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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGN_110
Title T Shale - Part One (scenarios)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Non-conventional oil and gas production) 50%;
Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 50%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Northern Gas Networks
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 January 2015
End Date 01 July 2017
Duration 30 months
Total Grant Value £126,500
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region Yorkshire & Humberside
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Business Modelling Associates (BMA) (0.001%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_NGN_110
Objectives The objectives of the project are: To deliver a final report on the project research findingsTo produce feasibility report for the connection of the Bowland shale basin to the existing Northern Gas Network infrastructure. The research final report will summarise the findings, results and outcomes of the research into the connection of shale gas development to the GB gas network infrastructure. The report will cover the following areas: Technical - Research viable connection scenarios, incorporating best practice and lessons learned for shale gas development in the United StatesCommercial - Develop high level cost estimates against viable scenariosRegulatory - Review the current safety, environmental, planning, gas industry standards and network license conditions and assess them for suitability against the identified, viable connection scenariosSchedule - Review timescales for infrastructure development to accommodate connections for shale gas development The feasibility report for the connection of the Bowland shale basin to the existing Northern Gas Network infrastructure will contain the following information: Viable connection scenariosCost estimates against viable scenariosTimescales for viable scenariosRanking methodology for ranking scenariosIdentification of regulatory actions required The success of the project will be measured against the following criteria: Research final reportThe research final report will deliver the following information: Technical - Identifying and ranking the viable scenarios for connecting shale gas development to the GB gas infrastructure from a technical perspectiveCommercial - Providing cost estimates (+/- 30%) against the top 5 viable technical scenariosRegulatory - Identifying gaps in the current safety, environmental, planning, gas industry standardsSchedule - Providing indicative programmes for the top 5 viable technical scenariosFeasibility study for the connection of the Bowland shale basin to the existing Northern GasNetwork infrastructureThe feasibility study will deliver the following informationViable connection scenarios, ranked in order of overall suitabilityCost estimating (+/- 30%) of all identified scenariosIndicative programmes for all connection scenariosRanking methodology for developed scenariosTable identifying regulatory actions required to accommodate each viable connection scenarioSchedule - Providing indicative programmes for the top 5 viable technical scenariosOptimum Solution - Provide recommendations for the optimum solution for the connection of the Bowland shale basin to the Northern Gas Network infrastructure
Abstract There has been an increase in potential production of on-shore unconventional gas sources in the UK in recent years. This brings potential benefits in terms of security of supply, facilitation of the transition to a low carbon economy and direct customer benefit from access to the wider energy market. However, there are significant challenges to address if these benefits are to be realised. Key amongst these is how GB’s gas transportation system and the associated commercial and regulatory framework can be most efficiently utilised, developed and operated to support these developments. At present there is a general lack of understanding of the technical, commercial, regulatory and timelines between the shale gas exploration and production companies, and the gas transmission and distribution networks. Furthermore good practice and mistakes can be learned by looking at how the transportation infrastructure has developed in other countries to accommodate shale gas development. In 2014 NGNs were unsuccessful in their NIC ‘T-Shale’ project bid. OFGEM requested that the original NIC bid should be broken down into smaller more manageable NIA projects. This project is the first of three smaller NIA projects. Northern Gas Networks will undertake a programme of research, utilising gas industry experts and independent experts in the shale gas industry, to provide an assessment of the challenges to be faced in connecting shale gas production to the gas transportation infrastructure in GB. The research will address the following areas. Technical assessment of the physical challenges faced in connecting shale gas development to the existing GB gas transportation infrastructureCommercial assessment of the costs associated with the viable technical solutionsRegulatory assessment of the current gas transportation standards and policies to identify actions required to accommodate the connection of shale gas development to the GB gas transportation infrastructureInternational investigation and learning to identify best practice and lessons learned for compatible gas transportation infrastructure development to accommodate shale gas developmentNorthern Gas Networks will also undertake a feasibility study to identify the optimum solution for connecting the Bowland shale basin to the NGN networkNote : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 17/12/18