systems). As the UK progresses towards Net Zero by 2050, NG must minimise methane emissions. The energy sector at a European and international level is also taking the transition to low carbon energy networks seriously and are holding producers and gas transporters to account, this direction of travel has strengthened since the initial CH4RGE sanction in April 2020. NGG are seeking to demonstrate Net Zero commitments as customers and shareholders will demand to see where efforts are being made, and to see greater transparency in the dissemination of any associated financial savings. This has been evidenced by the priority which has been placed on Net Zero / transitional network solutions by Ofgem within the RIIO-T2 framework. Stage 1 of CH4RGE has validated a clear need case. Planned investment in new Best Available Technology (BAT) Compressor Machinery Trains (CMT) and associated reductions in reliance (plus decommissioning) of legacy assets will lead to lower seal gas losses in particular. However, CH4RGE research has shown that a technology floor will prevail. Regardless of hearts and minds operational practice improvements, a technology solution is unequivocally required to capture residual emissions, achieving a key transitional Net Zero gain ahead of 2050. This equipment will continue to be required until a full shift to a hydrogen based NTS is complete, this is beyond the short / medium term and past the design life of new assets potentially realised as a result of CH4RGE; this is no regrets investment. Our continued reliance on a methane NTS for the foreseeable future requires technological solutions which can be installed easily as new (or retrofitted to exiting equipment) and be capable of ready integration with existing systems. Following the OEM RFI it is clear that such systems exist and are being actively taken through TRLs by the suppliers, we must now confirm the integration and compliance requirements in order to prepare for a safe, effective and knowledge building pilot. The pathway to 2050 is as important as the end goal and requires that we reduce emissions as quickly as possible; it is clear now that CH4RGE, if supported on a continuing basis under the NIA, is capable of cost effectively and quickly fulfilling this brief. The OEM RFI indicates a degree of readiness and willingness to pilot a range of technologies which are in the latter stages of development and could provide solutions to seal gas losses and planned venting losses. For the first time, these solutions bring the prospect of BAU methane capture from suppliers with proven capability in delivering technologies which will not impact on the availability or security of supply of the compressor network. In some cases, these technologies are undergoing pilot trials, although none on the UK NTS. This confirms the market is seeking viable solutions for gas recapture and re-pressurisation for which real life utilisation and success could be demonstrated. It is essential that NGG becomes an early adopter in this field to maintain its global reputational position. The cost case is explored below. Initial quantification of methane losses indicates that a reduction potential exists across the network of ~700,000 tCO2e over a nominal 20 year period, even when applying restrictive assumptions on the potential applicability of sites and equipment (e.g. focusing on existing and planned dry low emission compressors and electric drives, only at higher utilisation sites). Overall, this project has the potential to deliver financial return, but also key environmental, sustainability, reputational and societal benefits aligned to RIIO-T2 objectives. 1) To deliver the CH4RGE Net Zero programme through feasibility and into conceptual design, during which period a FEED consultant will be onboarded and the formal OEM framework call off will be launched. 2) To deliver and maintain project momentum, in order to capitalise on potentially available funding mechanisms to support pilot and full scale roll out. 3) To further the high degree of engagement seen to date internally, creating a brand presence for CH4RGE as the leading Net Zero transition toolset in the UK GT and distribution sector.
Abstract Emissions Reduction - Capture and re-utilisation of vented gas. CH4RGE Phase 2 development, incl preparation of FEED for site trials of chosen technology for emissions capture solutions

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Added to Database 19/10/22