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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGSO0013
Title Flexibility and Resource Adequacy for System Planning
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Energy system analysis) 90%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 10%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields SOCIAL SCIENCES (Business and Management Studies) 70%;
PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Computer Science and Informatics) 10%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 20%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid plc
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 March 2018
End Date 01 June 2019
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £110,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid plc (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , National Grid plc (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_NGSO0013
Objectives EPRI research projects typically span multiple years. This EPRI project work stream PS173C will build on existing work to date to investigate and develop novel tools and methods. The following tasks are planned during 2018 and the proposed methodologies to pursue them are outlined below: InFLEXion tool improvement: This task will involve refinement of the Inflexion system flexibility assessment tool to include usability and functionality improvements based on user feedback, an updated version will then be released. The System Operator team will review the tool, evaluate its capabilities and various flexibility/reliability insights it produces, thereby assessing whether it could inform the network access planning process and operational flexibility mechanism strategy. Resource adequacy: This task focuses on developing updated methods to assess the capacity value of resources such as energy storage (continuing 2017 work), wind and solar generation, and conventional generation (including dependence on external factors such as fuel availability and temperature dependence, particularly relevant in light of increased reliance on gas generation and the potential for gas delivery issues). In many cases, heuristic values are used for the capacity values of both wind and solar generation in planning margin studies, Distributed Energy Resources (DER) are also not well considered. As these technologies continue to grow and contribute to capacity needs, a more effective means of assessing the contribution from these resources will be needed to ensure the risk of capacity shortfalls is appropriately identified in studies. The development of more appropriate assessments of resources capacity value as part of this project is expected to provide National Grid, as the System Operator, with a more accurate view of the risk of load curtailment. Resource expansion: The third task focuses on supporting network planners to resolve any shortfalls in capacity or flexibility in future power systems. Should the metrics identify a deficit, planners are faced with the challenge of either determining what the best solution should be, or determining how to incentivize an appropriate investment response. Given the interaction between the capacity and flexibility needs from new resources, this task focuses on reviewing the current expansion evaluation process used in the international energy sector, particularly considering the increased need for flexibility. Based on the outcome of this review, the project seeks to investigate and develop methods to identify optimal expansion and/or operational practice changes, to mitigate the identified risks. The findings are expected to be relevant to further inform National Grids System Operator strategy, and guide the processes and mechanisms to manage capacity and flexibility whilst operating the GB system. This project work stream PS173C under the EPRI program173 consists of a sub-project “P173.012: Flexibility and Resource Adequacy for System Planning” under which the above tasks will be carried out and outcomes delivered. This projects scope focuses on addressing the research areas of understanding energy resource adequacy, and the approaches for resource expansion as the GB power system faces more installed penetration of wind, solar photovoltaic (PV) generation and energy storage. The project proposes methods and tools for network planners which consider the operational flexibility and resource adequacy needs of systems with increased penetration of variable generation. The variability and uncertainty related to wind and solar PV will require increased levels of operational flexibility to be accounted for in the planning timeframe and that capacity is available to meet a less predictable net load profile. This evolution of the GB power system requires updated metrics, methods and tools which can accurately assess the requirements, needs and solutions to enable the System Operator to better respond to operational challenges and access flexible mechanisms when necessary to do so. The R&D efforts in this EPRI research project work stream PS173C aim to achieve the following objectives under its sub-project as outlined. These are expected to enhance National Grids knowledge of these research areas, to aid with improving its transmission planning, security of supply and system operation capabilities.The long-term objective of this EPRI research project is to develop planning processes and tools to ensure that systems are designed to facilitate long term renewable integration objectives in the most reliable and economic manner. Specifically, the objectives of the research and development in this project for 2018 will be to: Develop a planning framework, metrics and tools to understand the needs for operational flexibility to manage variability of load and variable generation and for the adequate resource capacity to meet the emerging net load profile. Develop methods to consider how different resources on the system – conventional thermal, hydro generation, demand response, energy storage and transmission resources – interact and provide capacity and flexibility. Develop methods and tools to prioritize investments in new resources (including generation, demand side, storage and transmission) to provide the requisite capacity and flexibility and/or adopting/modifying operational processes. A key outcome from the project is a tool, called InFLEXion, which could be relevant to National Grid as the System Operator and be used by network planners and stakeholders involved in managing operational flexibility and assessing system flexibility issues. The EPRI project will also be sharing the algorithms developed as part of this tool which will allow the System Operator to further assess the techniques developed in the context of GB system operation and future planning strategies.

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Added to Database 02/12/22