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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGN_360
Title Supporting Off-Grid Communities
Status Started
Energy Categories Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Demographics) 50%;
Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Environmental, social and economic impacts) 50%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields SOCIAL SCIENCES (Sociology) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Northern Gas Networks
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 July 2023
End Date 31 August 2024
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £174,897
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region Yorkshire & Humberside
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Northern Gas Networks (99.999%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) plc (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NGN_360
Objectives The project will: Identify the current and likely future policy and regulatory frameworks within which decisions about the decarbonisation of off-grid communities will be made Aim to fully understand the nature of the identified off-grid communities from a physical, social, cultural and infrastructural perspective Identify and assess all possible decarbonisation solutions for the case study communities, considering technical, financial, social, cultural and geographical barriers Engage with up to 30 households living off grid in the case study locations to understand the full range of energy demands associated with their lifestyles and gain their feedback on the acceptability, practicability and affordability of the identified decarbonisation solutions. Engage with key stakeholders to inform a final assessment of most viable and replicable options and develop recommendations. Identification of full system decarbonisation, for example, how do we link connections to the requirements for EV/H2/delivery vehicles. Explore whether there are assets within the case study communities which could be harnessed to decarbonisation and future energy provision options. To support the delivery of the project, the following will be undertaken: Evaluate the effectiveness of the DNOs and GDNs existing capabilities and procedures against regulatory requirements and expectations detailed in OFGEMs Consumer Vulnerability Strategy to support vulnerable customers and communities in off grid settings. Assess the GDNs existing or planned ability to deliver enhanced commitments they may have made within their RIIO-2 submission. Where relevant, the evaluation will highlight gaps in existing or planned capability and offer recommendations on how these could be mitigated. Recommendations will include items for direct DNO/GDN action and how the DNOs/GDNs could interact with the regulator to influence future strategy. Examples of good practice will also be identified and assessed to investigate how these could be further improved to enhance performance. We will explore the likely impact of energy transition options (beyond 2026) on off-grid households and communities by undertaking a broad literature review and engaging with professional stakeholders to identify the technologies most likely to be deployed in the UK. In addition, their viability in off grid settings and their implications for host communities, particularly the most vulnerable amongst them, and DNOs/GDNs will also be assessed. Based on the findings, recommendations for maximising the impact of these technologies on the resilience of the network as a whole is also planned, which will in turn enhance provision to vulnerable customers and communities living in off grid settings. The following outlines how the project will meet measurement and data quality objectives, in line with RIIOGD2 NIA governance requirements and ENIP; including the measurement procedures and techniques, and mechanisms to ensure the traceability, reliability and comparability of the measurement result. There will be a number of outputs associated with this project focusing on two specific areas, technical and social. Success from a social research integrity point of view involves capturing a detailed understanding of current and future energy needs and aspirations from a diverse range of up to 30 households living in remote rural locations. This will rely on the support of NGN and NPG to help identify and connect with community groups within off grid communities. From a technical perspective it will be the production of options, which will be presented, discussed and agreed with NGN and NPG at key touchpoints throughout the project to ensure that nothing which is either technically or financially unachievable or does not meet the scope is produced. CRESR will hold the data (including personal data used to profile respondents) for research participants (professional stakeholders and residents) who we engage with as part of the project. As holders of framework agreements with multiple UK government departments and the NHS, CRESR maintain accreditation to the highest standards of Information Governance. CRESR have full accreditation through the NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit and Cyber Essentials accreditation, and all personal data will be handled in line with the requirements enforced by these accreditations. Data will be captured through meetings and interviews. Specific addresses of individuals will not be referenced, and findings will, where possible, be generalised. This will ensure that GDPR regulations are not contravened. No personal identifying data will be generated via this project. The project will evaluate potential decarbonised solutions for specific off grid community scenarios within NGN/NPgs geographys, therefore will not be directly applicable to other GDN/DNO customers, however the output report will provide recommendations and knowledge that will be transferrable Data Collection/Interrogation Production of archetypes, user profiles, identify household and community level factors Establishment of Stakeholder Panel Engage with ~30 households across the case study locations Modelling and Energy Provision Options Report detailing the decarbonisation options identified A series of simplified explanations of the main options and possible pros and cons will be produced to support consultation with households Conclusions and Recommendations Final report incl. preferred solutions Presentation of final report and any amendments made Identify end users for the research Fully understand the nature of the identified off-grid communities from a physical, social, cultural, economic and infrastructural perspective. Detailed profiling of the off-grid stock within the geographical region to be considered, including occupants and the community context in which they operate, property types and current energy arrangements. To be completed ensuring that Stages 3&4 are evidence based and set firmly in context. Establish a stakeholder panel to represent key stakeholders and provide insights into the needs, experiences and preferences of off-grid communities (government, regulators, DNOs, those representing end users). Utilise the data generated to identify and assess all possible decarbonisation solutions for the case study communities, considering technical, financial, social, cultural and geographical factors. The options identified should take account of technical feasibility, cost, end user needs and lifestyles (present and future) and fairness to occupants, particularly more vulnerable households in or at risk of FP. Identify potential decarbonisation solutions, consider whether there are any by-products, such as manure, that might be used as an asset in this context. As part of this assessment, any additional added value which could be leveraged by specific solutions for the community at large will be considered and presented, for example, H2 production from a farm has the potential to create a refuelling hub to facilitate H2 mobility. Return to a representative sub-set (~10) of the 30 households living off grid in the case study locations to gain their feedback on the acceptability, practicability and affordability of the identified decarbonisation solutions. Engage with the stakeholder panel to help inform a final assessment of the most viable and replicable options, taking account of occupants perspectives. Use all data to generate recommendations identifying the most beneficial and fair solutions for different property types, their occupants and the wider communities in which they sit. Aim to identify full system decarbonisation, for example, how do can domestic connections be linked to personal, societal and commercial requirements, including future reliance on for EV/H2 vehicles. It is acknowledged that these solutions may benefit more than one community and unlock further investments. Assess the decarbonisation solutions explored for the case study communities, considering technical, financial, social, cultural, geographic and logistical factors. Wider replicability and likely timelines for deployment will also be considered.
Abstract Currently, there are circa 2,000 properties across the UK that are off-grid, meaning they are without access to both electricity and gas mains/ grid connections. A range of socio-economic challenges are faced by people living off-grid, including being at greater risk of fuel poverty, and struggling to adequately heat their homes. Network Operators are seeking to better understand the realities and practicalities of decarbonizing off-grid properties and the likely impacts on occupants. Objectives of the project are as follows: Identify policy and regulatory frameworks within which decisions about the decarbonisation of off-grid communities will be made Understand the nature of off-grid communities from a physical, social, cultural and infrastructural perspective Review possible decarbonisation solutions for off-grid communities, considering technical, financial, social, cultural and geographical barriers

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Added to Database 01/11/23